Home Remedies for Sunburn

Summer is here, which means it's time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. However, with all of those hours spent outside throughout the summer, one thing is almost always certain: sunburn. Fortunately, there are many household things that may be used to relieve the burning, stinging, acne, pimples, rashes and peeling that comes with sun damage.
You know the drill: if you want to maintain your skin looking youthful and glowing, more critically, reduce your chance of skin cancers including basal and squamous cell carcinoma, as well as melanoma, you must apply and reapply sunscreen all day long.
However, you may not have noticed that you missed a place, that your tube of sunscreen had expired, or that your sun hat was not as effective as you had hoped. You've gotten a lobster-red sunburn despite your best attempts, and it's unpleasant, hot, and irritating.
Once you've suffered a burn, there's not much you can do to reverse the long-term damage that the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays have caused to your skin. Even yet, board-certified dermatologists advise there are things you can do right now to calm your sunburn and get relief. While avoidance is essential, certain home treatments for sunburn can help you feel better quickly. You'll learn how to help your skin heal, how to reduce redness and pain, and the most important lesson of all: don't forget your sunscreen! Here are some tried-and-true sunburn remedies.
Sunburn cures at home
A glass of cool water
Sunburn is a type of skin inflammation that occurs when the skin is exposed to the sun. One of the simplest ways to alleviate inflammation is to cool down the affected region. Even if you're still outside, jumping in the water, whether it's an ocean, lake, or stream, is an amazing way to treat sunburn quickly. Dip in and out of the water during the day to avoid sunburn. Because chlorinated water irritates the skin even more, swimming pools should be avoided. It's also a good idea to avoid placing ice directly on your skin. Although it may feel good when your skin is burning, it could actually increase the damage to your already sensitive damaged skin.
You can also take a bath to help relax and chill your skin.
Baking soda and oats
Sun damage can be reduced by soaking for 15 to 20 minutes in a bathtub filled with cool water with a couple of heaping tablespoons of baking soda. A bath with a cup of oats helps the skin retain its natural hydration and reduces inflammation.
You should not scrub your skin in the bath or after you get out. Rather than rubbing, use a towel to dab yourself dry.
Aloe vera gel
If you don't already have an aloe vera plant, you should get one. The gel inside this succulent plant has been used for centuries to heal everything from upset stomachs to renal issues. It's also the most common sunburn remedy available over-the-counter.
By breaking off a piece of the plant and applying the gel directly to the skin, mild sunburn can be treated quickly and effectively. If you can't find a plant, aloe vera gel (100%) will suffice (not an aloe-based lotion or ointment). These gels can be found in most pharmacies.
Tea made with chamomile flowers
Chamomile tea not only calms the mind, but it also calms the skin. As usual, brew the tea and set it aside to cool. Once it's ready, soak a cloth in it and apply it to the affected area.
This medication should not be used if you are allergic to pollen. There's a chance it'll cause an allergic response on your skin and cause rashes and redness.
The use of vinegar for sunburn treatment is controversial. Some people believe that adding two cups of vinegar to a chilly bath water will help relieve the sting of a burn, while others believe that vinegar's high acidity makes things worse. It's advisable not to try the therapy on larger, more serious burns if you haven't tried it on smaller, lighter sunburns before.
Dress comfortably
Wear apparel that doesn't stick to your skin as your skin heals. Because your skin is your body's largest organ, it's important to allow it some breathing room while it recovers from a significant traumatic event like sunburn. The best post-sunburn covers are natural fibres like cotton or bamboo.
Get plenty of water
To battle the damage produced by the sun's rays, your skin requires moisture, which it has lost throughout your time in the sun. A bad sunburn should be enough to persuade you if you're not currently drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day.
Remember to use a moisturiser
After the initial treatment, your skin will still require some careful loving care. Applying moisturiser to the affected areas on a daily basis is one of the most critical things you can do to avoid — or at least minimise — skin peeling. To minimise skin irritation to a minimum, use a fragrance- and dye-free moisturiser (marketed for "sensitive skin").
Take Away
Stay hydrated, stay cool, and take some ibuprofen if the sunburn is extremely intense. You should also wear sunscreen the next time you go outside to prevent your sunburn from getting worse. If you get a fever or show signs of dehydration as a result of a sunburn, see a doctor.
Remember, the best approach to avoid sunburn is to avoid it in the first place.