How to keep your skin hydrated during summer?

Keep skin hydrated during summer

Keep your skin hydrated during summer

Hydrating the skin is one of the most important steps of the skincare regime. Everybody loves to have fun in the sun but excessive exposure to heat can cause dehydration leading to sunstroke and heat exhaustion.

Battling dehydration during summer can be frustrating and tiresome. However, replacing some simple lifestyle activities will keep us stay healthy and active throughout summer. During summer, the heat makes us sweat more than usual, which means we are constantly losing fluids. So, replenishing the lost fluids is quite essential especially during summer.

You don’t have to wait until you are thirsty, drink water even when you don’t get the urge to drink. Add natural juices to your diet that do not contain added sugar or preservatives. Organic juices will provide the necessary nutrients to your body that will help you in staying hydrated.

Applying sunscreen should be an essential step in your skincare routine during summer to prevent sunburns. Use an SPF rating of at least 15 which should be a high rated waterproof sunscreen. While going out, do not forget to cover areas that burn easily like the nose, ears, back of the neck and shoulders.

Eat light and healthy food

Heavy meals with high amounts of carbohydrates and fats give rise to heat in the body. So, try to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet with an ample amount of water content such as oranges, watermelons, tomatoes, etc.

Protect your eyes

Harmful rays of the sun can increase the risk of eye disease like cataract. Hence it is important to wear protective eyewear. Wear sunglasses that can block ultraviolet rays.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption

Avoid high-calorie drinks because they can leave you dehydrated quickly. Replace these drinks with plain or flavoured water.

Drink sufficient water

Heat and sweat during summer can leave your body dehydrated, causing unwanted health ailments. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep yourself hydrated.

Avoid stepping out in the afternoon

Restrict your outdoor activities from 11 am to 5 pm because the chances of getting a heat stroke during this period are high.

Avoid junk food

Not only in summer but junk food should be avoided most of the time as it can be contaminated and may lead to foodborne diseases. But in summer, especially, if the food is not stored properly it may get spoiled and this can lead to stomach infections.

Summer-time clothes

Wear light-coloured, cotton clothes during summers because cotton is a good absorber of liquid. It can absorb all the sweat from our body exposing it to the atmosphere so that the evaporation process becomes faster. Dark clothes absorb more heat and tight clothes don’t let the body sweat which is quite opposite of what our body system is supposed to do. Hence, shift your focus on wearing comfortable, cotton clothes.

Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine

This is going to sound quite harsh but you have to avoid drinking ice-cold cocktails! These drinks do not refresh your body, rather they dehydrate you. Alcohol and caffeine suck out the moisture in your body so avoid these drinks on hot days.

Beat the heat by eating these foods

The food you eat can also help you stay cool and hydrated.

Fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables are easy to digest and are often rich in water content. Salads and other seasonal fruits and vegetables can keep your body cool and hydrated.

Spicy foods help you sweat more and this ultimately cools down your body. So, get your hands on the hot and peppery delicacies!

Summer diseases

The onset of summer brings a lot of health problems that range from simple ones like a headache or skin rashes to severe ones like jaundice and measles. 

Some tips to deal with summer ailments:

  1. Sunburn: The signs of sunburn include reddish skin, mild dizziness, fatigue, etc. Always apply sunscreen on the exposed areas of your body, 20 minutes before going out in the sun. Sunscreen will protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

  2. Heatstroke: A heatstroke is the most common disease during summer. If heat stroke is left untreated, it can become fatal. Signs of heatstroke include difficulty in breathing, rapid pulse rate, high body temperature, confusion, etc. Avoid going out in the sun during peak hours.

  3. Prickly heat: The signs of prickly heat include red rashes that occur due to increased humidity or heat. It may be triggered by the clogging of the sweat glands. If you see any signs of prickly heat, immediately apply some prickly heat powder on the affected areas.

  4. Food poisoning: The foods are at a high risk of getting spoiled quickly during summer. Do not forget to put the leftover food inside the refrigerator to prevent the food from going bad. Food must be cooked properly to ensure that it does not become a reason for food poisoning.

  5. Diarrhoea: Eating contaminated and unsafe food can lead to diarrhoea. Ensure that all the safety measures are taken while cooking and drink water only after boiling it. Vegetables should be washed thoroughly before cooking.

  6. Chickenpox: Chickenpox starts in the form of fluid-filled, red rashes along with high fever. People with low immunity are at high risk of getting chickenpox.

  7. Measles: A virus causes measles to breed faster during summers. The early signs of measles are cough, high fever, sore throat and redness in the eyes. After some time, tiny white spots and rashes appear all over the body.

  8. Jaundice: Jaundice can be a result of hepatitis A and is a common water-borne disease. It is mainly caused due to the consumption of contaminated food and water. If left untreated, jaundice can lead to liver disorders due to the overproduction of bile.

  9. Typhoid: Bacteria grow in contaminated food and water sources. It passes through the oral-faecal route to healthy individuals. The signs of typhoid are weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, high fever and pain in the abdomen.

  10. Mumps: Mumps is an extremely contagious disease and mainly affects children. It transmits when a person coughs or sneezes. The symptoms of mumps are swollen salivary gland, fever, muscle ache, headache and loss of appetite.

Take Away 

Summer is the most convenient time of the year to go on beach trips but too much exposure to the sun can lead to various unavoidable health conditions. So, it is better to be on the safer side by changing some habits and taking necessary precautions to avoid getting affected with summer diseases. Drink plenty of water to keep your body cool and hydrated. Also, do not forget to wear the summer essentials before stepping out in the sun.

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