Aritha Powder for Hair Growth

Aritha Powder
Ayurveda holds an important place in all Indians life, we all have been bought up reading and using the benefits of various ayurvedic goodness.
Aritha which is also known as Reetha or Soapnuts is additionally called Arishtak in Ayurveda and "Cleanser nut tree" in India. It is notable for its conventional therapeutic uses and is usually utilized as a hair cleaning agent.
Reetha is broadly used to make normal hair care items as it makes hair sparkling, sound, and radiant. It tends to be utilized consistently to give sustenance to the hair scalp and advance hair regrowth. Reetha powder can be blended in with warm water to frame a glue that can be utilized to knead the scalp to assist with overseeing dandruff and furthermore eliminate lice from the scalp because of its insecticidal property. The powder of Amla and Reetha can be applied to the hair to help control the turning grey of hair and furthermore animate better hair development.
Our ancestors have been using Aritha or Reetha powder for centuries to keep their hair gorgeous and lustrous and today we will give out their century-old secrets to our readers.
Benefits Of Aritha Powder for Hair Growth
- Dandruff
As per Ayurveda, dandruff is a condition when we get dry skin on the scalp. This might be expected to bother Vata and Pitta dosha. Reetha assists with controlling dandruff and elevates hair development because of its Tridosha adjusting property. The sharp nature of Reetha additionally assists with keeping the scalp without dandruff.
How to make Aritha paste for dandruff:
- Make a paste of Reetha powder with warm water.
- Apply all around the scalp and hair.
- Massage well to make foam.
- Leave for at some point and wash off with plain water to control dandruff.
- Scalp itching
Tingling might be because of dryness and can likewise be because of growth arrangement. The skin might feel irritated because of over-the-top perspiring. This implies all the three Doshas Vat-Pitta-Kapha are engaged with tingling. Reetha assists with decreasing tingling just as irritation due to its Tridosha adjusting property.
How to make Aritha paste for itching:
- Take 1-2 teaspoons of Reetha powder.
- Add to 2-3 glasses of water.
- Bubble till the water lessens to half.
- Strain and utilize the fluid as a body wash to dispose of the tingling of the skin.
- Head Lice
Lice are little creepy crawlies that dwell on the scalp. Head lice create and endure when they get great conditions like overabundance sweat, soil on the scalp, or any cleanser/cleanser buildup on the scalp. Reetha assists with eliminating lice by annihilating the great conditions and cleaning the scalp because of its sharp nature.
How to make Aritha paste for head lice:
- Make a paste of Reetha powder with warm water.
- Apply all around the scalp and hair.
- Rub well to make foam.
- Leave for at some point and flush off with plain water to dispose of head lice.
- Gives natural shine
Reetha is a characteristic conditioner that is known to alleviate the scalp and make the hair sparkly. It gives a characteristic gloss and tries to please hair which can, in any case, get harmed by contamination and way of life.
- Natural shampoo
The majority of the shampoos accessible in the market have some substance and additive embodiment, which can end up being adverse later on. Then again, reetha is 100% normal and can be involved day by day as a characteristic cleaning agent that has main advantages and has no unfavourable impacts at all.
- Aritha for hair growth
Aritha is a magnificent ingredient that can help your hair become its best selves, it can help you with hair growth and can reduce hair fall over time, there are a lot of ways in which you can use Aritha for hair growth but here is our favourite way.
- Reetha and coconut oil
We all desire thick and lustrous hair and for that, we have the best solution. Add reetha to coconut oil and absorb the magic. Coconut oil in itself is hydrating and nourishing and can be beneficial in hair growth, this combined with Aritha becomes a massive hit.
Here is how you can make this:
- Warm 100 ml of coconut oil for 5 mins
- Add a modest bunch of reetha and amla to it
- Blend everything great and leave for 24 hours
- Continue to warm in the middle so that reetha and amla are ingested well in the oil
- Strain into a container
- Use consistently as typical hair oil
Take Away
Aritha powder has been known for its various benefits for a really long time, our grandmothers have used this potent ingredient as a shampoo, as a conditioner, and often as a hair mask. With changing times we have forgotten the benefits of these natural ingredients, we hope you liked the information we shared above, do try using Aritha on your scalp and get all the benefits of it.