How does penis seal break?

Penis seal break


The male reproductive organ used for sexual intercourse which is designed extremely outward in the whole body system is called Penis. It is intersected at the most centre of the body. There are two variations of the penis. One is flaccid and the other is an erected version. The flaccid penis has one size and the erected penis has another size. The erected penis size is always higher than the flaccid penis.

Penis is the only external part of the whole body. It projected outwards in an intersecting position.

Penis seal

The penis seal is nothing but the foreskin occupying the penis glans. The tightly attached foreskin is more supposedly called penis seal. The penis seal as a disorder is called phimosis. The further damage of phimosis is called balanitis.

Seal of penis

Actually penis does not have any kind of seal. Many people have the wrong idea of this , like vagina, there is a penis seal which will by default open-up after marriage. But this is a wrong fact. If you have such a problem, you are probably suffering from a disease which is called Phimosis. It should be properly treated after consulting a doctor, otherwise this can lead to problems in intercourse, infection, urination etc .


Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the head of the penis (glans). The basic tight foreskin in front of the penis being that cannot be pulled back is called Phimosis or paraphimosis.

In other words, Phimosis refers to the inability to retract the distal (prepuce) foreskin over the glans penis. Physiologic phimosis occurs naturally in newborn males.

It describes a condition in which the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the head or glans of the penis. It is common to be observed with uncircumcised penises.

Phimosis could lead to inflammation of the penis, called balanitis, or inflammation of both the glans and the foreskin, called balanoposthitis.


Balanitis is a skin disorder groped on the foreskin or head of the penis due to infection or mishandling. Inflammation is the main reason to get balanitis on the penis. Inflammation is the general body's biological response to damaged tissues and cells, issues caused due to aging of tissues, etc.

Penis seal break

Any bleeding or non-bleeding hurt that occurred on the penis can be considered as a cut on the penis. These cuts could be vertical or horizontal to the penile direction. These cuts could be as small as a millimeter and as big as the whole penis size. The cuts once developed due to various conditions could sometimes cure themselves with no treatment, some other times go away with a little treatment and rarely lead to surgery. The cuts ignored may become severe like penile cancer, too. The cuts are majorly caused due to accidents, injuries, and infections

As the penis material is also skin, in fact, sensitive skin, there are more chances of skin cuts due to certain factors.

Skin cuts due to blunt objects that tear or crush the skin. Skin cuts due to sharp-edged pointed objects pressing into and slicing the skin tissue. Skin cuts due to sharp-edged objects piercing the skin tissue. 

The penis frontier skin cut or breakage is what is called penis seal break.

The penis seal break is a natural procedure happens on its own if not then it can be done by an experienced sexologist by a method  known as circumcision. Normally the penis  seal is broken in early childhood age but if you are still having issues, do not attempt anything on your own at home. This could often lead to bleeding and future problems. Circumcision is actually a painless procedure where your penis hood is removed.

How to break penis seal?

It is important to know how to break seal of penis correctly. This will prevent pain and injury when you are having sex.

There are two ways to break the seal on your penis. The first way is to carefully pull back the foreskin. The second way is to use a lubricant.

To break the seal on your penis, you will need to:

  • Pull back the foreskin carefully.
  • Apply a water-based lubricant to the head of the penis.
  • Insert the penis into the vagina.

If you are having trouble breaking the seal, you can try:

  • Asking your partner to help you.
  • Using a personal lubricant.
  • Making sure the lubricant is applied to the head of the penis.

Lets discuss it in detail:

Letting it go itself

The natural way of losing Phimosis is waiting till the penis comes back to its normal shape or condition. Most Phimosis occurs due to friction or imbalance arises during sexual intercourse. However, the elastic behaviour of the penis in changing its shape and form from flaccid to erection gives it access to compromise from Phimosis-like conditions.

The easy-going or temporary phimosis lasts for two days to two weeks normally and during the course, there is no pain also. As Phimosis is a condition not to be able to pull back the foreskin behind which is the need for sexual intercourse but not urinary excretion, it generally does not even make sense to the person who does not think about sex.


Masturbation is the natural way to upright the penile deviations or dislocations. As masturbation involves the to and fro motion of the foreskin which is an exact opposite criterion to what the condition penis seal shows up, the clearly understood attempt of masturbation could relieve the foreskin to get relief from its attachment to the glans.

Of course, masturbation could only help temporary phimosis or the condition at hand.

Sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse involves the penis insertion into the anal cavity or vaginal cavity which are the most comfortable material in the whole world. A hygienic or not infected Phimosis could be cured with slow and steady sexual intercourse.

Circumcised penis

This is another gentle way to break the seal. In general, circumcision is attempted way earlier to any infection or disorder, just as a precautionary measure to stay relaxed during sexual intercourse.

A penis is a combination of foreskin covering the glans penis. The actual penis muscles reside inside the foreskin. This foreskin accumulates indefinitely at the tip of the penis. To avoid future worries, few people circumcise the foreskin presented at the forehead.

Most of the penises undergo discomfort during its insertion into the vaginal cavity or anal cavity due to either its thick or more elaborate foreskin prelimed over the actual penile body called glans or shaft, or the actual perimeter of the penis is more than that a vaginal cavity could accept.

However, vagina is a solid elastic structure capable of giving birth to a human child which would naturally be bigger than the size the penis, it only needs to be understood that any length or size penis could be inserted into vagina but the only difference is how far the penis is feeling comfort or easiness during the intercourse.

Circumcision is an ultimate destination to penises that compound larger diameter at the forehead of the penis resulting in an inability to grab the foreskin to and fro which is a mandatory need to organize orgasm during the sexual intercourse or spill out the semen from inside. 

Circumcision helps the penis to relieve itself from excessive foreskin gathering over the glans whereas, after successful dry up of circumcision, the penis looks like a sharp pin-pointed object with the glans looking outwards. The cone-like shape in front of the penis body helps it to enter the vaginal cavity easily and make an appropriate to and fro motion to the still leftover foreskin to ejaculate.

The circumcised penis gets easily interfered with during sexual intercourse. The uncircumcised penis is prone to frictions developed due to various conditions. These frictions unexpectedly cut the foreskin, most of the time leading to bleeding. As usual, the uncircumcised penis is a great source to seal penis.

Take Away

The penis seal that is out of control could be removed with the help of doctors in getting treatment through surgeries. Depending on the depth of Phimosis, surgery could be minor or major.

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