How do you fix sun damaged skin naturally?

Sun Damage
Sunlight is important for life on Earth, but too much of it can be harmful. While the sun does make things grow and gives us light, warmth and energy, it also can damage our skin. Sun protection is important for everyone!
So let's take a look at how the sun damages our skin.
Today, the most common signs of sun damage are fine lines, wrinkles, discolouration, age spots, dry patches, age creases and uneven skin texture. Unfortunately, most people don't notice these signs until they are really bad.
Sun damage is cumulative. What does that mean? It means that years of exposure to UV rays can lead to sun damage that isn't always "visible" at first.
UV rays damage our skin and lead to ageing and cancer. Not only do these rays age our skin, but they also cause skin cancer. They can also harm our eyes causing cataracts and macular degeneration.
How to Reverse Sun-Damaged Skin Naturally?
The sun is the most powerful energy source we have at our disposal and what we do know about sun damage is that it's preventable!
It's easy to protect your skin from sun damage when you're in your teens and twenties, but when you hit the big three-o and four-o it becomes much harder.
There are many concoctions and products available in the market and online that promise to reverse the damage and make your skin like new again, yet they don't always work and oftentimes they only increase the risks of getting another cancer.
So you may still be wondering; How can we fix sun-damaged skin naturally?
There are actually a variety of natural ingredients that can help you reverse the effects caused by years of sun damage because these natural ingredients contain properties that stimulate your body to heal itself.
- Wheatgrass Extract: The vitamin C content in wheatgrass is said to be 4 times more than that in an orange. This helps in promoting collagen, accelerates wound healing and might help fight against cancer and heart diseases.
- Chamomile: It is one of the most popular herbs in the world and has been used for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
People who get sun exposure frequently can suffer from sunburn, heatstroke and even skin cancer which is dangerous.
If you are experiencing any of these conditions then visit your doctor immediately because your skin is already damaged by the sun. Here are some of the warning signs:
1) Itchiness, Redness and Pain
2) Dark spots on the skin
3) Dry skin
4) Blisters
5) Scars, Wrinkles and Wrinkles
With summers knocking on our doors, we’re exposed to the elements more than ever. While out there, we get exposed to the sun for a prolonged period of time and unknowingly, a lot of us end up damaging our skin by letting it tan. The damage due to tanning is difficult to reverse and can be found in the form of uneven skin tone, age spots and even skin cancer.
While most of us will agree that when the sun starts to shine again, it is time to put on that sunscreen, not all of us know how to treat sun-damaged skin.
Some people just don’t use sunscreen at all. Others forget to wear it. Some wear it but don’t reapply when needed, and some just don’t know how much sunscreen to use.
Although many of us know that we should use sunscreen, a lot of us choose not to because we don’t feel that it protects us from the sun’s rays. The truth is that using any type of sunscreen will provide you with the necessary protection from the sun. There are many different kinds of sunscreen available in the market but always look for a sunscreen that contains an SPF of 30 or more.
SPF in sunscreen, or sun protection factor, is a number assigned to a sunscreen that indicates how well it protects skin from burning from the sun’s rays. Sunscreen, sunblock, sun protection, sun cream. Sunscreen is a popular choice for sun protection because it contains ingredients that absorb ultraviolet (UV) rays.
SPF 30 sunscreen will usually protect the skin from around 96% of UVB rays, whereas an SPF 50 can give around 98% protection from UVB rays. So, anything beyond SPF 30 makes very little difference in terms of risk of sun damage and there is no sunscreen that can offer 100% protection from UVB rays.
Whatever the reason for your sun-damaged skin, there are a few home remedies as well that you can try to get it looking smooth again.
The first thing you should try is a mask containing yoghurt or sour cream. These masks will help remove the dead skin, allowing a new layer to grow in its place. To do this, simply mix a small amount of sour cream or yoghurt with honey and apply it to your face for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your face thoroughly and pat it gently with a clean towel.
Many researchers believe that sun-damaged skin can be treated naturally with help of ingredients available in your kitchens like almond oil, raw potato, apple cider vinegar, urea cream and honey.
Take Away
The result of sun damage is premature ageing of your skin. All you have to do is look at the difference between your hands and your face to see how this is true.
We all like to spend most of our time outdoors, but there are certain precautions that should be taken while doing so. In the summer, the Sun’s UV rays can be harsh on our skin and cause serious burns if we’re not careful enough.
There are many ways to find protection from the sun's rays. You can use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and even avoid the sun during its most intense hours.