Is keratin protein good for hair?

Keratin is a protein that can be found in your hair, skin, and nails. Keratin is also found in the organs and glands of the body. Keratin is a defensive protein that is less likely to be scratched or torn than some other types of cells produced by your body. Keratin is a protein that may be extracted from the feathers, horns, and wool of various animals and utilized in hair cosmetics. Because keratin is the fundamental building block of hair, some people feel that keratin supplements, products, and treatments can assist strengthen and enhance the appearance of their hair.
Benefits and results
Keratin users claim that the hair is smoother and simpler to manage as a result of using it. The results vary widely depending as to whether your hair is strong to begin with, how thick your hair is naturally, and which keratin treatment you take. Keratin functions by smoothing out the overlapping cells that make up your hair strands. The hair cuticle, which is made up of layers of cells, absorbs the keratin, giving hair a full and glossy appearance. Keratin is also said to make curly hair less frizzy, simpler to style, and appear straighter.
Methods and uses
- Salon keratin treatments
This time-consuming keratin treatment, often known as the Brazilian keratin treatment, requires multiple steps. Your hair is first treated with a formaldehyde-containing cream before being blown dry and straightened at a salon. After using the treatment, you must keep your hair dry for many days. Another treatment is done to set the straightening effect whenever you visit the salon to get the chemicals washed out. This treatment is supposed to last 12 weeks.
2. Keratin serums, shampoos and conditioners
Keratin serums, shampoos, and conditioners can't claim to be as effective as a salon keratin treatment. However, they claim to strengthen hair and mend hair that has been dried out by heat or hair color. Look for the phrase "keratin hydrolysates" in the ingredient list to identify these goods. The active constituents of keratin were shown to be a potential substance for persons who sought stronger hair, according to the researchers.
Keratin supplements can be purchased at almost any health food store. Keratin supplements are available as powder or capsules. Supplementing with keratin carries some hazards. They can build up too much protein in your body if you use them too much.
Possible risks and side effects
Formaldehyde is present in high concentrations in salon keratin treatments. Handling keratin treatment materials and inhaling their fumes continuously over time caused nosebleeds and respiratory difficulties in some hair salon staff. These levels of formaldehyde were five times higher than the national safety guideline for chemical exposure. As a result, pregnant women should refrain from receiving this treatment. Keratin treatments should be avoided by anyone with a formaldehyde sensitivity or respiratory difficulties.
Benefits of keratin treatments
The benefits of a keratin treatment vary depending on the hair type and the items you use. A keratin treatment will typically provide the following advantages:
- Hair that is silky. Sun exposure, hair dye, and other harsh chemicals can rob your hair of its natural keratin, leaving porous regions more susceptible to breakage and other damage. Keratin treatments work by "refilling" the places where keratin has been lost. As a result, the hair shaft becomes smoother, resulting in silkier, shinier hair.
- Hair that is more straight. A keratin treatment can straighten curly or wavy hair depending on the ingredients used.
- Curls that are smoother. That's right: keratin treatments don't have to result in hair that's perfectly straight. Certain formulations merely minimize frizziness, making curls or waves softer and smoother.
- Hair that is more durable. Keratin treatments make hair healthier and less prone to breaking by restoring lost keratin in the hair shaft. Some people may be able to grow their hair longer because the strands are less prone to fracture.
- Hair that appears to be thicker. In addition to strengthening hair, a keratin treatment can make hair appear fuller by replenishing keratin.
If you're worried about formaldehyde exposure, there are many other techniques to attain the same results as a keratin treatment without the risk. Blow-drying or flat ironing your hair might temporarily smooth it out. You can also strive to keep your body healthy and robust by keeping it hydrated especially if you use heat-styling tools. Shampoo can eliminate natural hair oils, so try to clean your hair as little as possible. Switching to the "no poo" method is also an option.
You can also use products with natural moisturizers, such as:
- Olive oil
- Argan oil
- Coconut oil
- Shea butter
- Sunflower oil
Take Away
Keratin treatments have a few advantages. Your hair will appear glossier after applying keratin to the cuticle and sealing it in with heat. However, it's vital to understand the compounds involved before undergoing a treatment like this. Some people may discover that once they've had a keratin treatment, they need to maintain receiving them to hide the heat damage caused by processing their hair this way. Keratin treatments also expose hair salon personnel to hazardous substances in high concentrations. Consider using a keratin-containing hair product before receiving a keratin treatment to see if you can acquire the shiny locks you want.