Hot or Cold Water: Which one to use to wash hair

Hot or Cold Water: Which one to use to wash hair | best water for hair washing | shower | hot shower | cold shower

Should You Wash Your Hair with Hot or Cold Water? 

While some of us enjoy having clean, glossy hair the day we wash it, others prefer having clean, shiny hair the day after washing because, in their opinion, washed hair settles best the day after washing. No matter whatever social group we like to be a part of, washing your hair is a crucial part of hair care, and there are some guidelines you need to follow. To be more exact, taking care of your hair takes a lot of work. While some will advise you to wash your hair with cold water because it works best, others prefer hot water. There has been discussion on the ideal water temperature for maintaining healthy hair.  

Hair washing is similar to brushing your teeth. Since it's a regular component of your regimen, you ought to be performing it correctly. However, are you? 

The way you wash your hair and the temperature of the water can make all the difference in the world between having a good or bad hair day. So, should you wash your hair in hot or cold water? We can respond to that for you right now. Read on. 

What Effect Does Water Temperature Have on Hair? 

Overusing too hot water stresses out your hair, resulting in frizzy, brittle, and dry tresses. Hot water hair wash also contributes to hair loss since the heat weakens your hair, which then tends to fall out. 

This implies that you must abstain entirely from washing your hair in hot water and shudder every time. Without a doubt! Your hair will not be harmed by using lukewarm water. 

You can wash your hair with either warm or cold water. The sequence in which you employ them is important. 

The Best Water for Hair Washing  

As soon as you enter the shower, rinsing and washing your hair with hot water, then rinsing it with cold water, is a terrific initial step. The cuticle of your hair is opened by hot water, which enhances the effectiveness of the shampoo and conditioner on your hair. And that's where the advantages stop. 

When you rinse the product out of your hair, switch to cold water. Because it seals the cuticle back up and seals in the moisture from your conditioner, cold water is wonderful for hair. Your hair looks extremely moisturised, frizz-free, and shining after doing this. 

What Impact Does Warm Water Have on Your Hair? 


  • Any accumulation, dirt, and grime are removed with warm water. It's one of the greatest ways to remove debris, clean your pores, and clean your hair. 
  • Warm water is an excellent approach to promoting hair development since it increases blood flow to the hair follicles
  • Your scalp and hair's excess oil are removed by warm water. Those who have oily or greasy hair would benefit from this. 
  • The cuticles on your scalp are loosened by warm water. You can fully wash your hair because of this. 
  • Your hair will look more voluminous and less flat after using warm water, which adds additional texture. Additionally, it strengthens the "staying power" of any hairstyle. 


  • Hot water, especially if the temperature is too high, removes natural oils from your hair. Your hair will be stripped of its natural, priceless oil as a result, appearing dry and brittle. 
  • Your scalp dries up when you use hot water, which can cause itching and dandruff. 
  • Your roots get weak from hot water, which causes your hair to become frizzy. In addition, the texture takes a hammering and the hair is susceptible to breaking. 
  • Hot water over pores your hair, which again leads to breaking, brittleness, and flyaways.

How Does Using Cold Water Affect Your Hair? 


  • Cold water keeps your hair's natural oils intact, maintains it manageable, gives it a healthy gloss, and saturates it with more moisture for a smoother, shinier appearance. 
  • Cuticles can be sealed off using cold water. The smoother cuticles of closed cuticles can add much-needed shine to your hair. 
  • By closing the pores and making the skin less porous, cold water used for hair ensures that your scalp stays cleaner for a longer period of time. 
  • For people with curly or fine hair, cold water reduces breakage, frizz, and annoying flyaway. 
  • Blood circulation is improved by cold water. Your scalp and roots can get the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy as a result. So, shampooing your hair with cold water encourages hair development. 
  • Cold water can cause your hair to lose volume because it traps moisture, and additional moisture can cause your hair to become flat and appear less voluminous. 
  • A discomfort in cold water is possible. Let's face it, using cold water on your body or hair is uncomfortable, especially during the months when the weather starts to cool. 


The conclusion of the story is that both warm and cold water is wonderful for washing hair; start with warm water and end with cool. And if you're unsure or too lazy to change the temperature, keep it at lukewarm.  

The overall look and health of your hair depend on how you care for it after a wash. Whether it is straight, wavy, or curly, healthy hair is gorgeous! Also, try having some hair growth supplements like hair vitamins if you have got your damaged due to any external factors.

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