Multigrain vs. Whole wheat

What Are Different Grain Foods?
Grain foods are the source of energy for our daily needs. The nutritionists say that grain foods are a good food group with a healthy high-fat content, a high protein content and a high carbohydrate content.
The nutritionists also say that the grain is a food group rich in fiber, is concentrated in vitamin B and mineral elements such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iodine etc.
In addition, grain foods are rich in low fat and low cholesterol. And it also contains unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which have a positive effect on human health.
Enjoying a healthy and wholesome diet has been a priority for people for ages. As it turns out, what constitutes a healthy diet is not a straightforward proposition. There are many factors that affect the nutritional value of your food, from how it is grown, to how you cook it.
Grain foods like rice, wheat, and oats are a nutritious part of a balanced diet. They are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, and minerals. People who do not eat meat also count on these foods for their protein.
Some examples of grain foods are whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, amaranth, bulgur, buckwheat groats. Refined grain foods have been milled to remove the outer bran layer and polish the starchy center so it is more white in colour.
How Is Multigrain Different From Whole Wheat?
Unlike whole wheat, multigrain is not made of 100% whole grains. You can identify it by the word “multigrain” or “grain” in its name, like “multigrain bread” or “whole grain pasta.”
Whole wheat is made of 100% whole grains. Both core ingredients are whole grains, but multigrain contains other ingredients like flour (from wheat) that are not whole grains.
Multigrain is a form of wheat flour that has been processed to remove the bran and the germ from the wheat grain. The bran is the nutrient-rich outer casing that is found on all grains, including wheat. It contains a high amount of fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, B vitamins and minerals.
In contrast, the wheat germ is an oil-rich part of the flour that also contains B vitamins and minerals. Both the bran and the germ are removed from multigrain flour.
In today’s marketplace, multigrain products have been marketed as healthier alternatives to “regular” white flour products. However, they are not always higher in nutrients than whole grains. In fact, depending on how they are prepared, some multigrain products can be lower in nutrients than whole grains.
So what is the difference between whole wheat and multigrain bread? The answer is the process of milling. Whole wheat bread comprises 100% whole wheat flour, hence the name whole wheat bread. On the other hand, multigrain bread comprises a combination of flours, including whole wheat flour.
It is important to note that multigrain bread is not made from just any grains, they are made from whole grains - grains that are at least 50% intact. This means that grains have not been refined or processed which preserves their nutrients, high fiber content and unique flavour.
Which Is Better: Multigrain Or Whole Wheat?
Multigrain tends to be sweeter and richer in flavour while whole wheat tends to be spicier and more earthy. That said, you can get multigrain that is savoury and whole wheat that is sweet, so the taste difference really boils down to preference.
The other main difference between these types of bread is multigrain will almost always contain more than one kind of grain while whole wheat will always contain only one kind of grain (generally wheat).
Wheat is an annual plant cultivated worldwide. There are many different varieties of wheat, although the three main groups are durum wheat, common wheat and rye.
Wheat is a staple food for people of several countries and it is one of the most important food grains for human consumption. It is a rich source of starch, protein, vitamins and minerals.
The multigrain bread contains a variety of grains, such as barley grains, millet grains, oats, rice kernels, etc.
The two are different, but also similar. While "multigrain" may be used to describe many grains, in some cases the term may refer to wheat that has been ground into small pieces and then steamed or roasted to remove the starchy center of the kernel.
Whole wheat is comparatively better than multigrain because it contains 100% whole grain, nutrients like B Vitamins, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and magnesium that remain intact, so plan to choose whole wheat instead of multigrain.
Take Away
Whole-grain foods contain the entire grain kernel, including the bran (fiber-rich outer layer), endosperm (the starchy center), and germ (the embryo that sprouts into a new plant after the grain is planted).
Multigrain bread has become a ubiquitous product these days but whole wheat products are always better and more healthy as they are pure and contains 100% whole grains.