Can Protein Powder Help with Weight Gain?

Protein Powder for Weight Gain

Whey protein 

How much protein do you truly require? 

Protein powder can't make you gain weight, right? 

How to Pick a good protein powder

Take Away 

Protein is a nutritional superstar for a reason: it keeps your muscles and bones healthy, repairs cells, and serves as the building blocks of hormones, among other things. Protein is particularly popular among dieters since it is often low in calories and can help keep you full and pleased between meals, which is precisely what you want when hunger pangs strike. 

However, if you regularly consume protein powder for weight gain and believe it is causing you to gain weight, you may be onto something—after all, pro bodybuilders gulp the stuff for a reason. 

There are many myths concerning weight gain and loss today. Some people believe they can consume particular foods indefinitely without gaining weight, yet a few bites of the wrong foods will quickly add pounds. 

Fortunately for exercise buffs, the mechanics of gaining or losing weight can be reduced to a simple equation: calories in vs. calories out. You will almost always gain weight as long as you consume more calories than you burn. 

It might be challenging to regularly make good eating choices, even if you have a thorough understanding of nutrition science. Due to a lack of understanding of the calorie profiles of the foods they eat, even the most disciplined person with the greatest intentions might become stuck on their weight loss or gain journey. 

Protein – or any other macronutrient, such as fats and carbohydrates – will not make you gain weight on its own. The only way to gain weight is to consume more calories than you burn. When it comes to gaining weight, it doesn't matter what you consume in order to reach a caloric surplus. It's critical to get your energy from nutrient-dense calories that will keep you running all day. 

Protein powders for weight gain are an excellent source of nutrition because they're frequently low in fat, portable, and easy to use, and they can be mixed into almost anything for a significant protein boost. Plus, they're a terrific filling snack that is available in a variety of flavours and kinds, so you're sure to find one you like. 

Weight gain isn't always a bad thing (in fact, it might be beneficial! ). That's why, before adding a nutritional supplement like a powder, you should figure out how much protein you actually need and how much you're already getting. Are you unsure if your protein powder is causing you to gain weight? Before you combine it into your shake, here's everything you need to know. 

How much protein do you truly require? 

Protein requirements vary by age, gender, and physical activity, but a decent starting point is 0.36-0.6 grams (g) per pound of body weight per day. This translates to 46-75 grams per day (or 15 to 25 grams per meal) for the average woman who exercises little to no. 

The USDA has a tool called the MyPlate Plan and a generic nutrition calculator that may be customised to your needs for a more precise protein estimation. If you're completely new to nutrition, meeting with a licensed dietitian who can provide you with individualised advice can be beneficial. 

Protein powder can't make you gain weight, right? 

Protein powder, in and of itself, is unlikely to make you gain weight, but how you use it may. You may gain weight if you add protein powder to your weight gain diet without adjusting the rest of your meals to accommodate the extra calories. This may be your overall objective, but if your original plan was to lose weight, it may not be a desirable side effect. 

Breakfast foods like oatmeal or pancakes (which are often low in the nutrient) can help you stay satiated for longer, but you must account for the extra calories. 

Plus, if you're just drinking protein shakes as a meal replacement, you might not feel as full as you would if you ate real food, leading you to snack more (and thus consume more calories) than usual. When we first begin our weight-loss journey, drinking frequently does not meet the 'hand to mouth' urge that eating does for many of us. Even after absorbing calories with protein powder beverages, the need to munch and eat still exists. 

A higher number on the scale, though, isn't always a bad thing. Strength exercise and a higher protein diet can help you gain weight while not adding to your body fat because you're creating lean muscle. This will help you burn more calories at rest and define regions of your body that you've been working on in the gym, resulting in a "toned" appearance. 

These effects are true for any protein powder, but those that contain branched-chain amino acids (commonly known as BCAAs), three important amino acids that the body need for muscle building but cannot produce on its own, are worth highlighting. These protein powders promote muscle growth (and consequently weight gain) more than other protein powders. 

How to Pick a Good Protein Powder 

Before making a purchase, make sure to read the box. Protein powders aren't subject to FDA approval because they're considered dietary supplements, so it's vital to read the label. Aim for a powder with 150 calories or less and roughly 20 grams of protein per serving if you're looking for a low-calorie, high-protein option. 

Take Away 

Keep in mind your objectives—and that the number on the scale doesn't always tell the whole story. Keep in mind that if you're using protein to help you lose weight, you'll need to account for the extra calories throughout the day and adjust your other meals accordingly.

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