The Dangers of Indoor Tanning

The Dangers of Indoor Tanning

Indoor Tanning

Sunlamps and tanning beds promise a bronzed body all year, however, the ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by this equipment is hazardous to one's health. Although some people believe that a tan makes them look healthier, any tan is an indication of skin deterioration.

A tan is the result of the skin's reaction to UV radiation. The skin reacts in self-defence by creating more melanin, a pigment that darkens the skin, after recognising the rays as an "insult." This damage causes rapid ageing of the skin and, in rare circumstances, skin cancer.

UV-B and UV-A rays are two forms of UV radiation that enter the skin.

  1. Sunburns are caused by UV-B rays, which penetrate the top layers of skin.
  2. UV-A rays reach the skin's deeper layers and are frequently linked to allergic reactions like a rash.

UV-B and UV-A rays can cause skin damage and can cause skin cancer. Lamps that emit both UV-A and UV-B radiation are used in tanning salons.

Dangers of Indoor Tanning

1. Cancer risk

According to the National Cancer Institute, exposure to UV radiation—whether from the sun or from artificial sources like sunlamps used in tanning beds—increases the risk of skin cancer (NCI). Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, has been related to severe sunburns, particularly in children. UV-emitting tanning devices are more harmful than previously considered. These gadgets have been classified as "carcinogenic to humans," the greatest level of cancer risk. The devices had previously been classified as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."

Cancer is a long-term disease that might take decades to develop. As a result, it is suggested that commercial indoor tanning be prohibited for people under the age of 18 to protect them from the increased risk of melanoma and other skin cancers. Both UV-A and UV-B rays cause DNA damage, which can lead to skin cancer in laboratory animals and humans. The risk of melanoma of the skin increases by 75 percent when tanning beds are used before starting age of 35. Skin cancer is well known to be caused by UV radiation from the sun. Indoor tanning systems raise your risk of skin cancer since the lamps used in tanning beds produce UV radiation.

2. Premature aging:

The skin loses suppleness and wrinkles prematurely as a result of tanning. This leathery appearance may not appear for several years after you've tanned or sunburned.

3. Immune suppression

UV-B radiation has been shown to inhibit the immune system and the skin's natural defences, making you more susceptible to diseases like skin cancer.

4. Eye damage

UV radiation can harm the eyes in an irreparable manner.

5. Allergic reaction

Some persons who are very susceptible to UV radiation may get an itchy red rash as well as other side effects.

Advocates of tanning devices believe that because the intensity of UV radiation and the amount of time spent tanning can be managed, they are less harmful than solar tanning. However, there is no proof to back up these allegations. Sunlamps maybe even more dangerous than the sun because they may be used at the same high intensity all year, but the sun's strength fluctuates according to the time of day, season, and cloud cover.

How to Remove Tan?

1. Exfoliation

Exfoliating gently with a homemade or store-bought scrub can help lighten your skin's tone by eliminating dead skin cells from the surface. Just remember to stay out of the sun once you've exfoliated. Sun protection can be provided by dead skin cells. You're more prone to sunburn, tanning, and skin damage once you take them off.

2. Aloe vera

This sunburn salve turns out to be more than just a potent anti-inflammatory skin soother. According to one study, aloe vera can diminish pigmentation by suppressing the release of melanin.

3. Turmeric

This bright yellow spice has long been used as a skin lightener in India. While turmeric has not been proven to lighten the skin, it has been discovered that when used as a cream, it can help protect the skin from sun damage. Turmeric may also increase the skin's moisture and natural protective oils. Turmeric, on the other hand, can leave a yellow mark on your face (as well as your clothes and counter). To assist remove residue and minimising stains, use a face wash or makeup remover right after a turmeric mask or topical application.

4. Black tea

It has been found that Black tea extract helps lighten a tan in guinea pigs, however, further research is needed, particularly on how homemade brews or topical medications containing black tea extracts affect humans.

5. Skin lightening products

Over-the-counter skin-lightening lotions and procedures are now widely accessible. Look for skin-lightening products that contain one or more of the following ingredients:

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Glycolic acid
  3. Retinoid
  4. Kojic acid
  5. Azelaic acid

By exfoliating the skin and promoting new cell growth, these active substances can help lighten an existing tan or dark patches. Some of them can also help to decrease or prevent dark spots by slowing the formation of melanin. However, to avoid discomfort or other adverse effects, only use one product with a single active component at a time.

Take Away

The "glow" of browned skin is anything but healthy. Skin that is tanned is skin that has been injured. It makes no difference how old you are or what sort of skin you have. Even if you get a "base tan" to avoid being sunburned, you're still hurting your skin. This raises your chances of developing skin cancer. The research supporting the dangers of tanning beds is overwhelming: those who use tanning beds are substantially more likely to get skin cancer.

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