What are Physical and mental causes of erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction treatment
Approximately 10% To 20% of all instances of erectile dysfunction, or ED, are caused by psychological issues. It is frequently a subsequent reaction to a physical reason. The psychological repercussions of ED can sometimes be traced back to childhood abuse or sexual trauma. However, the following are the most common psychosocial reasons of ED:
Work, money, and marital problems are just some of the factors that can generate stress.
- Anxiety: Following an ED episode, a man may feel too anxious that the condition may repeat. This can lead to ED as well as "performance anxiety," or a fear of sexual failure.
- Guilt: A man may feel guilty over his inability to gratify his partner.
- The most common cause of ED is depression, which has a negative impact on a person's overall health. Depression can contribute to ED even if a man is completely at ease within sexual situations. Antidepressant drugs can cause ED.
- Low self-esteem: This can be the outcome of previous episodes of ED (resulting in a sense of inadequacy) or other concerns unconnected to sexual performance.
- Indifference: This can be caused by advancing age and a loss of desire in sex, medications, or difficulties in a couple's relationship.
ED will affect every man at some point in his life. You should be concerned and seek medical counsel and treatment only if the problem persists (happens more than half of the time) or becomes a cause of frustration for you or your partner. Therapy may be required in addition to medical treatment for men whose erectile dysfunction is triggered by psychological issues.
Physical causes of erectile dysfunction are
- Endocrine diseases
Hormones are produced by the endocrine system, which govern metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood, and so much more. Diabetes is one example of an overactive thyroid that can result in impotence. Diabetes impairs the body's capacity to use the insulin hormone. Nerve damage is one of the effects of long-term diabetes. This has an impact on penis sensations. Altered blood flow and hormone production are two more consequences of diabetes. Impotence can be caused by one of these conditions.
2. Neurological or nerve disorders
A multitude of neurologic conditions can exacerbate impotence. Nerve diseases impair the brain's capacity to communicate with the reproductive organs. It may be challenging to get an erection as a result of this. Impotence is associated with a number of neurological disorders, including:
- Alzheimer's disease
- Parkinson’s disease
- Brain or spinal tumors
- Multiple sclerosis
- stroke
- Temporal lobe epilepsy
If you've had prostate surgery, one may develop nerve damage, which can lead to impotence. Long-distance cyclists may endure a brief period of impotence. The function of the nerves can be affected through repeated pressure just on the buttocks and genitals.
3. Medications
Some medications might cause blood flow to be disturbed, leading to ED. Even if a drug is believed to trigger impotence, you must never stop using it without consulting your doctor first. Impotence can be brought on by a number of medications, including:
- Tamsulosin is an anti-adrenergic medication (Flomax)
- Beta-blockers include metoprolol (Coreg) and carvedilol (Coreg) (Lopressor)
- Cimetidine, for example, is a chemotherapeutic medication used to treat cancer (Tagamet)
- Alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium), and codeine are depressants that impact the central nervous system (CNS).
- Cocaine and amphetamines are CNS stimulants.
- Furosemide (Lasix) and spironolactone are diuretics (Aldactone)
- SSRIs, such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and paroxetine, are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
- Leuprolide, for example, is a synthetic hormone (Eligard)
4. Heart related issues
Impotence can be induced by diseases that affect the heart and its ability to efficiently pump blood. If there isn't enough blood flow to the penis, you won't be able to get an erection. Atherosclerosis, a condition in which blood vessels get clogged, can cause impotence. Erectile dysfunction is also associated with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Erectile dysfunction treatment
Medical procedures, natural cures, and lifestyle changes are all options for treating impotence.
- Penis pumps
Penis pumps are another option if you're looking for a noninvasive, drug-free treatment. These may be the best alternative if you have moderate ED.
2. Natural remedies
If you don't want to take prescription medicine, there are a number of natural therapies that can help with impotence. Make careful to consult your doctor before using any natural therapies. Impotence can be treated in a variety of ways, including:
- Korean red or Panax ginseng pomegranate juice
- Korean red or Panax ginseng supplements
- pomegranate juice
- yohimbe pills.
Take Away
Impotence can have a big impact on your life and self-confidence. ED is a treatable condition that can negatively impair your sexual life. Natural therapy, medicines, and lifestyle modifications are just a few of the alternatives for regaining sexual function. If impotence has become a persistent problem, see a doctor, even if you believe it's just stress, since it could indicate an underlying health problem.