Benefits of lemon for skin

Benefits of Consuming Lemons
There are different kinds of lemons available all over the world. People use lemon in various ways, some medicinal and some for cosmetic purposes; some people make lemonade while others make lemon marmalade.
Lemon is a good source of vitamin C, it has antioxidants that help in eliminating free radicals in the body which is an important step in the prevention of cancer, heart diseases, ageing process etc.
With people engaged in a variety of activities, good health and wellness are of utmost importance. One of the most effective ways to stay healthy and fit is to consume lemons. Lemons are full of nutrients and can be used in a variety of ways.
The benefits of consuming lemons:
- Lemons are high in vitamin C and help boost immunity. They help prevent many diseases and infections and also help cure them.
- Lemons help people lose weight and also regulate blood pressure.
- Lemons cure liver ailments and disorders such as jaundice and hepatitis.
- Lemons keep the blood vessels healthy and keep cholesterol levels normal. The citric acid present in lemons helps to reduce the bad cholesterol level in the blood. It ultimately results in lowering the overall cholesterol levels.
- Regular consumption of lemon juice relieves indigestion and constipation. Lemon juice facilitates the easier digestion of food and prevents toxins from building up in the body by detoxifying it on a regular basis.
- Lemons contain a compound called D-limonene that is a known cancer fighter making your body a healthier place to live in.
Benefits of Lemon for Skin
The lemon has both practical and aesthetic value. The fruit of the lemon is more than just something to drink. It is also good for your skin. Lemons can be used to create homemade beauty products for your skin, so you do not have to spend your money on products that overcharge you.
Use the juice of half a lemon with one teaspoon of honey for a facial mask that will hydrate, nourish and rejuvenate your skin. This is also a great remedy that you can use with apple cider vinegar, honey and turmeric. Combine one cup of each into a paste that will tighten, refine and smooth your skin. Lemon juice is also excellent when used as a hair rinse to make hair shiny and prevent hair loss.
Keep in view that citrus fruits are high in acidic content, so if you are using lemon juice directly on your face or hair, make sure you are not allergic to citrus fruits or citrus juices, otherwise, it can irritate the skin.
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C along with minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. They also contain antioxidants that help fight off free radicals that can cause skin damage.
You can use lemon on your skin from the inside by drinking a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning. This detoxifies your liver and your skin. Just add a few wedges of lemon to your water. And throughout the day, when you’re feeling thirsty, instead of reaching for a sugary drink that could potentially dehydrate you, try a glass of lemon water instead.
Lemon for face can be used topically as well. To get the most out of the lemon peel, add some gram flour to it and rub it over your face to remove impurities from your pores, which will leave you with a fresher look and feel.
Lemon is rich in vitamin C, and it contains flavonoids and bioflavonoids like hesperidin and rutin. The seeds and oil of lemon also contain these nutrients and they're all especially beneficial for your skin.
Lemon has astringent properties that help tighten pores, reduce acne and remove dead skin cells. Also, it works as an antiseptic and can kill some bacteria that cause acne.
Lemon juice as an astringent is useful for oily skin, so rub a slice of lemon along with sugar to prepare a scrub. Apply it on your face every day after washing your face with a mild cleanser. You can also use lemon to remove calluses from your feet. To do so, rub a slice of lemon on your feet for a minute or two.
Take Away
In the old days, whenever a person wanted to apply lemon on his skin he had to rub it with salt first. The reason for this was that lemons have a very high acidic level which is harmful to the skin. After that, he had to dip his finger in olive oil and then rub it on his skin. This practice of mixing lemon with olive oil is still followed in some countries for preparing lemon salts.
Although a solution of lemon in water can be used to safely remove a stain from your clothes, it's important to note that the citric acid in lemons can cause skin irritation and permanent skin discoloration if it comes into contact with skin or eyes.
Normal exposure to lemon or lime juices won't cause any serious health problems. But the high concentration of citric acid in lemon juice and vitamin C tablets can cause side effects such as diarrhoea, nausea and stomach upset if consumed in large amounts. Consuming too much citrus fruit may also lead to kidney stones or other kidney-related disorders.