How to Make Aloe Vera Gel at Home?

Aloe Vera Gel
The aloe vera plant is a succulent that retains water in the form of a gel in its leaves. This hydrating gel is ideal for sunburns, bug bites, minor cuts and wounds, and other skin issues. Many store-bought aloe vera products, on the other hand, contain potentially toxic ingredients such as colour.
How to make aloe vera gel?
You can manufacture aloe vera gel with either the leaves from your own aloe plant or those purchased at a grocery shop or farmer's market.
To manufacture aloe vera gel at home, you'll need the following ingredients:
- a leaf of aloe vera
- a knife or a peeler for vegetables
- a little spoon
- a food processor
- a storage container that is airtight
- vitamin C and/or vitamin E powder (optional)
Because the gel only lasts about a week without additional preservatives, it's recommended to simply utilize one or two leaves at a time. If you want to store it for a longer period of time, freeze it or add a preservative such as powdered vitamin C or E.
It simply takes approximately 30 minutes to prepare aloe vera gel once you have acquired all of the necessary items.
Prepare the aloe vera leaves
To utilize a fresh aloe leaf from a plant, cut off one of the plant's outer leaves from the base. You can also use a leaf from the store. Remove any filth with a good wash, then stand it upright in a cup or basin for 10–15 minutes. This permits the yellow-tinted resin in the leaf to seep out. Because the resin contains latex, which might irritate your skin, it's critical to finish this stage.
Wash off any remaining resin on the leaf and peel off the thick skin with a tiny knife or vegetable peeler when the resin has entirely drained.
Prepare the gel
The natural aloe vera gel can be seen once the leaf has been peeled. Scoop it into your blender with a little spoon. Make sure there are no fragments of aloe vera skin in the mix. It should just take a few seconds to blend the gel until it's foamy and dissolved. Your gel should now be ready to use. If you wish to preserve it for longer than a week, though, you should add preservatives.
Add preservatives
This is an optional step. Vitamins C and E are excellent preservatives that can help your aloe vera gel last much longer. Even while the gel contains some of these vitamins naturally, it isn't enough to keep the gel fresh for more than a week. Still, if you want to extend the shelf life of your gel, you can add an addition of one or both of these vitamins. Furthermore, both include antioxidant and anti-aging characteristics, so these additives can assist your aloe vera gel's skin-protecting abilities. Simply add the powdered vitamins to the blender and process again until all of the additions are properly mixed.
How to store?
Prepared aloe vera gel without added vitamin C or E can be kept in an airtight jar in the refrigerator for up to one week. Adding one or both vitamins, on the other hand, extends the shelf life in the refrigerator to up to two months. Furthermore, aloe gel can be frozen in small batches, for example, in an ice cube tray to have modest amounts on hand. Aloe gel that has been frozen can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months.
How to use aloe vera gel?
Sunburn, minor wounds, and skin irritation can all be treated using aloe vera gel, which can be applied straight to the skin. It can create a protective antibacterial barrier for minor wounds and is a fantastic moisturizer for your face and hands. It also contains antioxidants, which may help protect your skin from the harmful effects of too much sun exposure.
As a result, it's frequently used to treat sunburn. Aloe vera gel is high in polysaccharides, which are long chains of natural sugars that provide aloe with its many skin-healing benefits, according to researchers. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and E, which can aid in wound healing and skin health.
Benefits of using aloe vera gel
- Skin that is clear and hydrated
- Constipation relief (when ingested)
- Heartburn relief (when ingested)
- Decreasing blood sugar in type 2 diabetes patients (when ingested)
- As a mouthwash substitute; when swished inside the mouth, it may help to block plaque and relieve bleeding or sore gums.
- When administered topically to the affected area, it promotes the healing of anal fissures.
- When applied to the scalp, it helps to repair damaged, dry hair.
Take Away
Aloe vera gel is a fantastic skin moisturizer that can help heal and prevent skin damage. Store-bought items may contain dangerous additives, so homemade varieties are a healthier choice. Fresh aloe leaves, a blender, and a knife or vegetable peeler are all you need to prepare this skin-nourishing gel at home.