Do Your Shoes Actually Give You Bunions?

Common Symptoms Of Bunions


Common Symptoms Of Bunions 

Causes Of Bunions 

How To Treat Bunions 

Take Away 

Shoes are an integral part of our life, we like experimenting with our style wearing different shoes but are you wearing the right type of shoes for your feet? This is one of the most important and essential questions. 

A lot of people feel pain while walking in high heels or uncomfortable shoes but they never realize the cause of it, a bunion is inflammation and twisting of the metatarsophalangeal or MTP joint, the "knot" at your first toe. 

Whenever left untreated, a bunion advances to a genuine and excruciating disfigurement as the primary metatarsal bone pushes outward and the big toe pushes internal. Now and then, the internal tension on the first toe is extreme to such an extent that the toe really covers the second or even third toe in a condition called hammertoe.

Common Symptoms Of Bunions 

Bunions are not that hard to understand and diagnose, one of the easiest diagnoses is your first toe pushing over onto the subsequent toe and a hard protuberance showing up outwardly at the edge of your foot. Here are some more symptoms of bunions. 

  • pain and the swelling of your first toe, this can be disturbed by wearing shoes.
  • hard, callused, and red skin which can occur because of your first toe and second toe covering.
  • sore skin on the highest point of your bunion, this can rub on your shoes and become painful. 
  • foot shape changes, this can make it hard to track down shoes that fit accurately, bunions are extremely painful and can also cause difficulty while walking. 

Causes Of Bunions 

Bunions can lead to extreme pain in your feet, of which the common cause of bunions is the sort to be shoes but we think there are more causes that can inaugurate this issue. 

  • Hereditary: Bunions are normal, and also 30% of adults are seen to have them. They create after some time, which causes it to seem like shoes and standing up for a long time, as well as rigidity and joint pain in your feet, which can appear to be the significant reason. However, a lot of research has proven that bunions can be caused due to heredity. Standing up for a long time, shoes, and wellbeing can influence the speed of their turn of events and their seriousness, however, it's actually acquired from your grandparents or parents.
  • High heels: Wearing high heels powers your toes into the front of your shoes, often squeezing your toes. Heels can certainly look nice and they can feel nice but they can cause a lot of harm too, they can not only cause bunions but it can also be a reason for backache and bad posture.
  • Ill-fitting shoes: people who wear ill-fitted shoes may also have bunions, if you wear narrow shoes that are too tight then this is a wake-up call to stop doing so. Ill-fitting shoes can really cause pain in your ankle and be a cause for bunions.
  • Rheumatoid joint inflammation:  Having this fiery condition can make you prone to bunions. 

How To Treat Bunions 

After talking about all the symptoms and causes of bunions, now let us get into some ways by which you can treat bunions. 

Moderate treatment

Nonsurgical methods to treat bunions are as follow:

  • New shoes: Wear open, breathable shoes that give a lot of room to your toes.
  • Cushioning: non medicated bunion cushions or pads might be useful. They can go about as a cushioning layer between your foot and your shoe and reduce pain.
  • Prescription medication: Acetaminophen, Tylenol, ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin IB, or naproxen sodium can assist you with controlling the agony of a bunion. 
  • Shoe pads. Cushioned shoe supplements can assist with circulating strain equitably when you move your feet, lessening your indications and keeping your bunion from expanding. 
  • Applying ice: Icing your bunion after you've been on your feet for an excessive length or then again assuming it becomes aggravated can assist with reducing inflammation and expansion. 

Surgical options 

On the off chance that moderate treatment doesn't soothe your bunion symptoms, you could get a medical procedure. Medical procedure isn't suggested for corrective reasons, just when a bunion causes you excessive pain or makes your daily activities a problem.

Here are some bunion surgery options for you:

  • Eliminating the enlarged tissue from around your first toe joint
  • Fixing your first toe by eliminating part of the bone
  • Realigning at least one bone in the forefoot to a more typical situation to address the unusual point in your first toe joint
  • Joining the bones of your impacted joint forever

Take Away 

Bunions are very common and severely impact your everyday tasks. If you love to exercise and walk a bunion can be a hurdle, we hope you liked the information we shared above, do try all the remedies mentioned above to treat bunions. If you are unable to find a desirable solution then surgery can be the best option for you. 

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