How To Boost Testosterone Naturally?

How to boost testosterone | How To Boost Testosterone Naturally? | man power

Ways to naturally boost testo

The power of testo is assumed to be almost mythical, and no wonder; it can boost the power of your muscle, burn body fat, and support your mood, sleep, energy and overall mental and physical health.

Unfortunately, it is seen that most men experience a slow decline in testo after they hit their thirties, which puts them at greater risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, low mineral density, impaired performance function, reduced muscle mass, and diminished physical performance in certain activities.

What Is Testo?

Testo is a hormone that is found in both humans and other animals. In males, testo is primarily produced by testicles. While female ovaries also make testo, though in much smaller amounts.

The production of testo hormones starts increasing significantly during puberty and begins to dip after age 30 or so.

Testo is most often associated with a male’s performance drive and plays a crucial role in s-perm production. This hormone also happens to affects bone and muscle mass, the way men store fat in their body, and even the production of a red blood cells.

Testo levels in males can also affect their mood.

Benefits of increasing your testo levels

  • Healthy Heart and Blood

A healthy heart pumps blood to the rest of your body, which provides oxygen to the muscles and organs which is required for peak performance. Testo hormones help the production of red blood cells through the bone marrow. In several studies, Low testo levels have been linked to a variety of cardiovascular risks.

There is a fine link between testo and depression, but testo can surely help people who are not responding to conventional methods to conquer depression.

  • Improve Memory and Concentration

A study done on several men (between the age of 50-80), showed that the entire group that was injected with testo shots displayed an improvement in memory and concentration level.

Another research showed that an increase in testo has improved some cognitive functions in Alzheimer's patients. After our heart, the impact of testo is seen in the brain the most. Improved concentration and memory levels were some effects shown by numerous researchers.

  • Sense of Well-Being

You might have woken up feeling healthy and energetic, the reason might be that your testo level might be high at that time. Testo makes you feel good and healthy. We believe this is one of the most important benefits of high testo levels because the ultimate task of the human being or as a matter of fact, for any creature on earth is to feel good and happy. And, testo hormones help you with that.

  • Low Cholesterol

If anybody has a low level of testo, it would mean that they might have high levels of cholesterol. The logic behind this is very basic. The testicles start the production of testo after receiving a signal from the pituitary gland. The testo is thus produced by the testes by converting the cholesterol.

Cholesterol is considered the building block of testo. Hence, when the cholesterol levels are converted into “T”, their level automatically dips.

  • Improve Sleep

The research is done on a group of men aged 65 or above showed that low testo is linked with a reduction in sleep duration, less quality sleep, frequent waking up and a lot of disturbance while sleeping. Therefore, an optimal amount of free testo levels are responsible for overall sleep quality.

A unique thing about this is that more sleep means more testo. Men who have slept less than 5-6 hrs at night have 10% less testo in their body. So, adequate sleep is required for more testo.

  • Weight Loss

The testo level in the body goes on decreasing between the age of 30 – 40, depending on person to person. These lowering levels of testo increase the fat in a person’s body. 

Does masturbation decrease testo?

The testo hormone is most commonly associated with the man's body, which is known to play an important role in the development of the male’s performance organs and in the growth of body hair and muscle mass.

While testo is thought to influence a male’s performance desire, rumours have a link to it with masturbation. According to a few people, masturbation's effect on testo levels is said to lower testo levels. According to others, it increases the production of that hormone – and is thus thought to be responsible for hair loss. With so many masturbation myths surrounded, it becomes challenging to assess its true effect.

There have been several types of research in recent years that have looked at the link between testo and masturbation. However, even though they have contributed important knowledge to the field of science, they have not, so far, shown any conclusive and promising results. In many studies, masturbation and orgasms have shown effects that are directly contradictory.

A study back from 1972 measured the levels of testo in one subject both before and after his intercourse and before and after masturbation. It found “significantly higher” levels of testo after intercourse, but no difference at all after masturbation.

More recent research into men suffering from erectile dysfunction found that subjects who did not engage in intercourse activity had lower levels of testo, with these levels increasing after intercourse. 

In short, there are no proofs that support the statement that masturbation decreases the level of testo in males.

Best foods to boost testo levels

What you eat throughout the day can make a big impact on your body chemistry, and a poor diet could lower your testo levels. Making changes in your diet probably won’t bring your testo levels much above the normal level, but it can correct the deficiency. You must try making these changes to check whether they help, and you must contact your doctor if you don’t notice any improvement within a few weeks. Try some testo boosters foods.

  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet

Following a balanced diet, in general, is best for your reproductive health and testo levels.

If you want to have a healthy diet, you should include at least 5 servings each of fruits and vegetables in your diet each day. You can have 1 or 2 with each meal you take, and add it as a few snacks throughout the day.

You should switch to whole-wheat or grain products instead of white varieties for healthier carbohydrates. Remember, it is very important to drink enough water to stay hydrated as well. For most people, 6-8 glasses per day are more than enough.

  • You must get plenty of vitamin D and zinc each day

Many types of research have shown that a deficiency of Vitamin D or Zinc can cause low testo, so you must include them in your diet each day. This is not going to help if you already have a deficiency but could boost the levels of testo if you don’t get enough from your regular diet.

Adults require 15 mcg of vitamin D every day. Good sources of Vitamin D include eggs, dairy, fish, liver, red meat, and fortified foods. You can also receive vitamin D by spending a few minutes in the sun during the day.

On the other hand, an amount of 8-11 mg per day of zinc is required by adults in their diet. You can get Zinc from shellfish, poultry, red meat, beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified foods

You can also take supplements like tab to get these 2 nutrients. You should ask your doctor if this is a safe choice for you.

  • Try magnesium supplements to boost your testo

One study has suggested that magnesium supplements successfully raised testo levels in athletes, so this could also work for you. You can try taking a daily magnesium supplement or including more in your diet to check whether it helps.

You can ask your doctor about the right magnesium dosage for you. The study used 10 mg for each kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of body weight, meaning a person weighing 150 lb (68 kg) should take 680 mg of magnesium. This appears to be much higher than the typical daily dose, so you must consult your doctor if this is safe before you try it.

Food items that are rich in magnesium include legumes, nuts, seeds, shellfish, leafy green vegetables, dairy products, and fortified foods.

  • Eat more omega-3s

Healthy fatty acids, particularly omega-3, can increase your testicular volume. Since there is a link between testicular volume and testo levels, this can help raise your testo levels. You can include more omega-3 sources in your diet by food items like fish, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and legumes to see if this boosts your testo.

  • Cut trans fats out of your diet 

While healthy fats have a good effect on your levels of testo, trans fats seem to lower testicular function and testo levels. While they may be present in some tasty foods, trans fats are unhealthy for your overall health, so you must try to cut them out of your diet entirely

The major issue of trans fat is that it puts you at risk for heart disease. You can try avoiding processed foods, along with artificial sweeteners and margarine.

  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks 

We know and strongly agree that sugar is tough to resist, but you must know that sugary food and drinks like soda are associated with decreased testo levels. You should try avoiding as much added sugar as possible, especially soda and other sugary aerated drinks.

You should get into the habit of checking nutrition labels on all the food that you buy. You might be surprised to know how much sugar some products have.

  • Drink alcohol in moderation

Excessive drinking and smoking could also reduce your testo levels. You must do healthy drinking and avoid excessive alcohol and smoking.

Side effects of low testosterone in men

Side effects of low testo depend on the age of an individual and include the following:
  • Low love making drive.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Reduced sense of well-being.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Difficulty with concentration and memory.
  • Fatigue.
  • Moodiness and irritability.
  • Loss of muscular strength.

Supplements To Increase Testosterone

  • Take Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha also known as Withania somnifera is a medicinal herb that has been used in India since ancient times.

Studies suggest that ashwagandha might improve male fertility by boosting testo levels.

A study on men with low s-perm cell counts showed that taking about 675 mg of ashwagandha root extract per day for 3 months significantly improved fertility.

Specifically, it also increased s-perm counts by 167%, semen volume by 53%, and s-perm motility by 57%, when compared with levels at the start of the study. In comparison, minimal improvements were also detected among those who got a placebo treatment.

The increased levels of testo might be partly responsible for these benefits.

Another study in 57 young men following a strength-training program showed that consuming 600 mg of ashwagandha root extract daily significantly increased levels of testo, muscle mass, and strength, as compared with placebo.

These findings indicate that ashwagandha supplements may help to improve s-perm counts, s-perm motility, antioxidant status, and testo levels.

Ashwagandha Mix:

As we mentioned above, Ashwagandha is the king of Ayurvedic herbs. Ashwagandha tablets function admirably for diminishing pressure and uneasiness. It might also improve strength, and performance, and increment testo levels. Ashwagandha tablets can also function well as testo boosters for men. You can take one Ashwagandha tablet in the morning, which will ensure that you have an energy-filled day. You can take another Ashwagandha tablet with a glass of milk at night, just before going to the bed.


If you want to purchase our Ashwagandha products and want to know more about health-related problems then you can visit our website of Mars by GHC.

Frequently Asked Question

1. What is normal testosterone by age?

Children: In the first couple of months, a male baby should usually produce 75-400 ng/dL. By the time he's 10-11 years old, it changes to 7-130 ng/dL. Early Teens: Between 12-13 years old, an individual should have 7-800 ng/dL. But by 15-16 years old, the ng/dL should be 100-1,200. Late Teens: Anyone between 17-18 years old should have levels between 300 and 1,200 ng/dL. Adults: An adult (19 years and older) should have levels anywhere between 240 and 950 ng/dL.

2. What can cause your testosterone levels to drop?

  • Injury or infection of the testes
  • Chemotherapy for cancer.
  • Metabolic disorders like hemochromatosis.
  • Dysfunction or tumours of the pituitary gland.

3. Does exercise increase testosterone?

All kinds of Exercise Count. Strength training and resistance training (like weight lifting) both enhance testo levels briefly. Lifting weights or doing other strength-training workouts has a great impact on your testo.


1. Various Factors May Modulate the Effect of Exercise on Testo Levels in Men

2. Vitamin D

Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

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