What is Omega good for?

What is Omega?
Omega is a family of oils with a gazillion health benefits. These benefits have been attributed to a variety of ailments. Taken in small doses, omega-3s have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and relieve joint pain. In large doses, however, the opposite effects have been observed. This reversal of effects has been observed in both patients taking omega 3 supplements and in animals who have been fed diets high in omega 3s.
Omega fatty acids may be one of the most important nutrients for our health. Omega 3 fatty acids, in particular, are directly linked to several health benefits including lower levels of inflammation, lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and healthy brain function. Omega acids are found in seafood (like tuna, salmon, and oysters), eggs, nuts, and leafy green vegetables.
Benefits of Omega-3s
The benefits of omega-3s are vast. We all know that these essential fatty acids are good for the body, but how do they work?
Omega-3s may help support heart health in several ways. Science suggests that omega-3s may help reduce triglyceride levels, blood pressure and inflammation. The Mayo Clinic notes that omega-3s may also help lower blood pressure in people with mild hypertension. Additionally, omega-3s may also play a role in reducing the risk of developing coronary heart disease, strokes and heart arrhythmias.
We've talked about this before in previous posts like the benefits of taking fish oil pills for hair growth or why you should be taking ginseng for hair growth. The facts are that Omega-3 fatty acids come from fish oil and can be beneficial for just about everything.
Fish oil, one of the best-known sources of omega-3 fatty acids, has many uses, including treating heart disease, high cholesterol, depression and arthritis. It can also help men stay fertile by improving sperm motility and reducing the risk of prostate cancer.
Omega-3 is associated with numerous health benefits, however, consuming too much omega-3 fatty acids can take a serious toll on your health. The side effects include high blood sugar, diarrhea, insomnia, acid reflux, etc. Always stick to the recommended dosage and aim to get the majority of your omega-3 fatty acids requirement from whole food sources.
What is Omega Good For?
Here are some of the science-backed benefits of omega:
- Omega can improve eye health because the structural component of the eye, DHA, is a type of omega-3. Insufficient DHA can lead to vision problems. Getting enough omega-3 has been linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration, which is one of the leading causes of permanent eye damage and blindness.
- Omega-3 can improve depression and anxiety as shown by some studies. The studies indicate that people who consume omega-3s regularly are less likely to be depressed. Also, people with these issues can improve their symptoms by consuming omega-3s regularly. EPA is one of the most important omega-3 that appears to be the best at fighting against depression. One study even found EPA as effective against depression as a common antidepressant drug.
- Omega 3 can fight inflammation as well by reducing the production of molecules and substances linked to inflammation, such as inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines. A study suggested that a connection has been observed between higher omega-3 intake and reduced inflammation.
- Omega-3 supplements can help young adults and senior citizens in empowering the brain to retain memory for longer. A study suggested that omega-3 supplements exert positive effects on memory functions in healthy older adults.
- Osteoporosis and arthritis are two of the most common disorders that affect the skeletal system. Many studies indicate that omega-3s can actually improve bone strength by boosting the amount of calcium in the bones. This results in a reduced risk of osteoporosis. Omega-3s may also treat arthritis. In another study, patients taking omega-3 supplements reported reduced joint pain and increased grip strength.
- Getting enough sleep is one of the most important foundations of optimal health. Studies suggest that sleep deprivation is the leading cause of many diseases, including obesity, diabetes and depression. Omega-3 deficiency is associated with sleep problems in children and obstructive sleep apnea in adults. Low levels of DHA are also linked to lower levels of melatonin, a hormone that helps us fall asleep.
Take Away
Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that you must consume through your diet. It is present in fish oil, seafood, flaxseed oil, walnuts, etc. You are advised to have more nutrition from Omega-3s in order to aid in the prevention of certain diseases, such as heart disease. Omega-3 is vital for cell membranes in the body, which form the outer layer of the cells in the body. It also keeps your eyes healthy. Omega-3 keeps your brain active and improves your mood. If you are prone to irritability or depression, you should increase your intake of Omega-3s. It keeps you healthy and fit by boosting your immune system.