Does Amla Juice Reduces Weight?

Amla Juice For Weight Loss - How to Prepare Amla Juice For Weight Loss
What Is Amla?
Nutrition Present In Amla
How does Amla Juice Help In Weight Loss?
How Do You Prepare Amla Juice for Weight Loss?
Here are a few other options to consume amla for losing weight
Side Effects Of Consuming Amla
How Much Amla Juice You Should Drink In A Day?
Take Away
Frequently Asked Questions
Weight loss is not an easy task, it takes lots of effort, and sacrifices and all those who tried to lose weight know how difficult it can get. From the right diet to the perfect exercise regime nothing should be skipped in the process of your journey. However, there is no denying that there are certain foods which optimize or speed up the process of weight loss.
If you are fed up with trying weight loss supplements and treatments, it's time to rely on natural ingredients like amla. Amla is loved for its sour and tangy taste and often people use it to make pickles that stay longer. And the best part about this ingredient is that it can easily help you to reach your weight loss goal before than expected.
If you've been trying to kick that flab around your belly, go for this green fruit for a natural remedy that gives you positive results in a short period. Let's see how amla juice benefits weight loss and why you should use amla for weight loss in this article.
What Is Amla?
Amla also called Indian gooseberry is an edible fruit obtained from the deciduous tree of the family Phyllanthaceae. This tree originated from the southeast area, it also grows in the middle east and some south Asian countries.
The berry fruit is round and greenish yellow with six vertical stripes on the body and has a strong sour and bitter taste. It contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients which make it a superfood for our health. This is also rich in anti-oxidants, and powerful anti-ageing properties and that's the reason it has been used in several ayurvedic medicines for thousands of years.
Even Amla Oil helps in enriching the growth of hair and strengthens and promotes hair growth like no other oil. This has been used in India for ages to grow long, thick and black hair.
Nutrition Present In Amla:
There is no surprise in saying that gooseberries are loaded with supreme health benefits that make them an excellent superfood. If you have been looking for an easy way to lose weight, look no further than this fruit. It has a high amount of vitamin C, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, and polyphenols which fight against toxins and help you get rid of flab.
How does Amla Juice Help In Weight Loss?
Yes, amla juice is an excellent source of weight management. If you are wondering how amla juice works for losing weight, below are a few things you need to know.
Amla Juice For Weight Loss:
- Amla juice is rich in fibre which induces a sense of satiety and helps you to avoid overeating.
- It is alkaline that helps in strengthening the digestive system by turning the calories into energy and results in improving the metabolism of our body.
- Due to hypolipidemic elements, it fights against symptoms of fatty liver and high cholesterol.
- Consuming amla juice regularly helps in regulating blood sugar levels, which is the main reason for diabetes and weight gain.
- As amla is rich in the source of vitamin C and other anti-oxidant compounds, keeps free radicals at bay and takes care of good cholesterol and the health of your body.
How Do You Prepare Amla Juice for Weight Loss?
- If you have fresh amla on hand, it is fairly simple to produce amla juice at home. Here's how you can do it:
- Place 2-4 Indian gooseberries in a blender and mix until smooth.
- 2 to 3 cups of water
- In a blender, combine them until you get a smooth paste.
- When finished, add water to make the thick paste liquid.
- The trainer or a fine cotton towel may also be used to strain the mixer. Remove the pulp, and it's now ready to eat. You may sweeten it with honey to make it taste better, but drinking it plain is ideal.
- Many people cannot drink amla juice because of its harsh flavour; thus, honey is advised to make the amla juice more pleasant.
- One can also use the plant-based collagen supplement for weight loss containing Amla, Collagen, Oats, Guava, Ginger & Sea Buckthorn
Here are a few other options to consume amla for losing weight-
Raw Amla:
Indulge raw amla in your routine, especially if you want to keep the fibres in the fruit intact. All you need to do is, simply clean and eat the whole raw amla first thing in the morning if you can tolerate its sourness and bitterness. Alternatively, slice up the fruit after discarding the pit and chew a few of them every morning on an empty stomach.
Dried Amla:
You can also purchase a pack of dried amla and pop some in your whenever hunger strikes. It benefits you in two ways, it easily controls hunger pangs as well as reduces weight loss. Make sure not to use salted ones to avoid water retention in the body or sweetened kinds so that you can stay away from intaking extra calories.
Amla Powder:
You can also use amla powder just like juice, you can use it for preparing water infusion and consume it first thing in the morning for preventing weight gain.
Amla Pickle:
Pickled amla is one of the most popular and loved ones across the southern parts of India, which often contains ginger, garlic and other beneficial herbs. Consuming it helps in promoting weight loss significantly.
Side Effects Of Consuming Amla:
Even though amla is loaded with lots of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidant properties, too much consumption might result in causing some side effects. Some of the most common side effects include allergy, constipation, dryness of skin, foul smell and burning sensation during urination etc. so, you should use it precisely or consciously, especially if you deal with health issues like iron deficiency, hypertension, cardiac issues, renal disorders, hypoglycaemia etc.
How Much Amla Juice You Should Drink In A Day?
You should drink only 2 glasses of amla juice every day to lose significant weight in your body.
When To Eat Amla For Losing Weight?
You should eat or drink amla juice early in the morning on an empty stomach for losing significant weight. However, you can also take it one hour before each meal or at the night to fasten the process of your weight loss journey.
Take Away
If you are consciously making efforts to lose weight in your routine, don't forget to include this wonderful fruit for obtaining excellent results in a short time.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What are the benefits of drinking amla juice on empty stomach?
It assists you in eliminating harmful toxins from your body and losing weight.
2. How much amla juice should I drink for weight loss?
Drinking two teaspoons of amla juice in a glass of lukewarm water every morning on an empty stomach is good for weight loss.
- The Health Benefits of Amla Oil - very well health
- Hypolipidemic - Science Direct