Reasons for semen smell

Semen smell


Semen is the substance that is ejaculated by the male reproductive system that has the penis as the genital. Several glands contribute material to the semen as the sperm make their way from the seminal vesicles to the environment outside the male body.

Semen is a white fluid substance that cum out of the penis's open-end through the male urethra during orgasm. The semen fluid is made mostly of sperm, water, plasma, and mucus.

The sperm released from testes under the spermatogenesis process would be mixed with seminal fluid, a whitish liquid produced by the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland.

Semen could smell something. Healthy semen normally resembles smells like ammonia, bleach, or chlorine.

Semen can smell bad irrespective of whether the person is healthy or not. Foul-smelling semen could be an indicator of some harm or infection in the body, especially in reference to the male reproductive system.

A foul-smelling semen droplet could also come out as typical seasonal changes for the body should showcase at least once in a while its bad containment which need not be unhealthy or bizarre.

The abrupted semen could smell fishy or similar to rotten egg which could dissatisfy the opposite sex at the climax of the sexual intercourse.

There are people who are fond of foul semen smells that they would crave for it and take the penis to the inside edge as much as possible, anywhere through the vaginal, anal, and oral cavity. These people look filthy to the other people who are extremely nervous wreck to foul smells.

Causes of smell from semen

Sexually Transmitted Infections or Diseases ( STIs or STDs) 

Depending on the type of virus, bacteria, or parasite, depending on the way of transmission, there are dozens of sexually transmitted diseases or infections identified in the course of health sciences. Some of them are completely curable and a few of them are deathly dangerous that cannot be cured.

These infections on prolonged observation in and around the penile body would damage the actual flavor of the penis and its inside compound. The damaged skin cells, the dead skin cells, and the bacterial formations altogether cover the penile skin could contaminate the ejaculating semen. When an infection reaches odor level, the penis is subjected to complete damage. 

There are a variety of sexually transmitted diseases that are typically meant for causing semen smell.

Sexually transmitted infections like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, HIV AIDS, syphilis, etc are the most known for causing semen smell during sexual intercourse or just masturbation.

Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections could also cause foul semen smell or urine-like semen smell in rare chances. Urinary tract infections are pertaining to penile discharge tubes that could get disturbed to certain infections that may system default the urine to add onto semen ejaculation causing typical smells and wrecks.

Food habits and Bad habits

Eating foods like asparagus, meats, and garlic or drinking a lot of caffeine or alcohol or smoking weed and cigarettes could make your semen smell pungent.

Sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse is in fact a filthy activity going deep into another body, physically. This course of action could actually showcase the inner body smells. That way, the ejaculation could smell different, awkward, and embarrassing.

Sexual intercourse is a reaction between the alkaline side and the acidic side. The semen is ejaculated with alkaline compounding behavior whereas the vaginal discharge is an acidic behavior. The reaction between both could give a separate new taste of semen which could smell different, most foul.

That is, the chemical compound present in semen when reacting with vaginal discharge could result in a reaction that could result in smell bad after sex. This is the case most people face irrespective of whether their reproductive health is good or not.

As we discussed above, there are people who are addicted to the bad smell of ejaculated during orgasm.


Smelly semen could be an outcome of smegma.

Smegma or preputial sebum is a natural lubricant that is found around the head of the penis and under the foreskin. Smegma is a combined mixture of shed skin cells, skin oils, and moisture. It occurs in both male and female mammalian genitals. When it builds up, it begins to look like a white, cheesy substance. For the same reason, it is also called penis cheese or dick cheese.

In layman terms, smegma is a foul-smelling cheesy white or yellow substance produced under the foreskin at the glans of the penis or around the clitoris and labia minora. 

Smegma is most seen in the uncircumcised penis. If smegma becomes infected, inflammation may occur, manifested by swelling, redness, and painfulness of the penis.

Men with smegma have an increased risk of penile cancer and cervical cancer.

Smegma is secreted by sebaceous glands beneath the foreskin of the uncircumcised penis. The glans penis is to be cleaned after masturbation and sexual intercourse. If not, the semen would stick on the glans penis and develop into smegma.

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