Winter Weight Gain: How to Avoid It?

Seasonal Weight Gain
Seasonal weight gain varies by individual, but specific events throughout the holiday season tend to push the scales in a less desirable direction for the majority of people. Dieters may find winter to be a difficult time of year, and not just because of the holidays.
The chilly weather can throw a wrench in your fitness regimen, make you crave comfort foods like mac and cheese, and even send you on a mental roller coaster that leads to overeating. Although seasonal weight growth differs from person to person, surveys have shown that the typical winter weight gain is five to seven pounds.
The good news about battling winter weight gain is that, for the most part, cold and darkness do not appear to be factors of overeating. Seasonal affective disorder, which is clinical depression brought on by the short days of winter, affects a tiny number of people in the winter; many of these people may struggle with overeating. However, this is due to the depression itself, and those who suffer from it are just as prone to undereating as they are to overeating, which is true for everyone who suffers from clinical depression.
Ways to Avoid Weight Gain
Winter weight gain is mostly due to less exercise and increased eating for the rest of us. Here are a few ways to avoid winter weight gain:
Prioritize whole foods
Candy, cookies, and pie may taste delicious, but they won't make you feel your best if you consume too much of them. Enjoy nutrient-dense, nutritious foods and keep the indulgences to a minimum, whether you're having lunch with friends or eating a holiday feast.
That means half of your plate should be filled with a variety of vegetables like green veggies, not french fries, and the other half should be filled with a moderate amount of protein and carbohydrates. Make sure you're staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It will aid in the management of hunger and the avoidance of mistaking thirst for hunger.
Get plenty of sleep
Sleep deprivation may raise your chances of gaining weight by changing your appetite, making you more likely to go for higher-calorie items. In addition, shorter days in the winter mean less sunlight, which might affect sleep quality. Changes in daylight hours might affect sleep as the days get shorter and we shift into daylight savings time.
Therefore, your circadian rhythm, your body's normal sleep-wake cycle may be affected by these changes. Limiting blue light exposure, sleeping in a pitch-black room, and avoiding coffee more than six to eight hours before bedtime are all steps you may do to improve your sleep quality.
Maintain the exercise routine
The last thing you want to do when it's cold outdoors is put on your running shoes and do some hill sprints. But don't allow that to keep you from participating in activities. Join a new yoga studio or an indoor basketball or volleyball league to get some fresh air. Move your weight-training routine from the evening to the morning. Alternatively, locate a gym friend to hold you accountable. The idea is to keep your body active and healthy throughout the winter months.
Move throughout the day
It's excellent to exercise a couple of times a week, but it's even better to keep moving and active throughout the day. Your daily exercise levels are likely the most important factor in how much energy you expend overall.
NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis, is the name for this concept. Simply walking about the house, doing DIY, walking to the shop, or playing in the yard with the kids will significantly improve your energy expenditure and thus weight reduction.
Cut back on alcohol
Keep an eye on how much you're consuming. Beer has 145 calories, therefore drinking four beers will add approximately 600 calories to your daily calorie intake. Furthermore, alcohol has been known to increase insulin levels, and as your blood sugar levels drop, you'll feel hungry and crave calorie-dense foods.
Practise calorie control
Don't 'fall off the wagon' if you do overeat. Make up for it by lowering your calorie intake for a few days and increasing your physical activity. Also, get some exercise wherever you can. During your lunch break and after dinner, go for a brisk stroll. Instead of taking the elevator at work, take the stairs. Dieting plus exercise, or both, can help you lose 10 pounds each year if you consume 100 fewer calories per day.
Sip warm water
Warm water, rather than cold, is recommended by Ayurveda. Warm water is regarded as an elixir in Ayurveda and aids in the removal of toxins from the body called ama. Ama is a sticky food substance that builds up in the body as a result of pollution and poor food choices.
Consume light dinner
A light dinner does not tax your digestive system and aids the body's natural detoxifying process while you sleep. According to Ayurveda, the optimal time to eat dinner is before 7 p.m. This allows your body to absorb the food properly.
Consume more seasonal foods
Food is provided by nature according to the seasons. Nature provides us with meals that keep us cool during the summer. It provides us with nuts, seeds, and root vegetables in the winter. Consuming seasonal foods can give you a feeling of fullness for a long time and therefore prevent you from overeating.
Weight Loss Foods
Carrots: Carrots are high in fibre. They aid with digestion and keep you nourished for longer. Carrots are also calorie-free. You can include them in salads, soups, and smoothies.
Beetroot: Beetroot is high in fibre. Beetroot includes 43 calories, 0.2 grams of fat, and 10 grams of carbs per 100 grams. Beets can be used in salads, soups, drinks, and smoothies.
Guava: Guavas are high in fibre and provide around 12% of the daily required fibre intake. It also aids weight loss by improving digestion and boosting metabolism.
Take Away
Losing weight during winter could be a difficult task owing to the holiday season and the weather. Mindful eating and awareness, in general, could go a long way. You don’t necessarily have to follow a strenuous diet in order to be in shape, however, patience and effort are required.