Curd benefits for hair

The brutal summer months have arrived. To beat the heat, we use a variety of cooling agents, such as curd or dahi. Curd or unsweetened yoghurt is high in vitamin B5, proteins, and calcium, and is incredibly healthy. Curd, on the other hand, is essential for hair, not only to keep our scalp hydrated, but also to combat hair loss and dandruff. Here's the dirt on why curd is so important for hair.
Is Curd a Beneficial Conditioner?
Curd includes fats that might help your hair stay moisturised. Curd, in other words, is a highly recommended natural hair conditioner. Curd or yoghurt contain lactic acid, which can help soften your hair. Infact, there are numerous benefits of eating curd for hair too!
Curd hair masks
Apple cider vinegar + curd + olive oil (ACV)
This hair mask recipe is great for deep conditioning, especially when your strands are dehydrated from the cold winter air and heavy style. 1 tablespoon olive oil, 3 tablespoons curd, and half a teaspoon apple cider vinegar in a small bowl, thoroughly combine the ingredients. When you're ready to utilise this mask, apply it freely to your hair's lengths, avoiding your scalp. Allow 30 minutes to pass. Rinse with lukewarm water before shampooing and conditioning as usual. This mask should be used at least once a month to keep your hair strong, healthy, and hydrated.
This contains hair-boosting chemicals. Olive oil, which is high in vitamins A and E, will make your hair feel smoother, while besan will strengthen the roots. Actually, this mask is ideal for dry hair. 6 tablespoons each of besan and curd, plus 3 tablespoons olive oil. Apply the mixture to your dry hair. Wait 20 minutes before shampooing. Another reason to use curd on your hair is for this reason. Curd or yoghurt, as we all know, offers numerous hair benefits, one of which is the prevention of dandruff. Propionibacterium bacteria can be found in curd or yoghurt. Propionibacterium and Staphylococcus are the two most prevalent bacteria found on our scalp, according to studies. According to a recent study, stimulating the growth of these bacteria on the skin may help you get rid of dandruff.
First and foremost, however. A variety of things might induce dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis is the first phrase you should be familiar with. The latter is basically an itchy, red rash with white or yellow flakes that might affect not only our scalp, but also our face and other parts of our chest. If you look closely, you'll discover that stress levels might also increase the chance of dandruff. Experts say that as stress levels rise, our immunity, or natural defences, may suffer. As a result, the malassezia fungus can grow and reproduce, causing severe scalp irritation and flakiness. So, before you start using solely curd for your hair, learn about the causes of dandruff.
The following curd-based DIY curd masks for hair growth that might help you get rid of those pesky flakes.
Carnosol, an anti-inflammatory compound found in rosemary, is a powerful component that can aid with hormone balance. This can be an excellent dandruff hair mask when combined with curd and lemon (both of which have antifungal characteristics). Take a small amount of curd and mix it with half a lemon and two drops of rosemary essential oil. Massage it into your scalp for about 30 minutes, then rinse it off.
Eggs + curd
With just eggs and curd, you can prepare a fantastic anti-dandruff hair mask. This mixture is an age-old home cure for strong hair growth, as well as getting rid of bacteria-causing dandruff. Furthermore, because hair is 70% keratin protein, eggs can be used to repair damaged and dry hair, leaving it silky and moisturised. Make a paste with 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons of fresh curd. Wait at least 30 minutes after using it as a hair mask. Remove the shampoo.
Fenugreek + curd + onion juice
4 tablespoons curd, 1 tablespoon powdered fenugreek, and 3 tablespoons onion juice Combine all of the ingredients. Apply the mask to your scalp for as long as you can. Rinse thoroughly with a gentle shampoo. Choose tepid water. Fenugreek, onion juice, and curd will help to prevent dandruff.
Henna + curd + mustard oil
This mask is designed to prevent hair loss. By removing extra grease and grime from your scalp, henna can help prevent dandruff. It can also moisturise a dry scalp. Henna has antifungal and antimicrobial characteristics that cool and soothe your scalp, reducing itching. Henna will be twice as effective with curd. Boil around 250 mL mustard oil with a few henna leaves in it. Allow time for the oil mixture to cool. It should be kept in a jar. Massage your scalp with this henna-mustard oil mixture instead of your regular hair oil. Add a dollop of curd to the oil before applying it to your hair to keep it extra moisturised.
Take Away
Curd is a nutritious and pleasant beverage that may be utilised in a variety of ways. Curd is a must-have dairy product for each home, whether consumed with meals or directly applied to the skin. So make sure you stay healthy this summer by including curd in your hair care routine!