How Hair Loss in Men Affects Self Esteem?

Hair Loss
You're not alone if you think your hairline is receding every time you glance in the mirror. Hair loss affects more than half of males aged 50 and up. By the age of 70, it had reached 4 out of 5 men. Hair loss commonly referred to as baldness, is the loss of hair on one's head or body. At the very least, the head is usually engaged. Hair loss can range in intensity from a small patch to the entire body. In most cases, there is no inflammation or scarring. Some people experience psychological anguish as a result of hair loss.
Causes of hair loss
- Genetics
Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is caused by the genes you inherit from your parents. It's unclear how it's passed on, although it does tend to run in families. If you have close ancestors who are balding, you're more likely to get the condition yourself.
Doctors aren't sure why certain hormonal changes lead hair follicles to shrink, or why the balding process for most men follows the same pattern. However, it commonly begins with thinning hair above the temples and head. Male pattern baldness can begin as early as your teens, depending on your family history. Your hair will become thinner, as well as softer, finer, and shorter.
- Medical issues
Hair loss that isn't permanent can be a sign of a medical concern, such as anemia or thyroid difficulties. Hair thinning can also be caused by a diet lacking in protein and iron. If you have diabetes or lupus, you're more likely to lose your hair. Hair loss could be a negative effect of several medications you're taking, like cancer, arthritis, depression, gout, high blood pressure and heart-related issues.
- Stress or shock
Hair loss can be caused by sudden or extreme weight loss, severe physical or emotional stress, surgery, or even fever and the flu.
- Infections
Ringworm, for example, can cause scaly areas on the scalp and bald regions. After therapy, the hair normally regrows.
- Immune system
Alopecia areata is a hereditary disorder that causes abrupt hair loss that produces round bald spots the size of a quarter in various areas on your head. It usually starts in childhood. If a close family member has it, you're more likely to have it. The immune system of your body targets your hair follicles, causing tiny patches of hair loss. There is no discomfort or illness, and it is not communicable. Your hair may regrow, but it may also fall out again.
- Impulse control disorder
Trichotillomania is a chronic disorder in which people feel compelled to remove their own hair from their scalp, brows, or anywhere else. It is estimated that 1-2 percent of adults and teenagers will be affected.
- Grooming
When the hair adjacent to the scalp is pulled hard in a ponytail, braids, or cornrows, it can induce traction alopecia or temporary hair loss. Hot oil treatments and perms can also harm your hair follicles.
Hair loss and self-esteem
Hair loss has been impacting men's self-esteem for centuries, if not longer." Long, thick hair was formerly a symbol of masculinity and energy, so it's understandable that hair loss affects men's mental health today. Hair loss is associated with aging and debility, which is why men become unhappy when their hair begins to fall out.
Male pattern hair loss has been associated with poorer self-esteem and confidence in a number of studies. Many men's quality of life was found to be worsened by androgenic alopecia, with particular effects on self-perception and interpersonal relationships, according to a study. A study indicated that many people with androgenic alopecia have low self-esteem, and that confidence can increase after hair transplantation treatment.
Men's hair loss might influence their self-esteem to the point where they believe their look is a significant component of what makes them worthy or valuable person. Hair loss can have a substantial influence on self-esteem in men who place a high value on their looks and identify as younger-looking guys.
Getting medical help is essential for dealing with the issues of male pattern hair loss and poor self-esteem. If a man is having major self-esteem issues as a result of hair loss, consulting a therapist is the best option. Self-esteem is difficult to modify, and we can benefit from expert assistance in doing so.
Hair loss treatment
- Scalp massage
- Essential oil treatment
- Anti thinning shampoo
- Multivitamins
- Folic acid supplements
- Biotin
- Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids
- Minoxidil
- Laser therapy
- Finasteride
Take Away
While thinning hair may seem alarming at first, many types of thinning hair can be treated. You should see a doctor if you're having new hair loss or thinning, or if you're growing bald areas. They can diagnose any underlying medical issues and prescribe any necessary drugs.