How to Prevent Hair Loss After 40?

Hair Loss After 40

Hair Loss After 40    

It’s a fact that hair loss is a natural phenomenon that occurs in each person, but it doesn’t have to be a concern for men and women over 40. In this article, we will discuss the causes of age-related hair loss and the actions you can take to slow it or stop it.

Your hair is a barometer of your health. Each strand of your hair is alive and contains proteins that reflect the health of your body.

40 is the new 30, at least when it comes to your hair. Whether you’re a man or a woman, a visit to a dermatologist will confirm that hair loss after 40 is a real thing. There may be many reasons for it, but the most common ones are:

  1. Stress: This will not only affect your sleeping pattern, but also your overall health. Stress can be caused by poor diet, lack of exercise, increase in workload and change in schedule. In women, stress can also get transferred to hormonal imbalance. Significant stress pushes large numbers of hair follicles into a resting phase and eventually, you will see your hair falling out after a few months.
  1. Smoking: Smoking is known to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, but did you know that it can actually trigger hair loss too? When tobacco smoke comes in contact with the skin of a non-smoker, it leaves a residue on the skin and clogs up the pores of the follicles of the skin. This causes hair loss and makes it difficult to grow new hair.
  1. Genetic Disposition: Causes of hair loss after 40 are several, but the most common reason is due to genetic disposition. In this case, there isn’t much you can do, other than to keep your hair healthy with good nutrition and good habits. 
  1. Infections: Another cause of hair loss after 40 has been identified as a problem with the immune system. In this event, if you have never had a problem with your immune system, it is likely that you have become infected by a virus or bacteria that targets the hair follicles and attacks them.

Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic alopecia is the medical term used to describe the thinning of hair by genetically predisposed men and women. The thinning is classified as mild, moderate or severe depending on the extent of hair thinning, whereas the onset begins at puberty and continues progressively (although it may slow or even cease after age 50).

A hair follicle shrinks over time which results in shorter, thinner hair. Eventually, the hair follicle becomes inactive and ceases to produce hair. Hair follicles that have stopped producing hair will fall out and be replaced by new hair that starts growing from another (growing) follicle.

This replacement cycle of active and inactive follicles is what characterizes normal pattern baldness. The process leads to gradual thinning over time, which eventually leads to bald patches. However, one may still have a lot of normal, thick hair left. Perhaps this explains why so many men who are experiencing male pattern baldness don't consider themselves to be balding. 

This condition is characterized by thinning of scalp hair on the top of the head, followed by the development of a receding hairline and thinning of hair across the whole head.

Genetic predisposition, stress and certain medications are major causes for this type of hair loss in men. To get rid of Androgenic Alopecia, it is important to stop the process at the earliest. Start taking hair loss prevention biotin capsules today.

The capsules contain Premium Quality, 100% Natural ingredients like Biotin, Keratin, Zinc and Multivitamins. These 100% natural ingredients are scientifically proven to prevent thinning of scalp hair, followed by the development of receding hairline and thinning of hair on the crown.

Androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is the most common type of hair loss. It is also known as male-pattern hair loss. Hair loss typically begins at the temples and the crown, but it can start at any age, which is why it is important for men to be proactive about their hair loss early on.

How to Prevent Hair Loss After 40?

If you are worried about losing hair after you turn 40, there are some natural ways to prevent it:

The first thing you need to do is follow a proper diet. Your diet should be well balanced, rich in calcium and iron. You should have a diet rich in protein, fiber and antioxidants. It will have a positive impact on your hair, skin and entire body. Try to include vitamin C in your diet to prevent thinning of hair.

Try to include zinc in your diet because it is helpful for hair growth. Pumpkin seeds and walnuts are great sources of zinc. Also, you can take zinc supplements to fulfil your zinc requirements.

Today, when you look at the haircare market, there are tons of products that claim to prevent hair loss. Some of these products even claim to cure hair loss after using a certain period of time. These claims seem to be great and alluring, especially for a person who has been suffering from hair loss for a long period of time. However, it is important to understand that there is no single product that can cure or treat any kind of hair loss.

However, a combination of supplements, natural essential oils and shampoo can nourish & strengthen hair follicles to improve scalp health and hair growth.  

Other hair loss prevention home remedies include applying onion juice to the scalp twice a day. People with alopecia areata may see regrowth due to its sulphur content.

Take Away

Hair loss after 40 is a big concern among the people of today. Most of the people in this age group experience some hair fall and thinning hair. However, it is not a serious medical condition and can be treated by taking the right steps.

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