What are the side effects of creatine?

What is Creatine?
The first thing you need to know is that creatine is a natural substance present in our body. It is made in the liver, pancreas and kidneys and stored in the heart, skeletal muscles, testes and brain. It is used to supply energy to all the cells of the body.
Creatine is a popular supplement used by athletes and workout freaks that can cause many side effects as well. Although the supplement is popular but not much is known about creatine's side effects but we will discuss about some common drawbacks of increased creatine in the body.
Creatine for Body Builders
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in humans that helps in the generation of energy in the body. Most people who work out consume creatine supplements as it helps in improving their performance. Creatine also helps in improving endurance by preventing muscle breakdown and it gives strength to the muscles. Creatine also has other benefits such as promoting protein synthesis and increasing muscle growth. It is available in both tablets and powder form.
Creatine Side Effects
Creatine is a supplement that has gained a lot of popularity and is marketed extensively to people of all ages. For the most part, creatine can help with lean muscle mass and it is completely safe for human consumption in proper dosages.
For every person that says that creatine has helped them, there is someone else who says that creatine has caused side effects.
The common side effects of creatine depend on your own biology. Some people may be genetically predisposed to these side effects when they begin taking it, while others may never experience them.
People who consume more than recommended dosages of creatine may experience some of the more common side effects of creatine as well as some of the more serious side effects. These side effects include stomach discomfort, nausea, weight gain, and muscle cramping. Other side-effects are:
1. Hair Loss
Many men use creatine as a means to build muscle or just enjoy the benefits of enhanced energy. However, there is a connection between creatine and hair loss in some people who have fine hair. Creatine can make your hair fall out, especially if you are using the supplement for an extended period of time. The truth is that creatine stimulates the production of the hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can lead to excessive hair loss in men, especially those with fine and thinning hair.
2. Headache
While consuming creatine may cause headaches in some people, others may experience no headaches at all. Headaches that occur while taking creatine may be due to dehydration. Those who experience headaches while taking creatine should rehydrate and take breaks during workouts to prevent dehydration from occurring.
3. Weight Gain
Creatine is undoubtedly one of the most popular supplements that can be used anywhere from the gym to your bedroom. Consuming this supplement has been reported to produce impressive results in the body, helping you build muscles and improve your overall health and wellbeing. But studies have revealed that creatine can quickly increase the overall weight of your body as it increases water levels in the body through muscle gains. Creatine can cause water retention in people who consume an excessive amount.
What is Creatinine?
Creatine is a substance found in your muscles, and it stores and supplies energy to muscles when you need it for exercise, especially if you do high-intensity workouts.
Creatinine is a chemical waste in the body that is filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. Unused creatine that’s not used as energy gets converted into creatinine, a waste product.
The kidneys filter creatinine out of the blood and into your urine when they’re functioning properly. If the kidneys are damaged or not functioning properly, waste products and creatinine can build up in the blood, which can then lead to high creatinine levels in the body.
A kidney disorder can make it hard for the kidneys to remove wastes, such as creatinine. This can lead to a buildup of creatinine in the blood, causing a condition called hypercreatininemia.
Creatine Dosage
The product is taken because it is thought to improve performance in sport, increase muscle mass and help to maintain a healthy weight. In fact, you may already be taking it and not know it. That’s because creatine has become so popular and widespread that it’s now present in many pre-workout and post-workout products.
The side effects of creatine range from mild to severe and it is important to know that the side effects can be more intense if too much creatine is consumed. While consuming creatine is safe for most people, you should always speak with a physician before consuming any type of supplement.
Take Away
To combat the side effects of increased creatine in your body, avoid taking supplements that contain creatine and reduce your protein intake, alcohol consumption and get rid of your smoking habit as well. You also need to add more fibre-rich foods to your diet to prevent the side effects of creatine.