How Can You Treat Burn Marks?

Causes & Consequences of Burns
There are different types of burns. Each has its own cause and consequence. One needs to get a good understanding of the burn types before moving on to further details on the treatment and care of burns.
A burn occurs when the skin and even serious injuries need to be dealt with. The causes include fire, hot objects or chemicals. Treatment is required immediately in order to lessen the risk of serious complications.
A minor burn will cause pain, redness and mild blistering of the affected area. In severe cases, it might form blisters, charring and swelling which can lead to blood poisoning. Skin scars may also occur.
Burns can cause significant damage to tissues and cells in the body. In fact, the damage caused by burns can take decades to completely heal. The severity of a burn also depends on the depth of the burn.
Burns are classified into different degrees according to their depth. A first-degree burn is a burn that affects only the outer layer of the skin whereas a third-degree burn goes all the way through the skin and may or may not extend into the underlying tissue.
The intensity of a burn depended on how much heat was applied and how long it was applied. For example, a burn caused by friction, such as when you rub your fingers together, is considered to be a mild burn since less heat is transferred to human tissues in this case. On the other hand, burns caused by short exposure to high heat sources such as fire are considered to be more severe.
Burns are a complex set of injuries that can vary in depth, length and fatality. A burn injury is a result of a thermal or chemical agent resulting in the destruction of the tissue within the body. Burns may be minor, but the consequences are so severe that even the slightest damage done to a certain part of the body could lead to an array of problems.
The surface area of these burns usually ranges from 1% – 10% of the total body surface (TBSA). The extent of the burn is indicated by using various terms such as first, second or third-degree burns. Even though these terms are different, they all indicate the same thing as they all imply circumferential destruction of tissues.
It is not necessary for there to be full thickness destruction in order for it to be considered a burn. Partial-thickness burns have been classified into fourth and fifth-degree burns. Fourth-degree burns are separated into two types: superficial or deep partial-thickness burns.
Home Remedies for Burn Marks
Even though we are in the modern age and technology is within everyone's reach, there are still some basic things that can serve our body well without the need to go to a doctor.
Burn marks are actually the type of spots that appear on your skin due to burn injuries. These types of marks are not very painful and almost everyone gets them on some part of the body at one point in their life. Although these marks are common, they look really bad. Also, these marks can bring down your self-confidence level due to their ugly appearance.
Burn marks are caused when you scold your body with hot water. They are usually red or pink in colour but sometimes they can be darker depending on the degree of burn and the amount of time the skin was exposed to heat.
Home remedies for burn marks include turmeric powder and milk, aloe vera and Epsom salt, yogurt and honey, apple cider vinegar and water, baking soda paste, banana peel and milk, raw papaya, salt solution, green tea and honey.
When we talk about home remedies, one of them would be aloe vera. The gel extracted from Aloe Vera leaves is being used to treat burns. The application of the gel on the affected area will help it heal faster and aid lessen the pain.
The other home remedies for burn marks are cool water, hydrogen peroxide, cool compresses, olive oil, tea bags and more. Take note that it is best to seek medical attention when there are severe cases of burns like third-degree burns and when blisters appear.
What you can also do is wear heat-resistant gloves when cooking; do not touch hot surfaces such as stove tops, ovens, etc.
Medical Treatment for Burn Scars
Burn scars are common and can be challenging to deal with. With the help of treatments and procedures, they can be managed. An individual who has been involved in a fire accident, or a car accident or any other kind of accident is likely to have burn scars.
Medications can be helpful in treating the scar associated with a burn injury. These medications may contain antibiotics, herbal extracts, minerals or vitamins that can help in healing the burn scars. They also reduce the pain associated with the scar and provide the patient with a better range of motion.
Medical Therapy – a variety of medical therapies are available for burn scars. These therapies help the patient to increase blood circulation in the affected area that is prone to have excessive scarring. With increased circulation, there is a reduction in the time taken to heal and a lesser chance of scarring.
Only a few people are aware that their burn scars can be treated with medical treatment. A burn scar is an injury to the skin caused by heat, light, chemicals, electricity or radiation. It usually results in damage to the sweat glands and lower layers of skin.
The first-degree burns usually heal on their own within a week without causing scars but second-degree and third-degree burns may leave behind scars that require skin grafting to minimize the appearance.
Take Away
Administer a cold compress immediately in order to reduce the pain till medical help arrives. A burn victim who is conscious must be kept under observation for 24 hours after which, if the burns are not serious, he/she must be discharged for home care.