What is Saggy Skin?

Causes of Saggy Skin
It is a common sight to see people having saggy skin on their upper arms, thighs, abdomen and breasts. The sagging of the skin is due to the reduction in skin elasticity and is caused by various factors.
Sagging arm skin occurs because of age, pregnancy or weight loss as fat diminishes from the armpits and upper arms. You can reduce this by building strong muscles. Stronger muscles will allow you to lift more weight, burn more calories and help you achieve a leaner look.
The main workout that has been shown to help reduce saggy arm skin is resistance training. Resistance training involves the use of weights for increasing muscle strength and endurance.
Just as every woman is different, every woman's sagging skin is different. Obviously, genetics play a huge role, but that doesn't mean there aren't some common reasons for saggy skin. Keep in mind, though, just because you have one of the following does not necessarily mean you'll end up with droopy skin. It's just a possibility based on certain factors.
Additionally, when we eat a high fat or high carbohydrate diet, it leads to an accumulation of plaques in our blood vessels and thus increases the occurrence of wrinkles on our face and body. In order to keep sagging at bay, it's important to eliminate these factors in your diet and lifestyle.
Home Remedies for Saggy Skin
It is not just women who complain about a saggy or loose skin problem. In fact, if you are a working man, who has a hectic work schedule, you are likely to see saggy skin on your face. This is because you are not able to follow a healthy diet and do not get adequate rest.
An alarming number of people are affected by laxity or sagging skin. It could be as early as in your 30s or even 40s. To help you fight these signs of ageing, we consulted with a top dermatologist to find some of the best home remedies for saggy skin. Using natural remedies for saggy skin can help you to eliminate the need for surgery and which can be very expensive.
- The saggy and loose skin that often comes with age is a problem that can be easily prevented with the right diet and lifestyle adjustments. There are several changes you can make to your daily routine that can keep your skin looking more youthful for longer.
The skin is the biggest organ of the body and thus a leading indicator of our overall health. The biggest benefit of a healthy diet is that it helps nourish the skin from within, making it glow and reducing the appearance of saggy skin. Eating healthy also helps counter the harmful effects of pollution and other environmental factors that can lead to saggy skin.
- Remedies for saggy skin include flaxseed oil which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed assist with the hydration and tone of the skin. Flaxseed is easily added to meals as a supplement to oil or mixed into salads or smoothies.
- Liver detoxification is a good way to remove poisons, toxins and other waste materials. A liver cleanse can help the skin return to its youthful, firm texture by removing impurities and toxins.
- Facial exercises are another cost-efficient way to eliminate saggy skin. Facial exercises are a great way to tighten loose skin around the face, neck and mouth area. These exercises will help you to get rid of any saggy areas that you might have on your face and will also help to lift up your chin to give you a better-looking jawline. You can do these exercises in the privacy of your own home and they will strengthen your facial muscles and also help to get rid of any fat deposits that might be hiding underneath your skin.
Medical Treatment Options for Saggy Skin
It is a fact that when we age, the quality of our skin and appearance decreases. This is mainly due to the loss of collagen content in our skin. Collagen is what gives the skin its elasticity and firmness. As we age, this collagen content in the skin decreases thus resulting in sagging of the skin, wrinkles and fine lines. This can be one of the reasons why you feel insecure about your looks as you age.
The last time most people gave much thought to the skin on their buttocks and thighs is when they were in a bathing suit or shorts. But, as the fat in these areas begins to shrink, sagging skin remains. Many women who have dieted diligently find themselves still having to cope with the effects of excess weight that has fallen below their hips and found a new home on their backsides, thighs and knees.
The good news is that there are several medical procedures designed to treat this problem. Thighs, butts and knees continue to grow…and grow! According to plastic surgeons, this is because women’s legs, buttocks and thighs are genetically programmed to grow fat. “When there is loose skin after weight loss, the fat has to go somewhere so it moves into other areas such as the back of the arms, the belly or the buttocks”.
Many women have a problem with their saggy skin and the only ones who can help them are doctors. The medical treatment options for saggy skin include medical treatment options like surgery, medications and injection therapies. These loose skin treatments may give you instant relief but are relatively expensive.
A good example of this kind of treatment is an injection of botox or fillers. These are injected into the tissues which make the tissues tighten. Some people find this treatment quite painful because of the injections but it does not cost that much.
In addition to that, there is another option which is surgery. However, not all the saggy skin needs to be removed and the surgery is used only in special cases where a lot of fat lies under the skin. The costs are high since it involves cutting up and removing tissues.
Take Away
The main reason for sagging skin is that the body isn’t producing enough collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin ensure that your skin remains tight and firm. As you age, these important proteins will break down, leading your skin to sag and become loose.