Benefits of Sugarcane juice

Is Sugarcane Juice Good for Weight Loss?
One glass sugarcane juice calories (Nutrient Breakdown)
Does sugarcane juice increase weight?
Benefits of Eating Sugarcane
Health benefits of sugarcane juice
What happens if we drink sugarcane juice daily?
Best Time to Drink Sugarcane Juice
Sugarcane Juice Disadvantages
Frequently Asked Questions
Weight Loss with Sugarcane! Is this Possible? Yes, it is possible. It is actually perfect for weight loss as its juice can help clear your stomach, enhance metabolism and eventually leads to weight loss. The high content of fibre in sugarcane juice keeps you fuller for longer and helps you lose some extra pounds. Sugarcane juice or ganne ka ras, a sweet liquid juice derived from the stalks of sugarcane is very readily available and loved by most over soft drinks and other unhealthy beverages. Not just in India, it is also a common beverage made in Asia, Brazil, and South America.
Natural sugarcane and its direct derivatives have been used in the treatment of various illnesses like:
- Haemorrhage (bleeding)
- Inflammation
- Jaundice
- Urinary tract problems
Looking into some of the nutritional facts, we can get an idea of whether sugarcane juice results in weight gain or not.
One glass sugarcane juice calories (Nutrient Breakdown)
One glass sugarcane juice calories – 100 ml of sugarcane juice provide 84 calories with 100% of the calories from carbohydrates.
Carbs – 100 ml of sugarcane juice contains around 13g of carbs that are contributed by natural sugars like sucrose, fructose, etc.
Protein and fats - Sugarcane juice consists of negligible amounts of fats and proteins.
Vitamin and mineral – Sugarcane juice is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron.
Does sugarcane juice increase weight?
It helps in weight loss. While some might say it has a high amount of sugar, it is actually perfect for weight loss as sugarcane juice helps clear your gut, boost metabolism and eventually results in weight loss.
Sugarcane juice has numerous health benefits and is good for people looking for weight loss if consumed in limited quantities.
Sugarcane turns down bad cholesterol and the soluble fibres present in it can help in weight loss.
Its diuretic properties remove harmful toxins from the body and boost kidney health.
Though it is purely made of sugar, it contains unrefined sugar i.e. sugarcane constitutes only 10-15% of sugar concentration and the remaining is water, fibre, enzyme, vitamin, and minerals.
Also, a glass of sugarcane juice when consumed daily does not necessarily cause weight gain as this can cut down sweet cravings for unhealthy foods such as carbonated beverages, sweets, etc. Sugarcane juice helps in enhancing metabolism and promotes digestive health. So let's explore what happens if we drink sugarcane juice daily by knowing its benefits and side effects.
Benefits of Eating Sugarcane
Hydration during winters:
It is a known fact that in winter, people usually consume very less water. In that case, sugarcane, which is loaded with electrolytes, can help, if its juice is consumed at room temperature or eaten raw..
Natural Diuretic:
Sugarcane juice is a natural diuretic which can be very beneficial as it helps eliminate the risk of kidney stones and ensure that there is no UTI present.
Strengthen liver:
Ayurveda suggests that having sugarcane or its juice can strengthen your liver. That is why it is suggested as a jaundice remedy.
Beneficial for pregnant women:
Studies have found that consuming sugarcane or its juice with ginger can help reduce the occurrence of morning sickness and enhances the immune system of pregnant women.
Boosts dental health:
The juice present in sugarcane stems is rich in phosphorus and calcium and it protects your teeth against decay. So, people who are afraid of getting cavities should consume this or its juice.
Effects on Diabetes:
Diabetic patients are compelled to choose direct sugarcane derivatives over refined sugars to help them regulate their GI. Sugarcane molasses has been found to lower glucose and suppress the production of insulin.
Good for skin:
Sugarcane contains AHAs, which are frequently used in various skin care treatments. This can fight acne, prevent ageing and get rid of existing blemishes.
Helps in weight loss:
The juice of this natural grass or in the raw form is high in dietary fibre, which is really helpful in weight loss. Moreover, even the natural sweeteners present in it have a very low glycaemic index (GI).
14 Health benefits of sugarcane juice
We all love to drink sugarcane juice, but we never think about its numerous benefits. It relishes your taste buds and even satisfies your mind. Here let's see sugarcane juice benefits –
1: Energy booster
Sugarcane is a natural source of sucrose which is a powerhouse of your energy. It normalises the release of glucose into your body to get lost sugar levels. Sugarcane juice helps to hydrate your body and minimise the fatigue caused due to hot weather. This juice gives you carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals that help you deal with dryness.
2: May help in jaundice
Sugarcane is one of the best remedies for jaundice, as per Ayurveda. It helps strengthen your liver. Sugarcane juice has several antio-xidants that help combat liver infections and keep bilirubin levels in control. In jaundice, your body breaks down proteins enormously and raises the bilirubin in your blood. Sugarcane juice helps replenish that lost protein count rapidly.
3: Diuretic in nature
Sugarcane juice has excellent diuretic properties that help eliminate harmful toxins and infections from your body. Having sugarcane juice will help to prevent UTIs and kidney stones. It also ensures that the kidneys function properly.
Mix some coconut water and lemon juice in the sugarcane juice and consume this mixture two times a day to get relief from the burning sensation.
4: Improve digestion
For digestive issues, sugarcane juice works as a digestive tonic. Rich in potassium which helps balance the pH levels in the stomach. Sugarcane juice helps the secretion of digestive juices and keeps the system on track. Sugarcane also contains a good quantity of fibres that help clear your digestive tract and ease constipation.
5: Prevent ageing
If you are looking for an anti-ageing and fine lines remedy, sugarcane juice may help. It contains antio-xidants, phenolic acid, and flavonoids. It helps in moisturising the skin and making it soft and glowing from within. Glycolic acid in sugarcane juice helps to maintain the radiance of the skin as well.
6: Make bones and teeth stronger
Sugarcane is a very good source of calcium for a growing kid. It smoothens the dentition period and also gives strength to their bones. It is not only beneficial for kids but for adults as well. Having a glass of sugarcane juice can keep your bones strong as you age and minimises the risk of osteoporosis.
7: Immunity booster
Sugarcane is a good source of vitamin C and antio-xidants help boost your immunity. The flavonoids present in it help the body stave off cancerous cells, especially prostate and breast cancer. Sugarcane juice works excellent for digestive and liver issues. The potent antio-xidants present in it can also neutralise the secretion of bilirubin levels in the body.
8: Helpful in diabetes patients
Sugarcane contains natural sugar that prevents spikes in the levels of blood glucose. When taken in moderation, it may prove to be beneficial for patients who have diabetes.
9: Helpful in pregnancy
Sugarcane is rich in several nutrients that are essential during pregnancy, like folic acid, vitamin B complex, antio-xidants, and calcium. The presence of folic acid and vitamin B9 has been proven to minimise the chances of congenital neural disabilities like spina bifida in babies.
10: May reduce fever
High fever leads to a lot of weakness and body pains. Sugarcane juice helps to replenish the loss of protein during fever and makes your recovery fast. Sugarcane juice works great in individuals who suffer from a fever with seizures.
11. Can Cure Acne
When sugarcane juice is applied topically, it can significantly reduce skin issues like acne. Sugarcane juice comprises alpha-hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid which help exfoliate the skin, removing acne build-up.
12. Reduces Pain linked to STDs/UTIs
If you are suffering from body inflammation arising out of UTI, STDs, prostatitis and kidney stones you can consume sugarcane juice mixed with lemon juice and coconut water to get relief.
13. Effective Remedy for Febrile Disorders
The febrile disorder is very common in infants and children and is usually marked by fever, seizures and deficiency of protein in the body. Sugarcane juice is a great remedy for the febrile disorder as it helps to regenerate the body with lost proteins and helps the body on the way to faster recovery.
14. Speeds up Wound Healing
Sugarcane juice has natural sucrose which is a potent ingredient for fast wound recovery. Aside from consuming this drink, if you have sustained wounds from an accident you can even apply the juice to the area to speed up the healing process.
What happens if we drink sugarcane juice daily?
Sugarcane juice has amazing diuretic properties that help to get rid of harmful toxins and infections in your body. Consuming sugarcane juice will help to prevent UTIs and kidney stones while also ensuring the proper functioning of the kidneys.
Ayurveda has in fact stated sugarcane juice to be a powerful remedy for jaundice as it helps in strengthening the liver.
Best Time to Drink Sugarcane Juice
Sugarcane juice can be consumed at any time of the day, but the best time considered to relish the delicious beverage is before noon. As per Ayurveda, while consuming any beverage one should be in a sitting position to enhance digestive activity so that the body absorbs it properly. The juice is extremely good for your stomach and also beneficial in any kind of tiredness. Standing position is linked to problems like indigestion and heartburn.
Sugarcane Juice Disadvantages
There are no such side effects of sugarcane but despite the several benefits sugarcane has in the health box for us, it may need to be avoided or consumed in limited quantities by some people like those who are suffering from diabetes. Excess sugarcane juice can also cause heart ailments, insomnia, upset stomach, headaches, dizziness and weight loss due to the presence of ‘policosanol’ in it. A normal person can have a glass (two in case of Jaundice) of fresh sugarcane juice in their daily routine.
Is sugarcane juice good for health? Well, drinking sugarcane juice can have some incredible benefits on your health from skincare to weight loss and the natural sugar in it can blow away your sugar cravings as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the disadvantages of sugarcane juice?
While the juice is packed with several nutrients, there are certain disadvantages as well. Policosanol present in sugarcane can lead to insomnia, upset stomach, dizziness, headaches and even weight loss (if consumed in excessive quantity). It can also cause blood thinning and can impact cholesterol levels in the blood.
2. When should you not drink sugarcane juice?
sugarcane prevents blood clots, causing excessive bleeding from the body. Therefore, do not drink sugarcane juice if you take any blood-thinning medicine.
3. Which is better: coconut water or sugarcane juice?
Coconut water is less in sugar, calories, and water than sugarcane juice, and it has plenty of potassium, which most of us lack. For these reasons, it's best to give coconut the win. If you're looking for health benefits, it's probably advised to stick to coconut water.
4. Is sugarcane juice good for the liver?
Sugarcane juice is one of the perfect tonics for people with liver disease as it helps in strengthening the functioning of the liver. Being alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps to maintain low acid levels in the body.
5. Drinking sugarcane juice on an empty stomach?
Yes, of course, we can have this on an empty stomach. Moreover, it is a good way to neutralize the acidity in the stomach being alkaline in nature.
1. Phytochemical profile of sugarcane and its potential health aspects
2. The Effects of Ingestion of Sugarcane Juice and Commercial Sports Drinks on Cycling Performance of Athletes in Comparison to Plain Water