Can Biotin help to cure male pattern baldness?

Male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness

What is biotin?

Biotin for hair growth

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Biotin is a vitamin and a well-known supplement that promotes hair development. Though the supplement isn't new, it's gaining in popularity, especially among men who want to boost hair growth and prevent hair loss. However, little is known about biotin's involvement in hair health or whether or not this supplement is effective. This article examines the evidence to see if biotin can help men develop hair or if there are any hazards associated with taking the supplement.

What is biotin?

Biotin, often known as vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin in the B vitamin family. It is in charge of several metabolic tasks in your body, including the conversion of food into energy. It's also necessary for having healthy hair, skin, and nails. It's also called vitamin H, it stands for "Haar und Haut" in German, which translates to "hair and skin." Egg yolks, liver, cauliflower, mushrooms, soybeans, beans, lentils, almonds, pecans, and whole grains are all high in biotin. It's also readily accessible as a supplement, either alone or in conjunction with some other vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, it is created naturally in your body by gut bacteria, making it simple to maintain healthy levels.


Biotin deficiency is exceedingly uncommon because the vitamin is found in a variety of meals and can be generated by gut bacteria in your body. Children and pregnant women, persons who abuse alcohol, and people who have a biotinidase deficiency, an enzyme that distributes free biotin into the body are all at risk of mild vitamin insufficiency.

Furthermore, taking raw egg whites on a daily basis can cause secondary biotin insufficiency. Avidin, a protein found in raw egg whites, limits biotin absorption. As a result, before consuming egg whites, be sure they're cooked. Hair loss and a scaly, red rash all around the mouth, eyes, and nose are signs of biotin deficiency.

Biotin for hair growth:

Because of its function in keratin formation, biotin is essential for hair development. Keratin is the major protein that helps to a strong, healthy hair shaft by forming the structure of the hair. Biotin deficiency can result in poor hair development and hair loss. Adding more to your diet through supplements, however, is unlikely to assist because most people already have appropriate quantities. In fact, despite claims in marketing that these supplements boost hair growth, just a few large-scale studies back this up.

Biotin supplements were found to increase hair growth in people who had a deficiency in the nutrient, according to a 2017 review. The authors found that these supplements aren't beneficial for the general population due to the frequency of this deficiency.

Male pattern baldness:

The steady loss of hair on the scalp is known as male pattern baldness, or male androgenetic alopecia (MAA). Many men are looking for solutions to avoid additional hair loss, with 30–50 percent of men suffering MAA by the age of 50. Researchers discovered that individuals with MAA had somewhat lower levels of biotin compared to men who did not have hair loss in a 2019 study. The difference, however, was not large enough to suggest a clear relationship among biotin and MAA. Aside from this study, no clinical trials on biotin supplementation and male hair loss appear to exist, while there are several studies in women.

Taking supplements with a marine protein supplement comprising an undisclosed amount of omega-3 fatty acids improved hair thinning in 30 women in a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment. Although encouraging, it's unclear whether the individuals had a biotin shortage and whether the same outcomes would be seen in men. It's also unclear whether biotin influenced the outcomes because the supplement also contained other nutrients known to promote hair development, such as amino acids, zinc, and vitamin C.

As a result, supplementation is likely to be necessary only in those who have a biotin shortage, though more study is necessary. If you're having hair loss, consult a doctor to see if there are some underlying problems.

Take Away 

Biotin is a common nutrient that promotes the growth of healthy hair. Despite the fact that hair loss is a symptom of biotin deficiency, the majority of the people have enough levels of the nutrient because it's commonly available in food and synthesized by the body. Despite the fact that sales are surging, there is little evidence that taking biotin supplements for hair growth particularly in men  is beneficial. As a result, if you want to have better hair, you should avoid these pills and instead eat biotin-rich meals.

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