Causes of low libido in men

Low libido in men

Low libido in men

Since the onset of civilization, sex has been treated as a taboo. It is considered as a private affair between husband and wife, thus, people are usually not ready to show their sexual urges openly.

The main reason behind this kind of thinking is low libido. A person with low libido feels less interested in sex and ultimately ignores it. Low libido can be due to multiple reasons and it is important to identify the causes.

It is normal for anyone to experience a decline in their sexual drive at certain times of their life. But if it is happening on a regular basis and if you are unable to cope with it, you should start looking for the causes.

What is libido?

Libido is nothing but sex drive in men or women. It is the desire to have sexual intercourse. It has a variety of definitions. In men, low libido or low sex drive is often a result of hormone problems, but can also be caused by psychological issues, stress or medical reasons. It has been found that low libido is the root cause of many other sexual problems and in some cases, a temporary state can lead to adverse permanent effects.

Low libido causes:

  1. Psychological factors: Stress and depression can cause loss of interest in sex. Depression is the most common cause of low libido. Low libido is one of the common causes for men to see their doctor. A man's sex drive may be affected by hormones, stress and physical health. Many things can affect a man's sex drive or libido.

  2. Low levels of testosterone:  A low level of testosterone reduces a man’s physical and mental response to sexual stimuli. However, you are not required to clench your sexual feelings anymore because you can take supplements to boost your testosterone levels which can help you in experiencing the most out of your sexual activity.

  3. Medications: Some medications can also lower testosterone levels, eventually leading to low libido. Chemotherapies, blood pressure medications, corticosteroids, ketoconazole, cimetidine, antidepressants, etc can prevent erection and ejaculation.

  4. RLS (restless legs syndrome): This is a condition wherein there is an uncontrollable urge to move legs. A study found that men with restless legs syndrome are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction.

  5. Depression: Depression is a state which can damage a person emotionally. We all have gone through depression at some point in our life but it should not be left untreated. People with clinical depression are more likely to experience low libido because they lose interest in almost everything, including sexual intercourse.

  6. Chronic ailments: Chronic diseases can have a serious impact on your health and mental well-being. Cancer, one of the most common chronic diseases, can reduce sperm production. Apart from cancer, some chronic illness such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver failure, kidney failure, heart diseases, etc can also have a negative impact on sex drive.

  7. Sleep disorders: Studies have shown that men with sleep disorders experience low levels of testosterone, which eventually leads to a decreased sexual urge.

  8. Ageing: Ageing is a natural process that cannot be stopped. Ageing has a significant impact on testosterone levels. Men during their older years experience decreased urge for sexual activity. Also, they may take longer to achieve orgasm and ejaculate. The penis may take a longer time to become erect again.

  9. Stress: Experiencing severe stress levels may decrease sexual desires because stress disrupts the hormones responsible for sexual urge. Stress induces the arteries to narrow down, restricting the blood flow to the penis. Stress can be a cause of various situations in life such as financial instability, relationship issues, a busy work environment, etc. Stress can be managed by taking up some stress-management techniques or joining support groups, exercising, meditations, etc.

  10. Self-esteem issues: Low confidence, poor self-esteem, experiencing body shaming can take a serious toll on the mental and physical well-being of a person. If you are feeling left out or having self-worth issues, it is a clear indication that you feel unattractive and undesirable. These signs can cause anxiety during sexual intercourse, more commonly known as performance pressure or performance anxiety.

  11. No workout: Good physical exercise is linked to higher sex drive in men because working out regularly can prevent chronic diseases, like obesity, blood pressure issues, diabetes, heart diseases, etc, all of which are causes of low sex drive in men. But this does not mean that you have to do vigorous exercise day and night. Studies have shown that intense and lengthy endurance exercises can decrease libido in men.

  12. Heavy alcohol drinking: Increased alcohol consumption has been linked to low levels of sex drive. Men who drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages should reduce their intake in order to maintain a healthy sex life.

  13. Use of drugs: Tobacco, marijuana and other such drugs can decrease the levels of testosterone by negatively affecting its production. Smoking has also been linked to lower sex drive and reduced sperm count.

Take Away 

Do not hesitate to talk to a specialist if you are experiencing low levels of sex drive. Many factors may be responsible for the aforesaid. If it is due to heavy medications, just talk to your doctor and switch medications. If it is due to any chronic ailment, consider talking to a sex therapist about your issues. 

Apart from medications, you will have to change your lifestyle as well. Follow a strict balanced diet with nutrient-rich foods. Get enough sleep and practice stress management if necessary. Meditation can also enhance your mood and make you feel energized.

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