Did you know what cap does to your hair?

Hair damage by hat

Does wearing a cap cause hair loss?

If you were to ask us, both men and women experience hair loss every single day. However, when you are blessed with a healthy head of hair, old hair tends to be quickly replaced by new ones. As a result, you don’t notice hair thinning at the crown or other signs of male baldness. 

The hats you wear are not only fashionable but also functional. Hats help in keeping you warm in the winter and help protect your skin from the sun's UV rays in the summer. But many people believe that wearing a hat is bad for hair health. This statement is largely a myth, but certain tight hats and materials may cause some minor damage. 

You might think about whether hats cause hair loss. Our answer is, no. As we discussed above, hair loss is caused by several genetic and hormonal factors, none of which have anything to do with whether or not you are wearing a hat.

Does wearing a hat cause you to lose hair? Numerous urban myths are related to hair loss, with people blaming everything from sunlight exposure to some hair styling products for their thinning hairlines.

If you have worn an extremely tight hat, you would pass out long before it had a chance to affect your hair cell production. However, hats can rarely cause breakage. The most common reason for this would be if the hat had metal or jewel embellishments on its border and your hair became tangled in them. Another reason for breakage would be if you put up your hair very tightly under your hat.

Does wearing a cap slow hair growth?

Although many people claim that wearing a cap slowed their hair growth, there is no scientific evidence for that. Wearing a cap usually doesn’t affect the speed of your hair growth. The pace of your hair growth depends on genetics, hair type, medication, and hair health. However, wearing tight caps, sweating more, not cleaning the cap, and having dandruff can affect overall hair health. The effect is also based on the type of cap you are wearing, when you wear a baseball cap or new beanie it doesn’t cause hair fall. And wearing tight caps can stop blood flow to the hair follicles which ultimately results in hair fall.

Does wearing a cap cause dandruff?

Caps and hats don’t directly cause dandruff but they help in worsening the situation. Dandruff is the formation of a minute white flaky substance on the surface of the scalp and in between hair strands. It causes itching, dry scalp, infections, irritation, and majorly hair fall too. There are various reasons for dandruff to grow. And having dandruff can make your scalp sensitive. And wearing caps or hats continuously can cause sweating on your head and that helps in the formation of dandruff. Apart from that, when you already have dandruff, it gets stuck to your cap or hat, and even though you take treatment and you wear that cap again then your dandruff is back again. And the best remedy to treat dandruff is to give your hair time to breathe and clean it on a regular basis. 

Other causes of hair loss

Let us quickly look at the reasons that cause hair loss in men:

1) Surgery or Illness 

Your recent surgery or serious illness that you are recovering from may be causing hair loss. And this is quite normal. Many people experience dramatic levels of hair loss or hair thinning issues some weeks after their major surgery or after an illness. 

While the level of hair loss might appear excessive, it is no more than a reaction to a specific event and your hair will return to normal after some time.

2) Medications

Some anticoagulants and many chemotherapy drugs that are usually used in cancer treatments are well-known causes of hair loss. The hair usually returns to normal once the medication stops. 

Anti-depressants are also one of the reasons that may result in hair loss and too much vitamin A can have the same effect.

3) Hormonal Imbalances

Testosterone is a hormone in males that are responsible for deeper voices, muscular growth, and performance, amongst other things. When the male body converts testosterone to the less useful dihydrotestosterone or DHT, they can experience hair loss. 

DHT attacks and shrinks the hair follicles which results in hair thinning or hair loss.

4) Thyroid Issues

People suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism often experience hair loss due to a speeding up of the conversion of testosterone to DHT. 

Even people who are undergoing the treatment of thyroid are not immune to the hair loss associated with their condition.

5) Stress 

If you have ever been under a lot of pressure at work or home, you can blame your stress for your hair loss. If you are suffering from excessive physical or emotional stress, it can cause hair to stop growing normally, thus falling out two or three months later. Fortunately, hair loss problems caused due to stress are usually not permanent.

6) Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is the most common autoimmune condition that is also exacerbated by stress. It causes your hair to fall out in round patches on the scalp and elsewhere on the body because of your immune system attacking hair follicles. 

Around 5% of people with alopecia will lose hair on their entire scalp. Typically, in some cases, hair grows back, but it is very much common for hair loss to reoccur.

Take Away

 Excess levels of stress and some medications are conclusively known to retard your hair growth and further promote hair loss. You must cut down on the use of hair spray, hair gels, and styling creams that contain harsh chemical ingredients, which can dry out your scalp and cause the formation of flakes. Also, harsh treatments that you do such as perms, colors, relaxers, etc take a toll on the health of your hair. And consult your dermatologist on a regular basis if you have hair fall problems. If you want to purchase dermatologist-recommended products like Minoxidil, Finasteride, and many more to reduce hair fall, then you can visit our Mars by GHC website.


Is wearing a cap good for hair?

Yes, wearing a cap is good while going out on a hot summer day, until it is loose and let the air flow. If the cap is tight and making your hair heat then it is going to cost you hair fall.

Is it okay to wear cap every day?

It is ok to wear a cap every day, if it is necessary and you should make sure that it fits properly, and not too tight and it is letting the hair flow.


Does wearing a hat cause hair loss? By Healthline, Mar 8, 2019.

Can wearing a hat cause hair loss? By Times Magazine, Jun 17, 2019.

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