Does stomach problem cause hair fall?

Hair loss
You can tell a lot about the health of a person by looking at their skin, hair, and nails. If your hair is thick and shiny, then that’s a good sign. If it is thin and brittle, then there could be some underlying health issues. Thin hair can be a sign of malnutrition or an immune issue.
Hair loss is a very common problem nowadays almost 8 out of 10 people suffer from hair loss problems. An average man loses 100 strands of hair while brushing or washing daily so finding a few stray hairs on your hairbrush is not necessarily cause for alarm. Hair loss can happen to anyone and at any age.
Some people think that hair loss problems are adult problems but many teenagers suffer from hair loss.
There are many types of hair loss and some of them are:
- Involutional alopecia
- Androgenic alopecia
- Alopecia Areata
- Alopecia Universalis
- Trichotillomania
- Telogen effluvium
- Scarring alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is one of the most common hair loss problems that affect both men and women. This condition in men is called male pattern baldness, they can begin to suffer this in their early 20s or late 30s also. It causes receding hairline and gradual disappearance of hair from the crown and front scalp. But the question is how to determine whether you are suffering from hair loss or not.
Symptoms of Hair Loss
1) Thinning of hair on top of the head
This is the most common type of symptom in which the hair volume decreases. Hair begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead.
2) Bald spots or small bald patches
Circular bald spots appear on the top of the head, beard, or eyebrows. Your scalp may become itchy or painful before it starts falling out.
3) Sudden loosening of hair
Stress or pressure can cause hair to loosen and fall out. A lot of hair may come out while combing your hair or while washing them. This can also cause sudden thinning of hair.
4) Scaling patches that spread over the scalp
This is a sign of ringworm and is accompanied by redness, swelling, and hair breakage.
5) Dandruff or flaky scalp
You may notice itching and flakes coming out when you scratch your head. This can also cause fungal infections.
What are the Causes of Hair Loss?
1) Continuous Stress
If you are under a lot of pressure and tension then you may experience some hair loss. If you have experienced an incident that came as a shock to you and you are stressed out because of it then you may see your hair falling out.
2) Unbalanced Diet
What we eat reflects our health. If you are not taking all the essential macronutrients required for hair growth then you will suffer from hair loss.
3) Sleeping Schedule
8 hours of sleep is important for our overall health. If you don’t have an appropriate sleeping pattern then you can experience skin and hair problems. Not getting enough sleep is harmful to our health.
4) Heredity
You may have inherited the hair loss issue from your parents or grandparents if they had suffered from hair loss problems similar to yours.
5) Drugs
You may be on some kind of medication or drug which may be causing your hair to fall out. Chemotherapy or beta-adrenergic blockers used to control blood pressure can cause temporary hair loss.
6) Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes can cause temporary or permanent hair loss. You may also suffer from scalp infection such as ringworm.
7) Dyeing your hair
Some dyes are harmful to your hair and can cause damage to your scalp. Hair colour damages the hair roots and follicle which causes hair to fall out.
8) Washing your hair daily
If you use a hard shampoo then avoid washing your hair daily. These hard shampoos have chemicals in them which can accumulate on your scalp and cause damage to your hair roots.
How Your Gut Affects Your Hair?
Your body starts digesting food from the moment you eat it from your mouths, as the act of biting and the saliva in your mouth start to break down the food. The next level of digestion takes place as the acid present in your tummy further breaks down the food, and at the final stage, the food goes into the intestine where nutrients from the food are absorbed.
There are few types of fibre that the acid in your mouth doesn't break down very easily, and to fully dissolve nutrients from that kind of food, human beings rely on the bacteria and other microorganisms that live in their gut. Yes, human beings are hosts to other microorganisms that help one stay healthy.
If you have an adequate amount of gut flora, then you will be able to dissolve the most amount of important nutrients from your food. If you have less vital stomach flora, then you might be suffering from a mild problem of malnutrition, even if you are having a relatively decent diet. It is a little easy to be deficient in vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin K, niacin, folic acid or niacin. Most of these nutrients are produced by microorganisms that live in the distal intestine and are essential for healthy hair.
Stomach Problems that Cause Hair Loss
There are 8 problems associated with hair loss and upset stomach.
1. Indigestion
Indigestion is the burning sensation in the upper abdomen.
2. Gastritis
Gastritis is the inflammation in the lining of the stomach, causes upset stomach, irritation, and pointing pain.
3. Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is an ordinary condition that causes spasms and cramps in the large intestine.
4. Peptic ulcer
Peptic ulcers swell in the stomach lining or upper intestine, causing abdominal pain and gas.
5. Gastroenteritis
Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the stomach and intestine that causes diarrhoea and vomiting.
6. Alopecia
Alopecia also called thinning hair or balding is continued by a slowly receding hairline result in balding.
7. Generalized anxiety disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder is a problem in which a person has regular anxiety.
8. Hypopituitarism
Hypopituitarism is a scarce disorder of the pituitary glands, which may cause many types of symptoms
Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Gut
The health of your stomach can have a big impact on your whole health and the way that the stomach bacteria work in the body is still a mystery. It is clear, though, that having a healthy digestive system is essential for overall health, and that the diet you follow, as well as the way you cope with problems and anxiety, can play with your digestive system and the rest of your body quite radically.
People who agonize from IBS could enjoy a diet that focuses more on complex carbs, veggies, lots of water, fermented eatables, and probiotics to increase a better balance of gut microorganisms. This could help decrease bloating and upgrade digestion, decreasing inflammation in the stomach and letting for finer absorption of the nutrient.
Treatment for hair fall
If you are facing hair loss and looking for the best solution to stop hair loss then you can check out the below products which are suggested by our dermatologists.
1) Minoxidil topical solution
Minoxidil is a powerful peripheral vasodilator that is considered an effective topical solution. Minoxidil Topical Solution stimulates hair growth, and hence it is used for hair fall control, treating MPB (Male pattern baldness).
2) Anti-hair fall shampoo
It nourishes your hair and scalp with no harmful chemicals (Parabens and Sulphate free). The shampoo helps to strengthen your hair, improves the texture of your hair, and reduces hair fall.
3) Biotin tablets
The biotin tablets are enriched with multivitamins which help in hair growth and improve metabolism. Biotin tablets include a total of 10 vitamins. The tablets reduce hair fall, improves scalp health, promotes hair growth and makes your hair stronger & healthier than before.
If you want to purchase above mentioned dermatologist-recommended products then you can visit our Mars by GHC website.