Why is my gray hair falling out

Gray hair
It might be wavy and long, straight and short, frizzy and unruly, or shining and silky. Hair is available in a variety of lengths, styles, hues, and textures. Despite this, almost everyone, regardless of hair type, suffers from at least one hair problem at some point in their lives.
Gray hair can be seen as a distinguishing feature for some people, while it can also be seen as a sign of aging for others. Whether you like it or not, gray or white hair is almost unavoidable as you get older assuming you're lucky enough to still have hair. Scientists have spent a lot of time and effort trying to figure out what causes premature gray hair, and they believe they've found the answer. Melanin, a pigment generated by melanocyte cells in hair follicles, is responsible for the color of hair.
Researchers revealed that melanocytes suffer cumulative damage over time, resulting in their inability to synthesize melanin. The interruption in melanin production has been linked to DNA damage and a buildup of hydrogen per-oxide in the follicles, according to studies. The new hair which grows in without melanin lacks pigment, making it seem gray, white, or silver. Some people begin turning gray as early as their adolescence. Genes usually decide when graying begins, so if your mother or father grayed early, you may as well. If you're one of those folks who doesn't think gray hair is noticeable, you may easily disguise it with one of the many various hair dyes on the market.
Hair loss and gray hair
Hair, in most cases, follows a predictable growth cycle. Hair develops during the anagen period, which lasts two to six years or longer. The hair rests during the telogen phase, which lasts around three months. The hair falls out at the end of the telogen phase and is replaced by new hair. Every day, the average person sheds roughly 100 hairs. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including medicines or disease. Men's hair on top of their heads tends to fall out as they get older, leaving a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair all around the sides. Male-pattern baldness is the term for this type of hair loss. It's caused by DNA (from both parents; the notion that males inherit their mother's father) and fuelled by testosterone, the male hormone.
The hair loss in female-pattern baldness is distinct in that it thins all through the top of the head while keeping the hair in front intact. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of conditions. Alo-pecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss on the scalp as well as other places of the body. Excessive hair loss can be caused by a variety of medical disorders, including:
- Retinoids, NSAIDs, blood thinners, and other hormonal medicines, as well as high blood pressure meds, chemotherapy, and radiation, are all examples of medications.
- Infections that are severe
- A major operation
- Thyroid disease can be caused by an overactive or underactive thyroid gland.
- Other hormone-related issues
- Extremely tensely situations
- Lupus and other autoimmune illnesses
- Infections of the scalp caused by fungi
- Pregnancy and labor are two of the most tenseful times in a woman's
- Anemia due to a lack of iron
Hair loss can also be caused by certain hair care techniques, such as wearing tight ponytails or weaves, or bleaching or perming the hair on a regular basis. Some people have a habit of pulling their hair out. Trichotillomania is the name for this mental illness. Learn more about the causes of hair loss and the myths surrounding hair loss. When hair loss is caused by a medicine, quitting the prescription usually stops additional hair loss and allows the hair to grow. After many illnesses, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, hair tends to grow. Hair loss can be disguised by wearing a wig or cap until the hair grows. Hair transplants are a more long-term approach for hair replacement.
Hair that has been lost due to male-pattern and female-pattern baldness will not return on its own, but there are drugs that can help slow down hair loss and even grow hair. Min-oxidil Rogaine is an over-the-counter topical medication used to treat both men and women.
Take Away
Gray hair has a thinner cuticle than hair with a natural color, making it appear thinner. Water, UV rays from the sun, humidity, chemicals, and heat styling all require natural protection for your hair. Your hair will lose water if that barrier isn't present. As a result, your gray will feel dry, delicate, and gritty. In comparison to Asians and whites, African American hair is more prone to damage.