Types of Acne Scars and How to Treat Them

What Are the Symptoms of Acne?
Dealing with acne is a common and often challenging part of many people's lives. While successfully managing active breakouts is a victory in itself, the aftermath in the form of acne scars can pose a new set of concerns. We have come up with a comprehensive guide that addresses the types of acne and how to treat them. Discover more about what is acne, what are the types of acne, what are the symptoms of acne, the causes of acne, and how to treat acne.
What Is Acne?
Acne is a prevalent issue that we all face in our day-to-day lives. It not only affects our personality but also has a major effect on our confidence. A lot of people go through low confidence due to acne-prone skin. The condition known as acne arises from the accumulation of dead skin cells and oil in your hair follicles. Acne, pimples, and blackheads are caused by it. People of all ages can get acne, but teenagers are most likely to get it.
Various types of acne can infect our face or body, not all types of acne spread all across our skin some may appear like bumps that get better on their own.
Clogged pores are one of the major reasons for acne, here is how clogged pores affect our acne.
- This leads to excess production of sebum
- This leads to bacterial infestation
- This leads to hormonal imbalance
- This leads to dead skin cells
- This leads to ingrown hairs
What Are the Types of Acne?
A lot of times acne is subjected to the teen years of our life, the time when our hormones are fluctuating, it is important to know all types of acne so that you can distinguish between them and take on the right treatment. Here are some of the most common acne types:
Blackheads usually occur when a combination of sebum and dead skin cells clogs the pores. Excessive sebum products can easily clog the pores. If you look you will notice that the top of the pore stays open in a blackhead, despite the rest being clogged, that is exactly why you can notice a characteristic black colour on this type of acne.
Whiteheads are also usually formed when a pore gets clogged by sebum and dead skin cells. But they are nothing like blackheads, in blackheads, the top of the pore opens up while in whiteheads the top of the pore closes up.
Whiteheads are more difficult to treat and work with as the pore is already closed and the product used may not be able to get in. You can use products that contain salicylic acid and topical retinoids can give you a good result.
Papules usually occur due to extreme inflammation of your skin. This results in hard, clogged pores that are soft to the touch but actually have a hard inside. The skin around these papules is usually pink, they can be painful too.
Pustules are a type of acne that forms when your pores break down. Unlike papules, pustules are filled with pus and can be extremely painful if not treated. These bumps come out from the skin, they are usually bigger in size and are red in colour, they have yellow or whiteheads on top which are bigger than your usual whiteheads.
Nodules occur when clogged pores get swollen and become much larger in size. Unlike pustules and papules, nodules are way deeper underneath the skin. Nodules are much more complex and deeper within the layers of the skin that it is not possible to treat them at home, they require a prescription and a dermatologist who will guide you better.
To treat nodules your dermatologist will suggest medication that is made from a form of vitamin A. These medications will not only prevent nodules but will also decrease oil gland size within the pores.
Cysts usually develop when a combination of bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells clogs the pores. If you thought treating nodules would be hard then cysts take the cherry off the cake, cysts form even further within the skin which makes it even harder to treat.
They form large red or white bumps and are extremely painful to touch. Cysts are the largest form of acne, and their formation usually results from a severe infection.
Identifying the type of acne will help you take the right treatment and get rid of it.
What Are the Symptoms of Acne?
You usually understand when there is an acne breakout. It is time to go for the right treatment if you notice these symptoms on your skin:
- Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
- Blackheads (open plugged pores)
- Small red, tender bumps (papules)
- Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips
- Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin (nodules)
- Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin (cystic lesions)
Causes of Acne
Wondering about what may be the causes of acne? Here you go:
- Fluctuating hormonal levels
- Air pollution and certain weather conditions
- Using oily or greasy personal care products
- Stress, which increases the hormone cortisol
- Medications
- Genetics
How To Treat Acne?
Treating acne depends on the type of acne you are dealing with, sometimes treating acne involves changing your face wash, and other times you may need to take various medicines and apply serums and chemicals to treat the acne.
Treatment always depends on the severity of your acne so make sure you know what type of acne you are dealing with and accordingly you can choose your treatment. People with acne should keep their skincare routine minimum and not unnecessarily try different products.
Which Type of Acne Is Most Difficult To Treat?
The most difficult acne to treat is Cystic Acne. it appears on the skin as large, red and inflamed pimples, greater than 1 cm in diameter that are deep-seated and filled with pus.
How To Get Rid of Acne Fast?
To address acne quickly, it's crucial to establish a consistent skincare routine. Begin by cleansing your face twice daily with a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser to remove excess oil and impurities. Incorporate over-the-counter topical treatments containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to target acne at its source. Resist the urge to pick or pop pimples, as this can worsen inflammation and lead to scarring. Stay hydrated and moisturize with a non-comedogenic product to maintain skin balance.
Does Drinking Water Help Acne?
Yes. studies have shown that drinking an additional 68 ounces of water daily significantly improves skin hydration. Staying well hydrated can also improve your immune system, supporting your body in fighting off infections, which in turn helps prevent acne.
Take Away
Whether you're grappling with the aftermath of past breakouts or proactively seeking preventive measures, empower yourself with insights on the types of acne scars and discover actionable steps to reclaim the complexion you deserve. Your path to skin confidence starts here.
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