From Balding to Bold: Yoga for Hair Growth

Causes of Hair Fall
Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth
Shirshasana Benefits for Hair
Take Away
Do you want to grow luscious locks like your favourite celebrity? Look no further than your yoga mat! That's right, yoga isn't just for improving flexibility and reducing tension - it can also promote hair growth. And no, you don't need to have flowing robes and incense burning in the background to reap the benefits. In this blog, we're going to explore some of the most effective yoga poses for hair growth that any man can do, regardless of their experience level. So, get ready to strike a pose and unlock the secrets to a fuller, healthier head of hair.
Causes of Hair Fall
Genetics and ageing:
Hair loss can be hereditary and occur naturally as we age, especially in men. This is due to the shrinking of hair follicles, which leads to thinner and shorter hair strands.
Hormonal changes:
Hormonal changes can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle and cause hair to fall out. Examples include pregnancy, menopause, and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Nutritional deficiencies:
Hair requires certain nutrients like protein, iron, and vitamins to grow and remain healthy. A lack of these nutrients can cause hair to weaken and fall out.
Tension and emotional disturbances:
High levels of tension or emotional turmoil can cause hair loss. This is because tension can disrupt the hair growth cycle and trigger the hair to enter a resting phase, leading to increased hair shedding.
Medical conditions:
Medical conditions like thyroid disorders, alopecia areata (an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss), and scalp infections can all cause hair to fall out.
Certain medications or treatments:
Some medications and treatments, such as chemotherapy, can cause hair loss by disrupting the hair growth cycle.
Hairstyles that pull on the hair:
Hairstyles that are too tight or pull on the hair, such as braids or ponytails, can cause hair to fall out due to a condition called traction alopecia.
Chemical treatments:
Chemical treatments like bleaching, colouring, and perming can damage the hair follicles and cause hair to fall out.
Environmental factors:
Environmental factors like pollution, UV radiation, and hard water can all damage the hair and cause it to fall out.
Overuse of hair styling products:
Overuse of hair styling products like gels, sprays, and waxes can cause hair to become brittle and break, leading to hair loss.
Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose):
This pose helps to increase blood flow to the scalp, which in turn can stimulate hair growth. To perform this pose, start on your hands and knees, then lift your hips up and back so that your body forms an inverted V-shape.
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose):
This pose helps to improve blood circulation to the scalp and can stimulate hair growth. To perform this pose, stand with your feet hip-width apart, then bend forward from the hips and bring your hands towards the ground.
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose):
This pose helps to stimulate the thyroid gland, which plays a key role in regulating hair growth. To perform this pose, lie on your back and lift your legs and hips up so that your body is in a straight line, with your hands supporting your lower back.
Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose):
This pose helps to improve blood circulation to the scalp and can stimulate hair growth. To perform this pose, start on your hands and knees, then reach back and grab your heels with your hands. Tuck your chin to your chest and round your spine.
Vajrasana (Diamond Pose):
This pose helps to improve blood circulation to the scalp and can stimulate hair growth. To perform this pose, kneel on the ground with your knees together and your feet flat on the ground, then sit back onto your heels.
Kapalbhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath):
This breathing technique helps to increase blood flow to the scalp and can stimulate hair growth. To perform this technique, sit in a comfortable position and take a deep breath in, then exhale sharply and quickly while pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Repeat for several rounds.
Shirshasana Benefits for Hair
Shirshasana can specifically promote hair growth, the increased blood flow to the scalp and reduce tension that can result from practising this pose may indirectly support healthy hair growth. Improved blood flow to the scalp can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, which can promote healthy hair growth. Reduced tension can also help to prevent hair loss, as tension is a known factor that can contribute to hair loss. In addition, increased energy and vitality that can result from practising Shirshasana can support overall health and well-being, which can indirectly benefit the health of your hair.
Take Away
Yoga is a great way to support healthy hair growth! Certain yoga poses, like Downward Facing Dog and Rabbit Pose, can increase blood flow to the scalp, which can provide your hair follicles with the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. Additionally, practising yoga can help to reduce tension, which is a known contributor to hair loss. So, roll out your yoga mat and give your hair the support it needs to shine!
Q: Is it possible to regrow hair by yoga?
A: While there is no scientific evidence to suggest that yoga can grow hair on its own, practising yoga can support healthy hair growth indirectly by improving blood flow to the scalp, reducing tension, and promoting overall health and well-being.
Q: Is Kapalbhati good for hair?
A: Kapalbhati, a breathing technique in yoga, is not directly linked to hair growth. However, it can help to reduce tension and increase circulation, which can indirectly promote healthy hair growth.
Q: Does Surya namaskar increase hair?
A: While there is no direct evidence to suggest that Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) can increase hair growth, it is a great full-body workout that can help to improve overall health and well-being. By reducing tension and promoting circulation, Surya Namaskar may indirectly support healthy hair growth.
6 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster and Stronger, By Christal Yuen and Kristeen Cherney, on June 17, 2022
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