Side Effects Of Beard Implant

Beard Implant

Beard Implant 

A beard implant is also known as a beard transplant. The process of planting hair grafts in the beard skin line on the face is called beard implant. The hair is removed from any part of the body and transplanted into the beard space namely jawline, neckline, chin, cheek, and sideburns. 

Beard implantation is a good solution to patchy beard and beard ingrowth. As long as the beard line skin is healthy and free from oily moisturizer, dandruff, dirt, bacteria, virus, and other infections, a beard transplant is a viable possibility to achieve facial hair goals.

Beard Implant Techniques

Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT)

Most beard transplants are performed using a technique called follicular unit transfer (FUT). In this procedure, hair grafts are removed from the donor area and harvested using a small circular incision, and transplanted to the area where the beard hair is to be built or filled. The taken grafts are implanted in a larger area with a small scar that is barely visible.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

DHI hair transplantation is similar to FUI but there is little difference in the technique of how hair is implanted. DHI is also called Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction for its accurate in-depth angular hair implantation. This is perfectly suitable for the Alopecia Barbae kind of disorder.

DHI is suitable for small area hair transplantation whereas FUT is feasible for a large number of hair graft transplants. 

Side Effects of Beard Implant

Costly Process

The beard transplant can rigidly implement faster recovery, faster activation of transplant follicles, and quicker growing, thicker hair. This surgery is costly compared to other hair treatments for its own benefits. Of course, a good beard transplant lasts forever. The only thing is whether the transplant went well. 

Risky and Painful

There are various cosmetic risks associated with beard implants. The beard skin becomes red-tight right after the transplant. As it undergoes surgery with anesthesia, the process is definitely painful after the implantation. 

Hair shedding

Hair shedding is also known as shock loss which is quite normal after a beard transplant. The transplanted hair falls out for two to three weeks after the procedure. shock loss, which means that all the transplanted hair falls and grows back worries a lot.

Chronic folliculitis

Cysts appear as small skin-colored swellings around the transplanted hair follicles, which can become erythematous and painful. 


The rare condition of skin bleeding happens after beard implantation. As the hair follicles rooted in the skin's upper layers are pierced with tiny sharp tools to remove hair from the donor area and to implant hair in the receptor area, there are chances for skin to break into the tool and start bleeding.


A rapid heartbeat that may be regular or irregular occurs due to beard implantation. This fast heart rate is the result of two causes during a hair transplant. One is the use of anesthesia. The other is the curiosity of the patient. Two causes lead to more bleeding from the site of the donor area and receptor area if there are any spot holes.

Inflammation of hair follicles (folliculitis)

Folliculitis is inflammation of the skin caused by fungal or bacterial infection. There would appear small red pimples around every hair inserted in the hair. The surgical attempt to touch every skin cell using external tools disturbs the internal blood flow causing severe inflammation. This results in infections causing crust or pus drainage around the surgical sites.

Itchy Feels

The inflammation, the infections, and the bleed out altogether irk the skin to peaks. One to two months after beard transplantation feels like carrying a baby in the womb. One must control the pain and the irritation caused due to beard transplant.


Small crusts appear around transplanted hair after the surgery. To not disturb the hair grafts in order to achieve the desired transplant, one should not wash the face until the skin becomes dry. It takes quite a long time for the bleeding skin to become dry.

Scars or Swelling on the beard area

There is a risk of scars with the beard hair transplant technique. As it is rough and tough handling of skin cells, the skin layers could swell due to the pain induced through transplant.  


After all, the side effects are only risks and it does not mean the side effects are damn sure to occur with the beard hair implantation. As it is a costly attempt, one need not worry pre-deciding. If the surgeon is well trained and experienced, the surgery is mostly successful. The success itself proved by the transplant techniques are now widely known and available globally. 

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