How to treat skin itching after a shower?

Itching After A Shower: Causes
An itch is a sensation that is typically described as a mild irritation of the skin that often manifests itself as a desire to scratch or rub that particular area. The intensity of itching sensations can vary from individual to individual and from one instance to the next.
Many men report that they experience a sense of itching after a shower. This sensation is the result of a variety of factors, but most commonly it can be attributed to an adverse reaction to certain types of soaps, shampoos or body wash. In the following article, we will examine the underlying causes of itching after a shower as well as methods for relieving this common skin condition.
Itching after a shower is one of the most common skin problems. This is an indication that your skin is sensitive. There are many reasons that can cause your skin to become itchy after a bath.
While common showering soap has been found to be very useful for our hygiene essential needs, some people are highly sensitive to it. If you experience itching all over after showering, causing the skin to turn red and inflamed, your body may be telling you that you can’t tolerate common soaps.
The reason for this is that some soaps contain fragrances and chemicals that many people are highly sensitive to. This can cause an allergic reaction which manifests as an intense itching sensation.
If you suffer from frequent rashes and itching, consider discontinuing the use of common soaps and start using natural soaps instead. Natural soaps are made using plant-based ingredients without fragrances or surfactants that can irritate sensitive skin.
Soap allergies are no different from other types of allergies. After all, they simply affect the immune system, triggering a reaction on one or more parts of the body.
Though it seems like a minor inconvenience, if you frequently suffer from itching after your shower, it can be incredibly annoying.
Treatment & Home Remedies
Itching after a shower is one of the most common skin problems young adults face. When you are suffering from itchy skin after a shower, you want to find a solution that will help you get rid of it as soon as possible. There are many different reasons behind the itching after the bath. It can be due to dry skin, sensitive skin, changes in climate or water pressure, etc.
Here are some natural treatments and home remedies that can help relieve the itching and provide fast relief from this condition.
- Keep showers short and cool: Avoid bathing with hot water as it can trigger allergic reactions which usually results in itching. Use cooler water for shorter periods of time to avoid stripping the skin of its natural protective oils.
- Avoid showering more than once a day: More showers mean more chances to strip the skin’s natural oils. If possible, limit showering to once daily.
- Avoid long, hot baths: Avoid long, hot baths and consider adding colloidal oatmeal or bath oils to help moisturize the skin.
- Do not scratch the skin: Scratching the skin can irritate and injure it, this will make the condition worse.
- Avoid using washcloths, scrubs or harsh sponges. These may irritate the skin in the same way as scratching.
- Avoid using soaps with fragrance: Always use fragrance-free moisturizing cleaners or soaps. Look for hypoallergenic products or those designed for people with eczema and sensitive skin.
- Pat dry the skin very gently: Do not rub the skin with towels, this can aggravate your condition and remove the skin’s natural oils.
- Apply a heavy moisturizer: Be sure to use a fragrance-free, heavy moisturizer or ointment.
- Use a humidifier: Using a humidifier can be very helpful in dry climates or throughout the winter months. Low humidity can exacerbate dry skin.
- Avoid using retinoid products: Retinoids regulate epithelial cell growth but can be irritating to the skin. Unless a doctor has prescribed products that contain retinoids, people should avoid using them if they are going through skin itching.
- Anti-itch creams: These creams contain lactic acid that may be used to soothe itching from dry skin. They also help bind moisture to the skin. Pramoxine hydrochloride is another promising ingredient that has been shown to decrease itching caused by dry skin.
- Stay hydrated: Drink more water as being dehydrated can lead to dry skin. In general, make sure that you are getting 8 cups of water each day to hydrate your body properly.
Take Away
Soap is actually a detergent used to clean the body and the face. However, it can also cause allergies, even mild ones. In these cases, it is advisable to use a soap substitute to cleanse the skin and hair without leaving it dry or irritated.
If you experience severe itching after a shower, try using moisturising soap and avoid harsh and drying soaps. Also, keep your showers short to minimise dryness or irritation.