PE treatment: foods, exercises, ayurvedic & homoeopathic remedies

Incredible Remedies to Treat PE
What are the Causes of PE?
Symptoms of PE
Home Remedies to Cure PE
Food to help treat PE
Can homoeopathic cure PE?
Is there a Permanent Cure?
Benefits of Ashwagandha tabs
Take Away
Frequently Asked Questions
Lovemaking concerns like PE are relatively common these days. PE is a situation where a man climaxes before he or his partner would have wanted during a lovemaking act. Male who are dealing with PE tend to orgasm within one minute of being stimulated in lovemaking and are usually unable to delay climax.
PE affects as many as 1 out of 3 men and can lead to frustration and pressure. Some men who are suffering from PE may avoid lovemaking acts as a result. But several treatments can help.
You must read on to learn more about home remedies and natural treatment options for PE.
What are the Causes of PE?
They are some common causes of PE:
- Pressure and Tension
- Engaging in a lovemaking act at a too young age
- Excessive indulgence in masturbation or oral lovemaking
- Eating foods that have a hot constitution
- Drinking, smoking and having tobacco
- Increase in the body’s heat because of any reason
All the above reasons cause the nerves and muscles in your genitalia to become weak, which makes it difficult to hold in the semen. Also, there is a decrease in the quality of the seminal fluid being produced, leading to PE.
The amount of pressure that we are subject to daily or any other emotional upheaval can develop PE. Those who are suffering from diabetes might also experience this problem.
Symptoms of PE
Here are some of the common symptoms of PE.
- Almost always climaxing within a minute
- Unable to hold an erection for too long
- Unable to hold climax for more than a minute
- Feeling of tension and frustration while performance
- Performance pressure
- Unable to hold a climax during masturbation
Home Remedies to Cure PE-
Let us talk about some of the best home remedies to cure PE.
1) Zinc Supplements
Zinc promotes a healthy immune system and helps in boosting performance desire. It is also known to increase testo in men, using Zinc over time can ease PE.
2) Pelvic Exercises for PE
Studies have shown that Pelvic floor exercises have helped men who were dealing with PE. It has also helped in increasing tier performance desire with overtime use.
You can check out videos available online and find suitable ones, however, this technique would require you to be consistent as exercise may take a longer time to work.
3) Avoid the lovemaking act for some time
You can take a break from the lovemaking act for a while as PE can make you nervous or tense, try other activities that you and your partner may like, and learn new techniques.
Food to help treat PE-
We have mentioned a list of food you can consume to treat PE
You can take asparagus, carrots, and food rich in vitamins A and C in your daily diet as these food items can help cure PE.
Have asparagus in your diet
Asparagus is one of the best green vegetables, it not only helps in increasing performance drive in men it also helps in lowering the chances of PE. You can either make an Asparagus smoothie in the morning or you can have it as it is, it depends on you and your taste.
Load up on carrots
Most people don't know but Carrots can help in treating PE. Carrots are rich in Carotene and anti-oxidants which improve blood flow during a performance. If you eat Carrots regularly then it can also help treat PE.
You can opt for watermelon
Watermelon is one of the fruits to consume during summer. But not only that watermelon also contains insane amounts of L-arginine, an amino acid that converts into nitric oxide in our body. This helps in relaxing your blood vessels in the pelvic area and improves climax and erection in males.
You can combine ginger and honey
Most people including us consider ginger and honey to be aphrodisiacs which can increase your drive and boost your performance when they are combined. You can easily grate the ginger and apply it to something homely. You must have this mixture and then you will soon be able to see the difference.
Go for green onions
In general, green onion seeds are considered aphrodisiacs which help to assist in reducing PE. These seeds will increase your performance capacity, power, and stamina. So, you can mix some crushed green onion seeds with water and drink the magical solution.
Go Bananas!
Bananas are rich in potassium and they help in increasing blood flow levels. Bananas are also enriched with an enzyme called bromelain that helps in increasing performance in males and decreasing the chances of PE. You can start your day by having a banana.
Opt for Avocado
avocado is known to be a miracle fruit and is very helpful for your well-being. It is rich in vitamins that assist in the regulation of blood flow. Avocado also comprises several healthy fats that give you energy to perform, as well as folic acid. It also helps in your metabolic processes.
This PE food also helps to cure retrograde climax problems, Delayed climax problems and painful climax problems.
Load Up on Walnuts
Walnuts are very healthy and are rich in natural fats and fibre. Walnuts are enriched with anti-oxidants, omega-3, and anti-inflammatory properties, they help inpherti-lity in men and also reduce the chances of PE and Erectile Dysfunction in men.
Eat Dark Chocolate
The Dark Chocolates are also filled with micronutrients that make them a potent aphrodisiac. If you munch on them, it will make you feel good about yourself and feel sensual. It produces endorphins that lower the levels of tension and pressure. Dark chocolate can also positively influence your well-being. This is one of the most important potential sources of anti-oxidants.
Ayurvedic treatment for PE
Ayurveda is India’s traditional healing system and relies on thousands of herbs to treat everything right from diabetes to inflammation. There are certain Ayurvedic medicines like kaunch beej, Kamini vidrawan ras and yauvanamrit Vati that are thought to treat PE when taken in tab form twice daily with lukewarm water. This ayurvedic medicine has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction.
A 2017 lovemaking Medicine research found that men who used Ayurvedic medicine saw a slight, but significant, increase in the time it took to ejaculate during the lovemaking act. Some of the known potential side effects include:
- Stomach pain
- Dizziness
- Mild pain
Chinese Herbal Medicine
A weekly or daily dose of Chinese herbal medicine like Yimusake capsules or Qilin tabs might help in treating PE by boosting performance stamina and improving energy. That same lovemaking Medicine research found that different types of Chinese herbal medicine can increase climax time by about two minutes. A few known potential side effects include:
Stomach pain
Mild pain
Topical creams:
Numerous Over-the-counter (OTC) topical anaesthetic creams contain a numbing agent that can help in treating PE by reducing sensation and delaying climax. You can apply the cream to your genitalia 10 to 15 minutes before the lovemaking act for it to be most effective. The 2017 lovemaking Medicine research has found that topical creams can help increase the time it took to ejaculate by a few minutes. Although generally well-tolerated and anaesthetic creams can cause:
- mild pain
- mild burning sensation
- decreased drive
- a temporary loss of sensitivity
- Extended satisfaction Condoms
If you had preferred not to change your eating habits or use techniques to delay climax, you may be able to increase your climax time and avoid PE problems using special condoms.
These extended satisfaction condoms contain topical anaesthetics that numb your genitalia when worn. During the lovemaking act, this means you might feel a slightly less intense sensation, which helps you to avoid accidentally orgasming too early.
There is no direct scientific proof that these condoms can solve the problem of PE. However, benzocaine which is the active ingredient in most extended satisfaction condoms helps men last longer before ejaculating.
It is quite also possible to delay climax by using a thicker condom, which helps in reducing sensation and helps you avoid orgasming too early.
Science-Backed Treatments
Apart from numerous mineral-rich foods to cure PE, PE prevention techniques and other home remedies, there are several scientific ways by which one can treat PE. Some of the effective treatments include:
Lidocaine sprays, help in reducing sensitivity and avoiding orgasming too early without requiring you to wear a condom.
Lidocaine creams work similarly to lidocaine sprays.
Sertraline, which is a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) can help in delaying orgasm in men with PE, which makes it one of several medications used to treat PE.
Can homoeopathic cure PE?
Homoeopathic medicine for PE is a way to treat people that works very well and is very safe. Homoeopathy is a science that works at the root of a person's illness to make them healthy again. These medicines are easy to take and won't make you get used to them. They are the best and safest way to treat climaxes that happen too early. Several medicines can be used to treat PE. These medicines lengthen the time between lovemaking encounters and improve the health of the genital as a whole.
Is there a Permanent Cure?
Well, we answer that there is no single way to treat or cure PE.
The standard treatment of PE typically includes a few different approaches. There is Psychological therapy that helps address aopposingive thoughts or feelings that may lead to lovemaking issues.
Behavioural therapy like the squeeze and stop-start techniques helps in building a tolerance to the pleasurable sensations that lead to orgasm in males.
Some over-the-counter OTC or prescription creams and sprays might also help in numbing the head of the genital, decreasing sensitivity temporarily.
In a few cases, a doctor might also recommend using some forms of antidepressant tabs to treat PE. Antidepressants like fluoxetine and paroxetine might alter serotonin levels in the body, which could delay your orgasm. However, there is no specific approval for the use of these tabs.
Surge Natural Ashwagandha tabs
Ashwagandha is also known as the king of ayurvedic herbs and is known to improve strength, and performance and boost testo in men. Ashwagandha deals with all types of performance issues which can be both physical and mental.
Benefits of Ashwagandha tabs
Lowers tension levels:
Most performance issues can be due to poor mental health, Ashwagandha tabs help lower pressure and tension making your mood better. It increases the flow of blood in the arteries in the pelvic area making your erection last longer.
Improves performance as it is a natural aphrodisiac:
Ashwagandha is a natural aphrodisiac as it increases nitric oxide in the body making the veins in the genital expand which will help both to have a satisfying performance.
Improves the level of testo in the body:
As men age, their body starts producing less testo, Ashwagandha helps in the creation of testo in men.
Increases the s-perm count:
Studies have shown that Ashwagandha reincreasing s-perm count and quality in men and is also for maintaining men's overall health.
Improves stamina:
Ashwagandha has given proven results to people with low stamina, it has helped their overall performance desire and stamina with time and regular intake.
Take Away
As seen above, there are several ways to cure PE and ashwagandha tabs are ayurvedic methods to treat it.
If you want to purchase our Ashwagandha Product or Performance Kit then you can visit our website of Mars by GHC to order.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Can run cure PE?
Yes, Running and physical activity can cure PE.
2. Do squats help you last longer in bed?
Yes, Squats may also boost blood flow to the pelvic area, intensifying orgasms.
3. Which fruit can stop PE?
Bananas are high in potassium. This relates to the control of blood flow. They also generate bromelain, an enzyme that helps to boost desire and reduce PE.
1. PE - WebMD2. Pelvic Floor Exercises for Endometriosis - WebMD
3. KatyCooperPhD MarrissaMartyn-St JamesPhD EvaKaltenthalerPhD KathDickinsonMA AnnaCantrellMA ShijieRenPhD KevanWylieMD LeilaFrodshamMBChB, MRCoG CatherineHoodBA, BMBCh (oxon), March, 2017
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Management of PE: A Systematic Review
4. Daniel J. DeNoon, Jan 2007 - Spray for PE Helps