Oily scalp: Causes and Remedies

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Ways to get rid of an oily scalp

Due to pollution, stress, chemical treatments, and our way of life, scalp and hair problems are pretty prevalent today. Thus, the majority of us must deal with issues like hair loss, thinning hair, and an excessively greasy scalp. Uncomfortable scratching, dandruff, and a myriad of other issues can result from an oily scalp. Not only that, but it can also make your scalp more vulnerable to infections and hair loss. And because winter is quickly approaching, it's crucial to take good care of the scalp to avoid developing further hair issues.

Causes of oily scalp

  1. Genes - Chances are that you will get an overly oily scalp if someone in the immediate family does.
  2. Stress – An oily scalp and stress go hand in hand. This is because your sebaceous gland produces more oil when under stress, sending it into overdrive.
  3. Lack of personal cleanliness might result in an oily scalp if you don't wash your hair frequently for extended periods of time, sleep on dirty sheets and pillowcases, and utilise soiled hair accessories.
  4. Hormonal changes - Another reason you can have an extremely oily scalp is if you have hormonal problems or irregular periods. Avoid taking hair growth supplements or hair vitamins if you suffer from an oily scalp. 
  5. Infections of the scalp, such as lice, fungus, or bacterial infestation, can all result in an oily scalp.
  6. Unhealthy diet - Eating an unhealthy, greasy, and spicy diet that often lacks nutritional content deprives your hair of the nutrients it needs, leading to an oily scalp as well as other hair-related issues.

Remedies for oily scalp

Sometimes it can be difficult to take care of an oily scalp. Washing your hair every day may seem like the easiest way to get rid of an oily scalp, but doing so is actually bad for the condition of your hair. So what should a girl do? We've got you covered, so don't worry. Continue reading to learn how to treat an oily scalp without damaging or drying out your hair.

  • Wash your hair thrice a week:

  • The most important step in getting rid of an oily scalp is washing your hair. Your glands release oil through your pores, which leaves your scalp greasy and oily. Regular hair washing with the right product will maintain your hair healthy and stop your scalp from accumulating too much oil.


    • Rinse your hair two to three times per week.
    • You can wash your hair every other day if you exercise frequently.
    • Make careful to wash your hair with chemical-free shampoos.
  • Shampoo properly:

  • Maintaining an oil-free scalp involves more than just bathing your hair; the proper technique is crucial. The product should be diluted with water, lathered, and then gently massaged over your scalp.


    • Thoroughly rinse your hair to remove any product that may still be in it or on the scalp.
    • Hot water should not be used as it is bad for your scalp.
  • Do not apply conditioner on the scalp:

  • Applying conditioner to your scalp is never a good idea, even if you have an oily or dry scalp. It encourages hair loss, makes your scalp oily, and encourages bacterial growth. However, that does not imply that you should never use a conditioner.


    • Apply it starting at the tips of the hair and working your way up.
    • Stop precisely 2 inches from the head.
  • Be aware of what you eat:

  • The health of your scalp is greatly influenced by your diet. If you have an oily scalp, you should stay away from fried and oily foods. Substitute healthy fats and carbohydrates for saturated fats in a balanced diet.


    • Try incorporating omega-3 in your diet to help your scalp stay healthy and produce less oil.
    • You may always choose green vegetables and fruits because they are excellent for your scalp and act as natural hair reinforcements.
  • Do not use styling equipment:

  • We appreciate your devotion to your hair straightener and curling iron, but have you ever considered the harm it causes to your hair? Heat tools are your worst enemies if you have an oily scalp. They weaken your hair and cause long-term damage to your tresses by making your scalp greasy. If you want to style your hair, consider using no-heat styling techniques to prevent unanticipated damage.

  • Use apple cider vinegar:

  • Regular oil secretion from your scalp's glands can encourage a fungus infection there. Additionally, when the infection becomes unmanageable, it can make your scalp oily, itchy, and even lead to dandruff. Rinsing your mane using apple cider vinegar is the most effective technique to combat fungus problems. Yes! Rinsing the hair with apple cider vinegar can help maintain the pH of your scalp, remove oil accumulation, and lessen frizz when it is properly diluted.


    • The only step is to combine 2-3 tbsp of ACV with 2 cups of water, then apply the mixture to your scalp.
    • After that, give your hair a cold water rinse. At least twice or three times every week, use this.
  • Clean your brushes often:

  • Ladies, make a habit of cleaning your brushes. When you use brushes on an oily scalp, a lot of bacteria and grime can build up on the brushes. Of course, the bacteria will spread if you don't clean them. Your scalp will become more oily and become unhealthier if you comb your hair with dirty or unclean brushes.


    • Make it a practice to wash all of your brushes once every five days using a gentle shampoo.
    • For maximum hygiene, switch out your brushes every two months.


    In many instances, having an oily scalp might result in hair loss. This is due to the fact that oiliness draws in a lot of debris, sweat, pollutants, and dandruff, all of which eventually settle on your scalp and eventually clog your pores. Hair loss and slowed hair development are caused by clogged pores, which inhibit the follicles from operating at their best.

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