Try These Products For Patchy Beard Solution

How to Fix Patchy Beard Growth?
Causes for Patchy Beard
Patchy Beard Solution
How to improve the appearance of a patchy beard
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Numerous things can cause bald spots or patches in your beard. It can be alopecia, ringworm, or chemotherapy which are among the most common causes.
In this article, we will explore these causes in more detail, explain how to fix a patchy beard, and discuss some of the best products for a patchy beard.
Causes for Patchy Beard:
Several reasons can lead to bald spots developing in a person’s beard. Some of the most common causes are:
1. Alopecia
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss in men and it is not contagious. Most people develop the condition when they are young.
The condition happens when the body’s natural defence, the immune system, attacks the hair follicles and causes hair loss.
It tends to cause round or oval bald patches on your scalp, but it can affect any part of your body and when it happens to your beard, it is called alopecia barbae.
This condition is so common that around 2 in every 100 people will develop alopecia at some point in their lifetime.
2. Ringworm
Ringworm, a common skin infection, is caused by fungi cause ringworm It can affect any part of the human body. When it affects your beard, it is called “tinea barbae.”
Symptoms of ringworm tend to develop around 4–14 days after the person has encountered the fungus. Some common sources of infection are:
- A person with ringworm: Anyone who is suffering from ringworm infection should not share their clothes, towels, hairbrushes or any other personal items.
- An animal with ringworm: Animals like cats, dogs, cows, goats, pigs and horses can spread this ringworm to humans.
- The environment: The fungi that let ringworm live in damp areas like locker rooms or public showers.
- Ringworm of the beard is not common. Most commonly, it occurs in warm and humid climate conditions.
Tinea barbae is most commonly observed in males. However, it might also affect females with dark, coarse hair on their faces and neck.
3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is one of the most commonly known treatments for cancer. It eventually leads to hair loss, which doctors name “chemotherapy-induced alopecia” (CIA). It can affect any part of your body, that includes your scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes and beard.
The extent of the hair loss condition depends on:
- the medicine or combination of medicines that the healthcare experts have prescribed
- the dosage of medicine
- the way the person’s body reacts to any medicine or combination of medicines
- not everybody who undergoes chemotherapy will lose their hair, but some will surely. Some people might experience mild shedding that is hardly noticeable to anyone, while others can lose their entire hair or beard.
Patchy Beard Solution
Let It Grow
It is very hard to control the craving to trim your lush beard when it is in its growing stage. But if you are much stubborn to remove the patches and desired to have a full beard, you must let the beard grow at least a month before you hold the razor.
Within a couple of months, your beard growth will reach its notable view. You will be able to see the direction of your hair growth in your beard and you can notice the patches. Now you can trim or shave down the patchy beard on your cheek and nearby your jawline after a month to indicate keep things tracked.
Be Patient
Did we mention that growing a beard takes a lot of time? You should try your best to bear with the discomfort and unkempt look of your half-grown beard whiskers for the interim month before you get a full-grown beard. If you want more length in your beard, you should give it a little more time before you start and you will have more options when it comes to shaping your beard.
Shape It Up
Once you have grown enough length in your beard, you might begin to choose from an endless variety of beard shapes that you would like to have. You need to decide on one to start with and begin carefully sculpting your beard with an electric razor or a pair of grooming scissors.
Wash your beard regularly
Just like hair, a badly kept beard not only looks bad but can also affect people around you. The last thing that you want is for your beard to smell like your dinner last night and turn off everyone’s mood whom you meet. You must always remember to wash your beard regularly, at least twice a week. If you are having oily facial hair, you must use a mild shampoo or conditioner to keep it clean.
Stay Moisturized
If you keep the skin around your beard moisturized it will help in preventing dreaded redness, irritation and flaking skin from dryness. Various moisturizing products are catered to beard grooming and you need to pick the right type of moisturizer for your beard.
You can use professional moisturizing creams to natural alternatives like shea or coconut butter and you should pick one that smells soothing for you, as this smell will follow you throughout your regular life
Get a Regular Trim
Your beard grows out quickly, just as your hair does. You shouldn’t forget to trim it down to maintain its shape regularly. If you want to trim it by yourself, you should do it carefully with an electric razor or a pair of grooming scissors. You might find this task too daunting, then you should opt to head to a men’s barber near you to get it trimmed by a professional.
Ways To Boost Your Beard Growth Naturally
Apply Beard Oil
You must make beard oil a part of your daily beard care routine if you are committed to your beard. Without applying beard oil you take away your beard’s breath. Stacked with all the essential oils important for beard growth, beard oil enhance your hair growth by supplying sebum oil to each hair and it helps in eliminating the dead cell which not only develops itching but also reduces your beard hair's growth.
Another method for growing a beard is to use Mino-xidil to promote facial hair growth. Mino-xidil is a medicine that is used for growing a beard faster which accelerates beard growth.
Micro-Needling (Derma Roller)
One of the tools which boost patchy beard hair growth is the Derma Roller. It is a tool that is used to prick the uppermost layer of your skin thus making tiny holes beneath your facial skin to indicate your body that you have damaged the specific region of your beard.
In short, you should run the roller on the bald spot in the beard and assume the needling is a kinda injury, your body will start healing that damage with enough supply of collagen and keratin to the hair follicles resulting in boosting your beard hair growth. To get the maximum effect of the tool, you should use a derma roller along with beard oil or Mino-xidil.
Increased Testo levels are a result of exercise, particularly weight training. The most efficient motions are large, multi-muscle, functional compound movements. Squats, deadlifts, rows, chest and overhead presses, pushups, and pullups are all excellent exercises. Spend some time working with a trainer or coach if you're new to weightlifting. The poor form might hurt you and slow down your progress. Consult a doctor before starting any new workout programme if you've been sedentary.
Brush Your Whisker
When you start noticing you have enough beard to comb up, you must start brushing your whisker. Brushing your beard lifts the hair and makes look your beard fuller and lusher which helps in covering the bald spot in your beard.
Brushing your beard removes dirt and grime that is stuck in your beard which results in making your beard hair dry and dirty. Combing hair also helps in increasing blood flow beneath your skin to speed up the beard growth process faster.
Taking biotin as a supplement has been demonstrated to enhance hair development and help strengthen hair and fingernails. The likelihood is that you already get enough biotin from your food, so adding a pill won't do anything to help. However, if you don't get enough biotin in your diet, taking a supplement may help your beard reach its full potential.
The Biotin tabs consist of several multivitamins which help in beard growth and improve metabolism. Biotin tabs include a total of 10 vitamins. The pills reduce beard fall, improve beard health, promote beard growth, and make your beard stronger & healthier than before.
Beard Growth Shampoo
Mars by GHC Beard Growth Shampoo strengthens beard hair and assists in its growth. It is free from harmful chemicals (Parabens, Sulphates and SLS free). Daily nourishment and protection from breakage is the key to a healthy beard.
How to improve the appearance of a patchy beard
Okay, you've given your beard a few months and followed all of the previous advice to help it reach its full potential. You may now use a few strategies to make your patchy beard seem thicker and fuller.
Obtain pro beard trimming
Visit your barber and inform them that you are trying to grow a beard. Your barber will be able to define your cheekbones and neckline, and trimming your beard to a more consistent length will draw attention to the places where it is fuller. Even if your beard still may have some spots, getting rid of flyaways and hairs that are growing in odd directions can make a noticeable change and may help your beard seem fuller.
Brush it
Using a beard brush or beard comb will help your beard hair lie more uniformly, which, if it is long enough, can help you cover up some of those bald spots. 100% boar's hair bristles perform better on beard hair than nylon or synthetic bristles. Brush the hair into place after adding a tiny quantity of a medium-hold product like Styling Balm. Your beard hair will stay in place all day long with the aid of the styling balm.
Take Away
Remember that your beard will only develop if you maintain these practices daily. The most effective patchy beard treatment is to change your food and lifestyle, and the benefits will undoubtedly follow.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Does rubbing your beard help it grow?
A facial massage improves circulation and oxygen flow to the face, resulting in stronger hair.
2. Does s-perm increase beard growth?
Yes, s-permidine has the potential to increase human hair growth.
3. Does growing a beard increase Testo?
There is no effect on growing beard increasing testo levels.
- Beard Care: 7 Tips for a Healthy Beard - WebMD
- Trinath Kuruvella; Shivlal Pandey, Sept 2021, Tinea Barbae