How to Get Rid of Split Ends?

Split Ends
Split ends are the most common problems seen in women. Split ends reappear, if not taken care of properly. Due to split ends, hair may not grow normally, it damages and makes the hair look messy, frizzy, dry.
Assiduous searching and cutting the split ends is the only solution? Incessant cutting the split ends and chopping off half of the length is not the solution. We need to take great care of our hair by applying natural products. There are many ways to repair the hair and bring it back to a normal healthy condition.
Split-ends are the damaged portion of the hair strands, where unwanted mini hair grows from the strands, and make them appear like a feather-like structure. This condition is called Trichoptilosis. Split ends prevent the further growth of the hair strand. Actually, if the hair is not taken care of properly, this condition arises and will make the hair appear like a feather. Split ends prevent further growth of hair.
Causes of Split Ends
- Nutrition plays a major role in hair health, malnutrition or poor nutrition affects health. Because natural oil present in the scalp rides down the strand to make it look luscious. Healthy hair is an indication of good health.
So, enrich your diet with proteins, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, biotin, carbohydrates. Be conscious about the diet, the food which you take, it’ll affect skin, health and hair. Split ends are the blockers of hair growth.
- Pollution is the prime factor in damaging the hair, which makes hair look frizzy and dry. So, make sure to tie a scarf on your head for protection.
- Another condition is improper use of natural conditioners for growth and repair.
Treatment for Split Ends
- Inducing folic acid and biotin supplements on a daily basis can repair and prevent split ends.
- When the hair is wet, most of the damage occurs due to our reckless rubbing of hair. We need to protect our tresses from all the harm causing factors so, after shampooing and conditioning just blot the hair with a dry towel instead of rubbing. By initiating this technique the water gets absorbed and the hair becomes frizzy less.
- Using a wide-tooth comb as a tool to disentangle the hair, because most of the hair fall occurs if the tangled hair is combed with fine-toothed bristles. Always observe the condition of the hair and act accordingly and be gentle.
- Moisturizing the hair is key to keeping split ends at bay. Dry hair can worsen the hair specifically at the edges of the hair and this results in split ends. Try a hair mask for frizzy and split hair and initiate a weekly hair mask for strong, soft and shiny hair. It is even better than conditioner because it makes your hair certainly healthy, split free and enhances hair growth. Some of the natural hair masks are coconut oil, olive oil, aloe vera, honey, fenugreek mask and curd.
- Avoid using heating appliances as much as possible. These heating appliances disrupt the protein and moisture in the hair and make them look dry. Instead of using a dryer after hair wash, just let your hair air dry.
Dropping down the temperature while straightening or curling the hair and applying heat-protective liquid to hair will be resilient after straightening.
- Avoid over combing the hair, as it may usher the hair to damage and split ends. Comb the hair only if it's required.
- Start sleeping on a satin or silk pillow to avoid adhesion because sleeping on the cotton pillow may cause friction between hair and pillow, which damages the hair and leads to split ends. Start tying the silk cloth on the hair to avoid damage.
- Apply oil and massage the scalp as frequently as you can.
- There is no other option except trimming the hair when you acquire split ends. Apply excess conditioner at the ends for further prevention of split ends.
- By avoiding a few daily habits and by encouraging a healthy lifestyle can prevent one from many diseases and improve overall health and it does show impact on the heath.
- Eat food that strengthens and nourishes the hair, like carrots, almonds, oats, walnuts, eggs, chicken, apple, pomegranate, peas, lentils, green gram, Bengal gram, which enhances the hair growth and prevents damage.
- Practise yoga regularly to increase hair growth. Pranayama like kapalbhati, bhastrika and anulom vilom increases the blood circulation in the head region, clears out the blocks in the roots and increase hair growth.
Take Away
Cutting your hair is not always a solution to split ends. Try these aforesaid remedies to prevent hair issues.