Do's and Don'ts of hair transplants

Hair transplant

Do's and Don'ts of hair transplants

Hair fall is very common with all age groups and genders, we all have faced it once or twice in our life. Sometimes it can get worse and you may face baldness or severe hair fall. In times like this, you may have a lot of choices in your hands, one of them is a hair transplant. 

Hair Transplants are almost 80% successful, in a lame man’s language, a Hair transplant means that Hair from your other body parts will be taken to your scalp and be placed where you had Hair fall. It is a tedious procedure and we would suggest you consult your doctor and then go ahead with making a decision on it.

There are two types of Hair Transplants

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

This procedure will involve placing the extracted or fallen out Hair follicles on the patient's scalp, this process requires precision and you should only trust a trained cosmetic surgeon for the procedure.

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) 

This procedure involves taking the hair from the patient's body parts or even his scalp and then is placed into the scalp noticing where the growth of hair follicles can exceed. 

A hair transplant is not as easy as it sounds. It is painful and stressful, you need to take medicines to reduce the pain, you can not wash your hair or comb them. You must take proper rest and time for your wounds to heal.

Hair Transplants are effective if you find the right doctor who guides you through the process and makes it easier for you to understand and make a sound decision. Hair after a Hair transplant can fully grow back within three to four months, with the proper care and medication assigned.


Hair transplant is not cheap as we all know, here are all the do’s that you must follow after a hair transplant to make sure that you have a successful one.

  • Do have someone who can drive you home safely after the procedures as the producer requires heavy sedation and you will not be in your senses to drive or walk properly. It is best to have someone by your side. 
  • Do sleep with your head elevated for the first 7 days or more if you still experience swelling in your head. A lot of patients only have to swell for a couple of days, but if it is prolonged then we would suggest you spend your time on a recliner to keep your head elevated.
  • Do talk to your surgeon about all preconditions and medications that you may be on, sometimes mixing medications is not advised to be open and clear.
  • Do apply ice on your eyebrows or near the eyes as the swelling may show up on the 3rd or 4th-day post-operation.
  • Do be gentle while clearing your scalp or your hair, make sure you use very soft hands, and only use the products that are recommended by the doctor.
  • Do use a cup to rinse your scalp, direct shower is not advised.
  • Do hydrate well enough before and after your hair transplant surgery.
  • Do expect some hair fall after the surgery. The transplanted hair may fall off in about 2 to 4 weeks after your procedure, it is normal and a part of the transplant so do not worry about it. 


Here are some of the do's that you must follow after your hair transplant. 

  • Don’t sleep on your tummy or rub your head against the pillow as it hurts you even more.
  • Don’t  apply ice to your transplanted area, make sure ice is only applied to your eyebrows and eyes if you see any swelling.
  • Don’t try to prevent scabs from forming on your scalp, as they are a perfectly normal part of the procedure. The scabs will wear off when your scalp is completely healed.
  • Don’t wash your hair for the first 48 hours.
  • Don’t scratch your scalp we know you may face itchiness but it is extremely normal, you can lightly touch the area where you feel itchiness. 
  • Don’t wear any type of hats or caps for the first three days after the transplant, do not directly touch your scalp or wear anything that would block ventilation.
  • Don’t expose your scalp to the sun for at least two weeks. The scalp is extremely sensitive after the surgery so make sure you wear a cap or a hat if you have to spend some time in the sun. 
  • Don’t engage in exercise as it may exert your body and lead to sweat, refrain from any form of exercise for at least 2 weeks.
  • Don’t consume any form of alcohol for almost a week after the procedure as alcohol in your system can interfere with the blood sugar levels in your head.
  • Don’t smoke for at least a month after the surgery, as the blood flow is important for the growth of new hair and smoking blocks the veins and damages them.

Take Away 

If you are going down for a hair transplant anytime soon then make sure you follow all the Do’s and Don'ts that we have mentioned above. We hope this information has been of help to all of you. 

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