How does humidity affect your skin?

Skin problem
We all love monsoon weather for the beautiful rain but with the rain comes the humidity which we all can agree we absolutely hate. Humidity does not only affect our skin and hair it also affects our mood and the desire to socialize.
Humidity can be identified as the measurement of water droplets present in the air. Our skin needs a perfect blend of humidity and arid condition to thrive, however, excessive humidity can easily have a negative effect on our skin.
Each season has its pros and cons and so does the monsoon season, while it makes our hair frizzy and unmanageable it also affects our skin in a lot of ways that go unnoticed. Today we will be talking about humidity and how it affects our skin’s needs.
We all love glowing, acne-free skin but each season has a different effect on the skin. The summer season comes with tanning and oily skin while the winter season makes the skin dry and flaky.
How does humidity affect our skin?
After gathering all the information on humidity, now let us see how it affects our skin. There are two types of humidity high and low and both have a different effect on our skin.
High humidity
- Excessive sweating: I am sure everyone here hates the moistness that makes the summer season terrible. The typical temperature feels outrageous, you certainly can not move freely and the sun is always shining bright. The mix of high temperature and moistness makes you sweat considerably more, what makes it unbearable is the perspiration vanishes because of unreasonable warmth and you are always sweating even when you are just sitting in the comfort of your home.
- Acne gets inflated: Since unreasonable perspiring is a typical result of high dampness, it brings a lot of skin issues with it. One such skin concern is skin inflammation and breakouts. Sweat is a major reason for acne during the monsoon season as it clogs your skin pores, making it hard for your skin to breathe. Skin acne during high humidity can be a cause for redness, tingling, and unwanted inconvenience.
- Anhidrosis: Anhidrosis is a skin condition in which an individual can't sweat. Such a skin condition is more pervasive across hot and sticky places like the southeastern USA, because of the outrageous natural stickiness, your skin's capacity to sweat gradually lessens to the point where the sweat can't be absorbed by our skin pores.
- Sunburn or rashes: Actually like your skin breaks out, unnecessary warm and sweaty weather can prompt the increase of sun rashes. sun rashes happen when your sweat ducts are shut because of unnecessary sweat. Sunburn or heat rashes can really be a cause of concern as they can get big, red, and cause itchiness.
Low humidity
- Dry Skin: Just as high humidity means excess moisture in the air low humidity means a lack of moisture in the air which is equally bad for your skin. Our skin requires moisture to be soft however, low humidity scrapes off your natural oils from the skin leaving it dry. Lack of moisture makes the skin dry and flaky, in some severe conditions, you may also notice that your face is cracking and bleeding.
- Allergy Symptoms: For people who are prone to skin allergies, low humid weather is not your best friend as it can inflate your allergies. When the humidity levels see a sharp decline, it makes your body dry, our nasal passage also becomes extremely dry. In the case of allergies, you may notice that your nose is bleeding, a nose bleed can also lead to a sinus infection.
How to take care of your skin during humidity?
After talking about all the problems that you face during high and low humidity levels it is time to give you some solutions. Here are some ways in which you can take care of your skin during humidity.
Know your skin
The first and foremost important thing is to know your skin and skin type, each skin type reacts differently during high and low humidity. To study and assist your skin type to know what will work for you and what will not.
Keep your skin clean and dry
Humidity and heat make our skin sweaty and oily so make sure that you keep your skin clean at all times. Do not use a lot of chemicals on your skin during humid days as your skin may react try using a natural and mild cleanser.
Wear a sunscreen
Sunscreen is a must even if you are not stepping out of your house. Make sure you apply an SPF 30 or more every day to protect your skin from the heat and the damage that comes with it.
Moisturize daily
We know moisturizing during humid days can be a big hassle but it is a necessity. If you have an oily skin type then you can use a gel-based moisturizer and if you have a dry skin type then use a proper hydrating moisturizer.
Take Away
Humidity can pose a challenge to our overall well-being. We hope you liked the information we shared above to follow all the points and take extra care of your skin during these humid days.