What are the side effects of plastic surgery?

Side effects of plastic surgery

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has become very popular among the millennials, everyone wants to improve some or the other thing about their face or body and no one is really satisfied with what they have.

While plastic surgery might be getting all the momentum there are a lot of things people must keep in mind if they want to go ahead with it. Anything done on your face or body that is not natural will definitely have some side effects and rightly so plastic surgery also has a lot of side effects. 

If you are someone who wants to go under the knife then the information being shared here will be helpful for you, keep reading to know more. 

Some general complications of plastic surgery are:

  • Discomfort or mild to moderate pain, which can generally be controlled through over-the-counter medication 
  • Swelling at the surgical site
  • Itching, redness, and tenderness at the incision sites
  • Bruising at the surgical site
  • Numbness of the skin
  • Drainage of fluid at the surgical site, which may, depending on the type of surgery

Side Effects Of Plastic Surgery

We talked about some general complications above, now let us get into some serious side effects of Plastic surgery. 


A hematoma is a pocket of blood that resembles a large and painful bruise, it only happens to 1 percent of breast augmentation procedures. It’s also one of the most common complications that you can go through after a facelift, this side effect is seen more in men than women.

Hematoma is a common risk in all types of plastic surgery, make sure you talk about all the risks and side effects with your doctor beforehand. To treat hematoma sometimes you would require an additional operation that will help to drain out blood if the collection of blood has happened on a large scale. 


Seroma is another condition quite like hematoma that occurs when serum, or sterile body fluid, gathers beneath the surface of your skin, this can result in swelling and extreme pain, this side effect can occur after any surgery, but is most commonly seen after a tummy tuck, almost 15 to 30 percent of patients go through seroma.

Seroma can get infected, so the fluid is often drained out with a needle, but there are chances of it making a comeback.

Blood loss

Almost every surgery sees a blood loss, but some may see more than others, a slight wrong cut can be deadly for the patient. Extreme blood loss can also lead to a drop in blood levels. Blood loss is not always external; it can happen while on the operating table, but also internally, after surgery.


Every doctor tries so that their patient does not have to go through infection, however, infection is one of the most common side effects after plastic surgery. Almost about 1.1 to 2.5 percent of people who undergo breast augmentation are prone to infection.

The skin infection of cellulitis may occur after surgery. In a lot of cases, infections can be internal which makes them severe, requiring intravenous (IV) antibiotics.

Nerve damage

The potential for nerve damage is present in almost all types of surgeries. Numbness and tingling sensation are common after plastic surgery they usually go away after a few days of the surgery but if it is prolonged then that could mean a potential for nerve damage.

General appearance dissatisfaction

Most people are satisfied with their post-plastic surgery outcome however a lot of people are rather angry than satisfied. But disappointment with the result can be a serious problem, make sure you have a doctor who you can trust. Facial plastic surgery is rather complicated and can often leave you an asymmetric face structure, choose your surgery carefully. 

Psychological and Emotional Damage

A surgery that goes well can help in boosting your self-confidence, which could make you happy and satisfied with your life. But, on the other side, unsatisfactory results can end you up in anxiety or depression, particularly if you had some unrealistic expectations from the surgery. 


People who have low self-esteem often develop body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) after plastic surgery, it also means that they get addicted to the outcome of plastic surgery and try to get more involved in it. This is highly toxic and can be a serious complication after plastic surgery. 

Take Away 

Plastic surgery is a medical way to treat your imperfections, it can get highly addictive at times and you must know how to control your urge. There are numerous side effects of plastic surgery so if you are thinking of getting it done make sure you have done your research well. We hope you liked the information we shared above, be wise and choose carefully.

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