What is the difference between semen and sperm?

Semen and sperm
Semen is the substance that is ejaculated by the male reproductive system, namely genital, and contains the sperm. Several glands contribute material to the semen as the sperm make their way from the seminal vesicles to the environment outside the male body.
Semen is a white fluid substance that cum out of the penis's open end through the male urethra during orgasm whereas sperm is a mandatory cell body in the semen that with sperm, semen has got nothing to do.
Sperm cannot directly see the face of the earth nor come out of the male genital body. It needs a medium to pass out from the body which is none other than semen.
The purpose of sperm is to fertilize the female egg whereas the purpose of semen is to help the sperm make its way to the egg.
The semen fluid is made mostly of water, plasma, and mucus whereas sperm is a minute spermatozoa cell that equals the size of 1/1600th of an inch.
The normal spermatozoal content of semen amounts to 28-225 million per milliliter.
Semen is a visible content to the naked eye whereas sperm cannot be seen to the normal human eye. A microscope is at least needed to observe the shape or movement of sperm. By this differential point, one could easily understand.
Sperm is a spermatozoa cell found in semen. Semen is the production of testosterone hormone present in men. Sperm is also considered as semen, the one and only high viscous energy substance excreted from the mind's sexual power.
As the semen and sperm look like words and start with the letter 'S', most people do not mind whether it is semen or sperm.
However, there is this differentiation between the two entities that one can be particular about and mean a lot of differences between both, sperm and semen.
Coming to sperm production, the testes are responsible for making testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, and for producing sperm. The testes contain coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules that are responsible for producing the sperm cells through a process called spermatogenesis.
Coming to semen production, the sperm released from testes under the spermatogenesis process would be mixed with seminal fluid, a whitish liquid produced by the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland.
The semen ejaculated at one shot of the penis through sexual stimulation contains at least to least 500 million sperm cells.
Even though sperm is the major substitute to activate ovaries resulting in a by-product, it all alone cannot go to the ovum. Semen is the solution to bypass sperm from the male body genital to the female body genital thereby reaching the dead end of the ovaries to produce a most probable by-product.
Semen contains citric acid, free amino acids, fructose, enzymes, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, potassium, and zinc whereas
sperm is a rich protein content alongside vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc.
Semen is dependent on sperm whereas sperm cells are independent of semen. However, the motility of sperm cells is completely dependent on semen.
Sperm count is the major concentration of semen quality. The viscosity of semen depends on the sperm cells that are produced during ejaculation or orgasm.
The thickness of the semen is all dependent on the sperm count. Healthy semen is the one that is thick and solid, and greasy to touch, which is only possible with a good number of sperm cells.
During orgasm or ejaculation, the sperm cell is the first produced material rather than the other content of the semen. In fact, the process of spermatogenesis is the way to ignite the other glands like the prostate to produce semen.
There is this thing called pre-cum or pre-ejaculation that makes semen all alone without the containment of sperm cells.
It is also observed that the growing age could dilute the semen but cannot sperm production. The statement means that the testicles could stay standard life long but the disappointment is only possible with the other glands in the body that form up semen.
The semen ejaculation differs in sperm count in correspondence to masturbation and sexual intercourse. Masturbation may make out more semen to see but there would be less number of sperm cells contained compared to what is produced for sexual intercourse.
Take Away
The difference between sperm and semen is simply subjective and verbal masturbation. It is absolutely normal to use the word sperm in the place of semen. After all, sperm is the only source to reproduce whereas semen is the only source to travel that sperm from male body to female body.