Can scalp psoriasis cause red spots?

Causes of Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp Psoriasis is a condition characterized by red, flaky, scaly patches of skin. It is seen most commonly in the scalp area, but may also appear in other regions of the body.
Scalp psoriasis is thought to be due to an underlying systemic problem. The exact cause of scalp psoriasis is unknown.
Scalp psoriasis occurs in both children and adults. Several risk factors are thought to increase the chance of developing scalp psoriasis. These include stress, scalp injury, arthritis, asthma, eczema, high fever when young, or family history of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.
Scalp psoriasis is a common and recurring skin disease that affects 2% to 3% of the worldwide population. Scalp psoriasis is an immune-mediated condition most commonly seen in young adults, but can also affect children, older adults, and even pets.
Can Scalp Psoriasis Cause Red Spots?
Scalp Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red spots on the scalp. It is more commonly seen in men than women. Scalp psoriasis may be caused by some bacteria, dandruff and it can worsen due to stress. The physical appearance of scalp psoriasis may be frightening but it can be perfectly treated.
Although it cannot be said for sure, stress and anxiety can worsen scalp psoriasis. Those with this condition may experience their symptoms worsening when under extreme stress.
Treatment for Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis can be embarrassing and visible. You might be hesitant to go out in public because of the red, scaly patches.
There are several treatments available to relieve the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is caused by the same factors that trigger plaque psoriasis, which can appear anywhere on the body, including the scalp.
Causes of scalp psoriasis include injury to the skin, genetic factors, stress, infections, immune disorder, heredity and certain medications.
When it comes to treatment for scalp psoriasis, the top options include ointments or creams applied directly to the skin to relieve symptoms.
Light therapy can also help in some cases. Clearance is another option for relief from symptoms of scalp psoriasis. It works by removing scales from the skin which can cause irritation.
Home Remedies to Get Relief From Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis is a very common type of psoriasis. It can affect your scalp, ears, neck, armpits, groin area, behind the knees, palms and soles of feet. Scalp psoriasis can be embarrassing and itchy. There are various home remedies for scalp psoriasis that you can try to get relief from it.
The remedies for different types of psoriasis are available in the form of oils, essential oils, lotions, ointments, creams and soaps. The home remedies for scalp psoriasis mentioned below can help you get relief from this condition.
- Aloe Vera Gel: This herbal gel has been touted as a cure for a variety of skin conditions because of its anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties. Aloe vera gel helps in bringing down the swelling and redness caused due to scalp psoriasis.
Consider using an aloe vera gel for your scalp psoriasis. Make sure that you buy a good quality aloe vera gel because otherwise, it may not be that effective at soothing inflammation caused by scalp psoriasis.
- Scalp massage: Apply a good oil, such as olive oil or jojoba oil to the scalp. Gently massage your scalp for about five minutes each day.
- Bacitracin: This ointment works by helping the skin heal itself, so it may help with scaling. It is applied twice daily.
- Vitamin E: Applied to the scalp three times per week will help the disease to clear up faster.
- Anti-fungal shampoos: Shampoos can be purchased at your doctor's office or at pharmacies that treat scalp psoriasis.
Complications Associated With Scalp Psoriasis
Bleeding and hair loss due to scalp psoriasis, is it possible?
Some people with scalp psoriasis complain of bleeding, pain, itching, burning sensations. The symptoms of bleeding and hair loss are common in some other scalp conditions too.
Scalp psoriasis is a non-contagious, autoimmune skin disorder. It can be triggered by stress or any other physical trauma. People who have suffered chemical burns or used certain medications for acne treatment are at a higher risk of getting this condition. Scalp psoriasis is not contagious, but it does have the potential to affect the entire body.
Bleeding and hair loss are two of the most annoying symptoms that are associated with scalp psoriasis. Bleeding may happen due to chronic scratching of the scalp. This causes trauma on the scalp with subsequent bleeding. The damaged areas wash out easily leading to blood on the scalp.
Hair loss due to scalp psoriasis is because the immune system attacks the skin cells leading to inflammation.
Take Away
Scalp psoriasis is a type of psoriasis, a skin disorder that causes red patches covered with white scales and can be itchy and painful. It can be triggered by stress and excessive use of hair dyes, and it also runs in families.
Scalp psoriasis is a common form of psoriasis that affects the scalp. Many people get confused between dandruff and psoriasis but they are both different conditions. The symptoms can be highly irritating and embarrassing. There are a few treatment options available to treat scalp psoriasis including over the counter treatments, prescription medications and in some cases surgery.