6 Best Yoga asanas for hair growth

Yoga asanas for hair growth
How often have you been struggling with plenty of hair problems? From eating the correct nutrition to utilising the best hair care products, you have tried every method you can think of. Yet you are still without a solution. Don't worry. You can reclaim your strong, healthy hair by doing yoga. You did read that correctly. Daily yoga practice will promote hair growth and maintain good health in general. Yoga has many advantages, including improved digestion, increased blood flow to the scalp, and a reduction in stress and anxiety. Find out which yoga for hair is ideal for maintaining the health of your hair.
Yoga exercises for hair growth
1) Balayam Yoga Mudra (Rubbing Nails)
Balayam yoga is a practice that involves rubbing your nails together. One of the easiest and easiest ways to stop hair loss is to do this. It only requires daily practice for 5 to 10 minutes. A nerve ending beneath your fingernails encourages your brain to transmit a signal to resuscitate dead and injured hair follicles when you rub them. Additionally, Balayam yoga encourages blood flow to the scalp, which lessens hair problems like dandruff and early greying.
How to do:
- Both of your hands should have their fingers bent inward toward your palm.
- Start stroking your nails together after bringing them into touch vigorously. Make sure to remove the thumbnails.
- For five to ten minutes, continue massaging it.
2) Pada-hastasana Yoga (Standing Forward Bend)
Yoga's Pada-Hastasana sometimes referred to as Standing Forward Bend, helps your body repair and regenerate. Your head gains blood circulation in this pose as it descends below the heart. Your hair cells are energised and given oxygen in this position. Additionally, it calms your thoughts and decreases tension, which is one of the main reasons for hair loss. The bend gives your digestive system a good massage, which enhances digestion and promotes healthy hair follicle growth. Regularly performing Pada-Hastasana can help ladies with menstruation and menopausal issues.
How to do:
- Maintain a straight posture while keeping your legs close together.
- Deeply inhale.
- Lift your hands up and lean forward until your hands and fingertips contact the ground while exhaling.
- You can also, if it's possible, place your hands behind the heels. While continuing to breathe normally, maintain this posture.
- Take a big breath in and slowly stand back up straight to exit this pose.
3) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Parvat-Asana, sometimes referred to as mountain posture in English, like other asanas, promotes blood flow to the scalp and benefits the feeding of the hair roots. This pose helps the abdominal muscles to stretch and become stronger. Your liver and kidneys are compressed when your abdominal muscles are stretched, which keeps your digestive system's organs healthy and functioning. A healthy digestive system aids in feeding the hair with more nutrients, which encourages the formation of hair follicles in a healthy manner. Additionally, it soothes your mind, which lessens tension and worry.
How to do:
- On all fours, stand up.
- Straighten both elbows and knees while softly lifting your hips as you exhale. Averted "V" should be formed by your body.
- Your feet and hands should be aligned with your shoulders and hips, respectively.
- Verify that your toes are pointed outward. Now stretch your neck while pressing your hands firmly into the ground.
- You should turn to face your navel with your ears touching your inner arms.
- After a brief period of holding, return to the table position by bending your knees.
4) Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
This posture often referred to as Diamond Pose, is the only one that should be done after eating. It eases back tension, supports proper spinal alignment, and aids with digestion. Constipation and a reduced supply of nutrients to the hair cells as a result of improper digestion can result in breaking and damage to the hair. Vajrasana helps enhance digestion with consistent practice. Vajrasana can also help you avoid acid reflux and ulcers. Additionally, it lessens stress, which is a significant contributor to hair fall.
How to do:
- Sit upright on the ground. Keep your spine straight while extending your legs. Your heels ought to be paired.
- Put your hands at your sides, palms down toward the floor.
- Fold the left leg first, then the right, keeping them both under your thighs.
- Put your hands on the tops of your thighs.
- Breathe deeply in and out while sitting comfortably.
- Go back to your initial sitting position with your legs extended.
5) Uttanpadasana (Raised Feet Pose)
Raised Leg Pose is another name for this asana. For people with stomach problems and back pain, it is highly beneficial. By raising one leg at a time, you can also practise this pose. Uttanpadasana helps to build abdominal strength. Blood circulates to the scalp as your head lies on the ground, which is good for weak hair follicles. Fresh oxygen is pushed to the hair cells, nourishing them and reducing dryness and brittleness.
How to do:
- Lie on the ground with your arms at your sides and your palms down.
- Stretch your body, then slowly lift your legs 45–60 degrees off the floor.
- For a minute or longer if you can, keep your legs lifted.
6) Shashank - asana (Rabbit Pose)
This crucial yoga pose also referred to as the "Rabbit Pose," is good for the back and scalp. It needs to be done in the morning and at night. A forward bend pose is Shashank-asana. It releases stress and tension from the body by stretching and strengthening the muscles in the neck and spine. Additionally, it helps the digestive system operate better by enhancing blood circulation throughout the body. You'll sleep better if you perform Shashank asana every day. For healthy hair development, a good night's sleep is necessary. Additionally, it assists in lessening the body's hormonal imbalance.
How to do:
- Seated in Vajrasana.
- Forward on the ground, place both of your hands.
- Slowly exhale while placing your top head on the ground.
- Maintain this posture for five breaths.
- Inhale as you gradually unfold into Vajrasana.
- Repeat while remaining calm.
You can greatly aid in the battle against your hair issues by incorporating these yoga poses into your daily life along with some hair growth supplements. Your hair roots will grow thicker, healthier, and stronger. It will assist you in overcoming the problems with stress, anxiety, and digestion that are indirectly to blame for baldness and hair loss. In addition to yoga, you should always practise healthy eating and integrate some home remedies for hair fall like an Ayurvedic hair care programme after learning about your hair type.