Dry vs Dehydrated Skin

Dry Skin
Dry skin is the skin's response to losing water content. It contains less water than normal skin. There are several causes of dry skin. The most common cause is ageing. As you get older, your skin produces less natural moisture. Eventually, your skin cells can't hold as much water. This causes your skin to feel rough and flaky.
Irritation from weather or other environmental factors can also trigger dry skin. Using harsh soaps or detergents, swimming in chlorinated pools or hot tubs, sunburn, and extreme temperatures are among the other possible causes of dry skin. Perfumes and cosmetics can also be a cause of dry skin.
Dry skin, or xerosis, can be very uncomfortable and can make certain activities difficult. One of the main causes of dry skin is the lack of oil in your skin. The stratum corneum, which is made up of dead skin cells, normally contains a high amount of sebum, an oily substance that helps protect and moisturize your body. When sebum production decreases or stops altogether, dead skin cells accumulate faster.
Dry skin is the result of several causes and symptoms. Understanding these causes and symptoms can help you identify and treat your dry skin.
With so many forms of modern technology, such as cell phones, tablets and computer screens, many people find themselves staring at a screen for large periods of time. While these personal devices can be very beneficial to our lives, they can also be harmful to the health of our skin. Increased screen time can lead to dry skin and skin damage. However, there are many home remedies that you can try out in order to reverse dry skin.
What Are The Causes And Symptoms Of Dehydrated Skin?
Skin is the largest organ in the human body. It performs many important functions, including protecting deeper tissues from infection and dehydration. The outermost layer of skin, called the epidermis, is the part that you see. Dehydrated skin is often associated with dry skin, which is a type of eczema that occurs when protective oils in the outer layers of skin decrease.
The most common concern that plagues people today is how to deal with dehydrated skin. Dehydrated skin is a common problem that gets worse in summer when the skin tends to lose more water content due to exposure to high temperatures and extreme humidity. Moreover, people working in air-conditioned environments or spending a lot of time outdoors are more prone to dehydration.
The skin protects our internal organs from the external environment and harmful substances, helps regulate body temperature and produces vitamin D. However, skin can easily become dehydrated because of many reasons such as skincare products, stress, weather etc. When your skin becomes dehydrated it will lose its elasticity and toughness that gives you a healthy glow.
To test for dehydration, pinch a small portion of your skin on your cheek, abdomen, chest or back of your hand and hold for a few seconds. If your skin snaps back, you are likely not dehydrated. But if it takes a few moments to bounce back then you are likely dehydrated.
Dry vs Dehydrated Skin: Let’s get the Facts Straight
While the terms; dry skin and dehydrated skin are used interchangeably, it is important to understand what they mean. Dehydrated skin refers to the lack of water in the outermost layer of your skin, while dry skin indicates that your skin is lacking lipids or fats that keep it supple and smooth. It’s not just about the moisture content but finding out why your skin is behaving in a particular way.
Dry skin happens when the moisture in your skin evaporates. You can notice this because your skin feels rough and you see flaky patches.
Dehydrated skin is caused by losing too much water, which leaves deeper layers of skin without enough moisture to stay smooth and elastic. This is why the dehydration lines show up.
Dry skin is a common concern for millions of men and women across the world. While dry skin is simply a result of the lack of sebum in the skin, dehydrated skin can also give rise to other issues such as dryness, flaking, blotchiness, uneven skin tone and redness.
Men's skin is not like women's skin. It is thicker but also drier, even when it's oily. Men tend to use products that are designed especially for women, which make their skin dry and irritated.
Dehydrated skin is often mistaken for dry skin because it feels parched, lacks elasticity and causes the skin to look dull.
If you are looking for ways to look your best then you need to both hydrate and moisturize your skin. However, a person with dehydrated skin may be able to skip applying moisturizers while a person with dry skin may find their skin getting worse by only hydrating. So, if you are hydrating and moisturizing, always remember to use hydrating ingredients first followed by necessary steps to seal that moisture in.
Take Away
Skin is a vital part of our body, covering and protecting our body from all sorts of risks. It is the most exposed part of the human body. With that being said, it is imperative that we take care of the skin in order to reduce the risk of contracting any disease.
For most of us, the word dry means the same thing as dehydrated. This is why we often hear both dry skin and dehydrated skin used interchangeably. Unfortunately, this creates a lot of confusion and even disappointment when we find out that our high-quality moisturizer can't keep up with our dehydrated skin.