Why is some fat easier to lose than other fat

Different types of body fats


Body fat isn't created equal. Your body includes three different forms of fat, which it stores in various ways, and it has a predilection for which fat stores are drained when you lose weight.

Different types of body fats are

  1. White fat

White fat, also known as white adipose tissue or WAT, is the form of fat that most people think of when they think of body fat. It's storing fat, which means that when we eat too many calories, the extra energy can be stored as lipids in our white fat cells. As you consume more extra calories, your fat cells grow in size and number, leading to weight gain.

2. Brown fat

Brown adipose tissue or BAT is a form of fat that becomes active when it becomes cold. Brown fat generates heat or thermogenesis by burning calories, which helps keep your body temperature stable. Surprisingly, it has been discovered that thinner people have more fat deposits than obese people. Brown fat is present around the neck and armpits, between the shoulder blades, and in the abdomen, and it surrounds organs, major arteries, and veins.

3. Beige fat

Beige fat, like brown fat, is associated with a healthy weight. Under the epidermis, near the collarbone, and down the spine, this type of fat is found in pea-sized deposits. While beige fat is genetically separate from brown fat, it similarly burns calories to produce body heat. Hormones produced during exercise, acute stress, or time spent in the cold have been proven in several studies to change white fat into beige or brown fat. However, because the majority of the studies were small or limited to animals, further research is needed to fully understand beige and brown fat.

Fat loss

White visceral fat, often known as dangerous deep-belly fat, is the easiest form of fat to remove. When you lose weight, this is usually the first thing to disappear. Visceral fat is prone to loss because of its active nature, which is what makes it so dangerous to your health. The same diet and exercise approaches that help you shed weight and body fat overall work for this stubborn belly fat. You will shed visceral fat first if you eat less extra calories. Because your body will mobilize excess fat for energy while you are in a calorie deficit, it is easier to eliminate that fat first.

If you have excess fat stored in your abdominal area, it will be removed first. While subcutaneous fat is less harmful to your health, it is significantly more tenacious and difficult to eliminate. To reach your objectives, you may need to increase your activities. Spot exercises, such as sit-ups, can tighten abdominal muscles but aren't certain to eliminate visceral fat.

How to lose body fat?

Because one pound of fat equals around 3,500 calories, you'll need to burn roughly 3,500 calories to shed one pound. So, if you reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories, you could lose 1 to 2 pounds every week. This is a usually safe and long-term weight loss pace. If you're overweight, it indicates you're consuming more energy (calories) than you're expanding. The additional energy is deposited as triglycerides in fat cells. When you burn more extra calories in, your body looks for energy in its fat stores.

Fat subsequently leaves your body as water via sweat or urine, or as carbon monoxide through your lungs. Your muscles receive energy from stored glycogen when you workout or engage in any physical activity. Although high-intensity cardio starts to burn fat, strength and strength exercises are also recommended, as muscle mass aids in the burning of more calories and fat, as well as increasing metabolic rate. A study found that strength training had the greatest influence on waist measurement change in males among diverse physical activities.

Fat loss is proportional

Spot reduction, or targeted fat removal, is an appealing concept. However, for a variety of reasons, you can't exactly target where you lose some weight on your body. Remember that excess energy is stored as triglycerides in fat cells, but muscle cells cannot use triglycerides as fuel. The fat must first be broken into glycerol and free fatty acids, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream and used for energy. However, the fat that is broken down can originate from any part of the body, not simply the location you're attempting to lose weight from. Fat loss appears to be distributed equally throughout the body.

If certain portions of your body appear to be more defined than others, this does not indicate that you are losing extra fat in that specific location. Rather, there is less fat storage in that area in general. If you have a lot of fat about your waist, for example, it will take longer to lose that fat than fat in other areas of your body merely because there is more of it there. You can develop your abdominal muscles by doing a lot of crunches every day, but you won't see a visible six-pack until you lose weight. Those additional pounds and fat will gradually but surely leave if you combine activity with a healthy, low-calorie diet.

Take Away 

Targeted activities to lose weight in certain regions of your body are frequently ineffective. If you want to shed subcutaneous fat between your hips or thighs, for example, a whole-body wellness regimen that involves regular exercise and a balanced diet is the best way to go.

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