Beware of the Disadvantages of Drinking Lemon Water Daily

Know The Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Lemon Water Daily
How is it bad to drink too much lemon water?
Side effects of drinking too much lemon water daily
Lemon juice alternatives
Take Away
Frequently Asked Questions
Well, too much of anything is not good for your health. Read about the negative effects of lemon water here and cut down on how often you drink it.
Is lemon water the first thing you drink in the morning to help you lose weight? Well, this popular morning drink is said to help with digestion, help you lose weight, help your skin, and boost your immune system. But these benefits might not happen if you drink too much lemon water. Drinking too much lemon water can make you sick in many ways.
Yes, lemon is full of important nutrients like protein, fat, carbs, minerals like potassium, and folate. It also adds flavour to water. Oh, and we can't forget vitamin C, either. Vitamin C is one of the main reasons why people drink lemon water. All body tissues need vitamin C to grow, change, and get fixed. But the key is moderation! If you drink too much lemon water, it can cause several problems.
How is it bad to drink too much lemon water?
If it's said that a certain food is good, that doesn't mean you should eat too much of it. It can make you sick. We've all heard that drinking lemon water can help you lose weight, keep you from getting dehydrated, and ease stomach problems. But too much lemon water is bad for you.
Side effects of drinking too much lemon water daily
Here are some negative effects of the excessive use of lemon water:
1. There might be dental decay or enamel loss as a consequence
Lemons are a very acidic kind of citrus fruit. The acidic acidity of lemon juice may cause dentinal hypersensitivity and tooth decay if consumed often and in large amounts. Using a straw to prevent getting lemon juice directly on your teeth, not cleaning your teeth right after you drink lemon juice, and drinking plenty of water are some strategies to halt the decay process.
2. Lemon juice may result in headaches
Citrus fruits can cause headaches and migraines. This may be because lemons generate tyramine, a natural monoamine that often results in headaches. It is advised to consume less lemon juice if you often suffer from severe headaches. Although there is no conclusive evidence, research has linked migraines to the consumption of citrus fruits.
3. It could aggravate heartburn and gastrointestinal problems
Too much citrus fruits may cause digestive issues, heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, and vomiting in some. Therefore, you should visit a doctor before drinking lemon water if you have any symptoms. Those with gastroesophageal reflux illness shouldn't drink excessive amounts of lemon juice (GERD).
4. It could make canker sores worse
Mouth lesions known as canker sores or mouth ulcers are unpleasant, non-contagious, and tiny in size. Mouth ulcers are often brought on by citrus fruits. It is best to avoid lemon juice consumption until mouth ulcers have completely cured.
5. Harmful bacteria thrive on lemon skin
Lemon wedges are often added to lemon-based cocktails in restaurants. Lemons do, however, contain germs that have been linked to hazardous illnesses, according to much research. Instead of adding lemon peels to your drink, it is recommended that you squeeze the lemon into it to minimise the dangers.
6. Can Set Off a Migraine
Citrus foods like lemon may cause migraines in some individuals. Studies show that consuming too much lemon might exacerbate or recur migraines in those who have already had them.
7. Bone Repercussions
The assertion that lemon water has negative effects on bones requires further investigation. The use of huge volumes of lemon juice each morning, however, is said to have negative effects on bones. The oil in the joints is supposed to be slowly absorbed by lemon, which might eventually lead to problems with the bones.
You may switch to a variety of different foods that are rich in vitamin C if you are currently relying on lemon water to meet your daily vitamin C needs.
Lemon juice alternatives
The list of foods high in vitamin C, excluding lemon, is as follows:
Orange is the second most popular food for vitamin C after lemon. But surprise! Oranges have a bit greater vitamin C concentration than a lemon.
Potatoes are a fantastic source of vitamin C and function as an anti-oxidant to help stop cell deterioration.
This vegetable is potent. It contains a variety of minerals in addition to vitamin C, including fibre, iron, calcium, protein, potassium, magnesium, selenium, and vitamins A, B, E, and K.
Kiwi is a fruit rich in calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C, and E, according to research by the US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health.
This tropical fruit's flesh is a rich source of potassium, fibre, and vitamins C, A, E, and K. Hence, it is a wonderful complement to your diet.
Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, amla is a vitamin and mineral powerhouse. It may promote the health of your immune system and digestive system since it is one of the best sources of vitamin C.
Strawberries are incredibly beneficial to both your skin and general wellness. This crimson, juicy fruit is full of fibre and anti-oxidants and is a great source of vitamin C.
Take Away
As long as you consume it in moderation, you shouldn't have too many concerns if you like sipping a hot cup of lemon water before bed or in the morning. However, adverse consequences from drinking lemon water with honey in the morning are quite uncommon. But if you want to utilise lemon juice as medicine, be sure to discuss this with your doctor as well, just to be cautious. Additionally, think about avoiding or reducing the quantity of lemon juice you consume if you suffer any of the aforementioned negative effects or additional negative effects of drinking lemon water every day.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How do I know that my body is detoxing?
- tension.
- Irritability.
- Body pain.
- Tremors.
- Changes in appetite.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Diarrhoea.
- Fatigue.
2. Is lemonade just lemon juice?
Lemonade is a refreshing drink made from lemon juice, sugar, and water.
3. Is lemon water good for the kidneys?
Lemons contain citrate, which helps reduce calcium buildup and the formation of kidney stones.
- Giovanna Mosaico1 and Cinzia Casu, Jul 2018, Particular dental erosion
- Mirosław Jarosz and Anna Taraszewska, Oct 2014, Risk factors for gastroesophageal reflux disease: the role of diet