How To Reverse Hair Loss With Type 2 Diabetes?

Reverse Hair Loss With Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes can happen due to many reasons and can cause a lot of problems. It can happen due to irregular lifestyles or due to genetic problems. High levels of sugar can damage our organs and can create other problems in our body like hair and skin problems. When diabetes is not controlled affects every cell in your body and while we concentrate on its major complications, many minor complications of diabetes go unnoticed. Hair loss is one of them.
There are usually two types of diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes:
It is an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas, the place where insulin is made. The reason behind the attack is unclear but at least 20% of people with diabetes have this type.
Type 2 Diabetes:
This is a lifelong disease that keeps your body from using insulin the way it should and sugar builds up in the blood.
Hair loss is a natural part of an individual’s life and is a very common problem nowadays. People suffer from it at a point in their life. Our hair goes through a life cycle that occurs after several intervals. During the active growing phase which usually lasts for two years, our hair grows at a rate of 1 to 2 cm per month. Then the hair goes into the resting phase and which lasts about 100 days. After this phase, some of the hair starts to fall out. Diabetes can interrupt this growth phase at any stage and can damage our hair.
Causes of Hair Fall in people with Diabetes?
As you know healthy hair is a sign of good health. Most f people are not aware of this but their diabetes and hair loss go hand in hand.
As you know that high diabetes levels affect the cells in our body it also affects our hair follicles. The vessels are also damaged due to high blood sugar levels.
These vessels are only responsible to carry oxygen-rich blood throughout your body to feed your tissues and organs. The damaged blood vessels may not be able to deliver enough oxygen to nourish your hair follicles and hence causing the hair to get lose and fall and slowly disturbing the growth cycle.
Diabetics can also suffer from alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder that results in unpredictable hair loss. In this, our immune system attacks the hair follicles which later results in bald patches all over the scalp.
For some people, the hair loss is nothing more than a few patches, though in some cases it can be more extreme, and sometimes complete loss of hair which results in complete baldness may also occur which is also known as alopecia totalis and hair loss from the entire body which is called alopecia Universalis.
If a person is diabetic then their body is not producing enough insulin and isn’t using it properly. Insulin is a hormone that moves the sugar from the foods you eat from your bloodstream into your cells to be stored or used as energy. This causes to build extra sugar in the blood and thus resulting in different problems. Now what can you do about the hair fall and how can you prevent it.
Long-term Effects of Diabetes?
Diabetes can cause some long-term effects on your body and health. Some of them are:
- Permanent damage to the large blood vessels of the heart, brain, and legs.
- Damage to the small blood vessels, causing problems in the eyes and kidney.
How to prevent Hair Loss from Diabetes?
Hair loss from diabetes can be reversed and controlled but it is different for different people. Not all have the same type of diabetes. But some common remedies with which you can prevent hair fall are:
Minoxidil Topical Solution
This Minoxidil Topical Solution is a solution that is used to trigger hair growth and to treat different types of alopecia. This is a very popular solution and it also conditions the scalp giving maximum benefit to the scalp. This is used by both males and females and has very few side effects.
Biotin Supplement
This is a water-soluble vitamin B that occurs in the form of capsules. It is also present in many natural foods. People who suffer from diabetes also suffer from low levels of biotin. This supplement has helped a lot of people recover from hair loss and especially people who suffer from diabetes too.
Scalp Massage
This is the best way to stimulate oxygen and blood to the hair follicles for better hair growth. As we know diabetes disrupts the flow of oxygen rich blood to the hair follicles thus stunting the growth. Scalp massages can help stimulate and increase the flow of blood and oxygen thus promoting hair growth.
Proper and Balanced Diet
By changing your diet and eating habits you can decrease hair fall and promote hair growth. If you are more inclined towards eating junk food then you may suffer from hair loss. Diabetes is a type of disease in which you should be careful about your health and diet. Add nuts, curd, milk, and some other nutrition rich foods in your diet. Have juice in the morning and evening and avoid sugar. You can have some sugar in the form of brown sugar.
De-Stress yourself
Diabetes can increase stress on the body. Try some things which makes you happy and can help you de-stress. Try meditation and exercise which will keep your mind and body active and sound. Stress can cause hair fall and can also trigger diabetes to increase.
Avoid using Chemicals containing Products on Hair
Your hair are already falling out because of an autoimmune disease and using chemicals will only trigger hair fall and damage your scalp.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
If your hair loss is very extreme and no hair loss remedies are able to control it then you can also try the PRP method. PRP is platelet rich plasma. In this method blood and plasma is separated into a centrifuge and then the plasma is injected into the damaged hair follicles. This helps to stimulate oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles.
Yoga, Meditation and Exercise
Do meditation to calm your stress every morning for at least 10 minutes. Meditation and yoga will have a positive effect on your mind and body and will help you stay calm.
Always check your blood levels and be prepared. Stay on top of your blood glucose levels.
There are other reasons of hair fall which can damage our scalp and hair growth.
What are the Causes of Hair Fall?
1. Hereditary as a cause for Hair Loss
This type of hair fall is generally permanent because it occurs due to a fault in the genes. This is the most common type of hair fall and it is called male pattern hair loss in men. This generally happens when you inherit genes from your parents or grandparents.
2. Thyroid Disease
People who suffer from thyroid may also experience hair fall. As it is autoimmune disease that’s why it can cause significant hair loss in both males and females.
3. Being Overweight
If you suffer from obesity then you will experience hair fall. This type of hair loss is temporary and can be reversed with the help of certain medications. Obesity is an outcome of overeating all kinds of foods. This irregular eating habit may also affect your hair as a proper diet is very important for our skin and hair.
4. Telogen Effluvium
This is a hair condition in which hair remains in one stage of growth cycle and that is the telogen. This stage is the natural shedding phase and causes more hair loss. You may see some hair clogged in the drain and in your hair brush too.
5. Various Micronutrient Deficiencies
Not taking a proper diet may cause some deficiencies in your body. These deficiencies can later result in skin and hair problems. Diets that are low in protein and certain vitamins such as iron, can sometimes cause excessive hair shedding.
6. Ringworm
It is a fungal infection which is causes due to various reasons like sweat or bacteria. Ringworms can occur on the scalp and cause hair loss which can also result in temporary bald areas on the head. It appears as a small spot at first but results in a big bald patch afterwards.
7. Increasing Age
With age your skin and hair starts to lose its shine and health. Some people notice that their hair have stopped growing and some notice hair fall. At some point hair follicles stop growing hair which causes the hair on our scalp to appear thin.
8. Taking Too much Stress
If you have recently heard a disturbing news or a family members of yours is sick or some other lifestyle related problem because of which you are under a lot of stress then you may suffer from some hair loss. Stress can easily cause skin and hair damage but it can be reversed.
9. Hormonal Imbalance
Going through a lot of hormonal changes can affect your hair growth. If you are a teen or an adult and you are suffering from hair loss then it may be temporary. Some hormonal imbalance can also happen in men if they are currently under any medication and it has a side effect on the hair and body. This type of hair loss can also be treated easily.
10. Scalp Infections
Scalp infections can lead to scaly and inflamed areas on the scalp. There are different type of scalp infections which cause hair to fall out in chunks and may also cause bald spots.
How to Decrease the Effect of Diabetes?
1. Make a Healthy Eating Habit
If you have diabetes it’s important to have various nutrients added to your diet. Healthy foods should be added in your diet and avoid snacks and sugary foods. Eating healthy foods can helps control your blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
2. Avoid or Limit Alcohol Intake
Limit alcohol intake. If you enjoy the drinking binge then no more than 2 drinks should be taken. Drinks contain sugar and can increase diabetes.
3. Healthy Weight Maintenance
Losing even a small amount of weight can help you a lot. It will help you lower your blood sugar level and maintain the glucose in the blood. It will also help in maintaining the cholesterol levels.
4. Make a Routine of Daily Exercise
Working out at least 30 minutes in a day will help you a lot. It will help you maintain your health and the sweat will also be beneficial. For weight loss, a minimum of 60 minutes a day is recommended. If you are unable to do so then at least walking, cycling will also be very beneficial.
Take Away
Regularly check your diabetes and keep maintaining it because this can be life threatening. If your diabetes is balanced you will not experience so much hair loss and it call be easily controlled.
The above remedies will prevent hair loss to some extent but if you are someone who is facing severe hair loss then you should look for our Medicated Anti-Hair loss kit designed by our dermatologist which includes Minoxidil, Finasteride, Biotin and many more. To purchase these products you can visit our website of Mars by GHC.