Can thyroid lead to hair loss?

Hair loss
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) include
Hormonal imbalances are frequently blamed for hair loss on the scalp, however they are only responsible for a small percentage of cases of this agonizing symptom. Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, and some hair loss is unavoidable. Women can lose hair after childbirth and during menopause, and practically every man will lose considerable hair by the time he reaches adulthood. Baldness develops in elderly males and females to varying degrees, which is mostly influenced by genetic factors. Hair on the human scalp does not grow indefinitely. Each hair follicle (the unit of hair production) goes through growth phases during which hair lengthens and then rests (the telogen phase).
The hair sheds and is replaced by new hair during telogen. This process is coordinated in some species, which is why dogs molt or shed a lot of hair all at once. Because human hair growth is not coordinated in the same way, individual hair follicles are at different phases of their growth cycle at any one time. As a result, it's common to experience some continued hair loss, which is normally counterbalanced by new hair growth. Telogen effluvium is one of the most common reasons for hair loss. This may be the case. All hair follicles enter a resting phase as a result of the illness's stress, and hair growth momentarily stops. Because the human hair cycle is so long (many months), hair loss may not be noticeable for several months after the person has recovered from their sickness. That new hair begins to regrow at the same time as old hair falls out, the hair loss is temporary.
Hair loss and thyroid
Hair loss can be caused by severe and long-term hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Rather than identifiable places, the loss is widespread and affects the entire scalp. The hair appears to be scant all around. With successful thyroid issue treatment, regrowth is common, albeit it may take many months and be partial. Hair loss is uncommon in people with moderate hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (e.g., subclinical hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) or short-term thyroid disorders.
Some types of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism appear suddenly and are identified early, whereas others may be present for months or years before being diagnosed. Thyroid disease causes hair loss that appears several months after the condition has started. The extended hair cycle is to blame for this. In such circumstances, hair loss may coincide with thyroid treatment, and the thyroid medication may be incorrectly blamed, leading to treatment discontinuation, which may worsen the hair loss.
Thyroid symptoms
If you have thyroid illness, you may suffer a wide range of symptoms. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a thyroid issue are frequently confused with those of other medical disorders and life stages. This can make determining whether your symptoms are caused by a thyroid problem or anything else more challenging.
Thyroid disease symptoms can be split into two groups: those caused by too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and those caused by too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) (hypothyroidism).
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) include
- Anxiety, impatience, and nervousness are present.
- I'm having difficulty sleeping.
- I'm trying to lose weight.
- Having a goiter or an enlarged thyroid gland.
- Having tremors and physical weakness.
- Having irregular menstrual periods or a complete cessation of your menstrual cycle.
- Heat makes me feel irritable.
- Experiencing visual issues or inflammation in the eyes.
Hair loss treatment caused due to thyroid
Many individuals fear that they will lose all of their hair, but hair loss caused by thyroid issues is usually transitory and may be reversed, particularly if you work with the endocrinologist to get evaluated and put on the proper treatment for your condition. Thyroid drugs might help you rebalance your hormones and regrow the hair you've lost, however new growth may take some time. You should get a comprehensive thyroid panel from your doctor to check the TSH, free T4, free T3, and reverse T3. These aren't just "average" values; they should be excellent. What's the difference? Normal readings, particularly for TSH and T4, may nevertheless produce problems such as hair loss. Working with your doctor to identify the proper type and dosage of thyroid medication for your individual thyroid hormone imbalance is the next step. Your endocrinologist will assist you in determining the most appropriate treatment for the symptoms.
Make an appointment with a specialist who is familiar with thyroid issues. It's critical that you maintain track of your symptoms, keep track of how long you've been taking your medicine, get regular thyroid exams, and speak up for yourself at doctor's appointments. Inquire about all therapy options and combinations that could work for you, especially if your hair loss persists despite medical treatment.
Hair loss causes
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any concerns or queries about your hair loss, and look into the family history as well, as it may provide insights and a road to a cure. Hair loss can also be affected by the following factors:
- Male-pattern or female-pattern hair loss is inherited.
- Medications used in chemotherapy
- Age, especially after 50, is a factor.
- Ringworm, for example, is a fungus.
- There isn't enough protein or iron in your diet.
- An damage to the body (as in surgery or injury)
- Stress that lasts a long time
- Disorders of the immune system
- Loss of weight
Because your endocrine system is intricate and linked to a wide range of health conditions, you should consult an endocrinologist if you're having trouble losing weight, experiencing extreme exhaustion, or having an enlarged thyroid.
Take Away
We all lose hair on a daily basis, and it grows back. However, if T3 and T4 aren't working properly, the renewal cycle can be disrupted, resulting in diminishing hair over time without hair replacement. This could also have an impact on your brows, body hair, and eyelashes. It's possible that it'll fall out in clumps or threads. It's also possible that it's not coming from a single source, so it can go unnoticed at first.